Abnormal Vitiation Of Doshas – Vaikruta Dosha Dushti

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
The dosha vitiation is the chief cause for manifestation of diseases. Among many types, Prakrita Dushti (normal vitiation) and Vaikruta Dushti (abnormal vitiation) are the important ones. 

Related Reading – Normal Dosha Vitiation In Relation To Digestion

Vaikrita Dosha Dushti

Vaikrita Dosha Dushti – Abnormal Dosha Vitiation
Doshas naturally increase in certain seasons. For example, Vata Dosha aggravates in rainy season. This is normal. But if other Doshas aggaravate in rainy season, it is considered abnormal.
When Dosha vitiation occurs in a season other than the specific dosha which should get naturally vitiated in that season, it is called Vaikruta Dushti or abnormal vitiation of doshas.

Vitiation of Pitta should take place in Sharad Rtu. Instead of this, if pitta gets vitiated in Vasanta Rtu (season for kapha vitiation) or Varsha Rtu (season for vata vitiation), the pitta is said to be abnormally vitiated because it is getting vitiated in some other season not assigned and designed for its vitiation. This is thus considered as vaikruta dushti of pitta.

Similarly, vitiation of Kapha in Sharad Rtu or Varsha Rtu instead of the season natural for its vitiation i.e. Vasanta Rtu, the kapha is said to be vitiated in an abnormal way i.e. vaikrita dushti of kapha.

Likewise, vitiation of Vata in Sharad Rtu or Vasanta Rtu instead of getting vitiated in Varsha Rtu, the season natural for its vitiation, vata is said to be undergoing abnormal vitiation i.e. vaikrita dushti of vata.

This type of vitiation of doshas is not easy to treat because they do not subside with the onset of change of season as it normally and naturally occurs in the prakrita dushti.

Feeling symptoms of increased vata in the morning or noon, those of increased pitta in the morning and evening and those of increased kapha in the noon and evening may also indicate the vaikrita dushti of those doshas in those times. This reflects the disturbed rhythm of the body functions and onset of disease process of feeble or higher gradient.


Importance of having knowledge of Vaikrita Dosha Dushti
Having a thorough knowledge of Vaikrita dushti is a must for a physician. Vaikrita dushti occurs in abnormal seasons which are not normal for their vitiation. Thus they produce Rutu Janya Vikaras or seasonal disorders. Precise knowledge of vaikrita dushti and its differential knowledge with respect to prakrita dushti of dosha helps a physician to discriminate and differentiate between normal and abnormal events happening in various seasons in terms of dosha vitiation. With this knowledge the physician will be able to advocate and educate his clients or patients regarding what needs to be done during a particular season and what not. A physician can also provide seasonal remedies for diseases arising in various seasons.

Knowing abnormal vitiation of doshas will enable the physician to derive at a correct conclusion in terms of treating the diseased conditions based on identification of the symptoms of dosha dushti or vitiated doshas.
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