40 Ways To Attain Salvation As Per Ayurveda – Nivrutti

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Pravritti means attachment to worldly pleasures and materials. Pravrtti is the basis of all types of miseries. This also leads to manifestation of many psychosomatic diseases. 

Related reading – Pravritti – Attachment to worldly pleasures

Nivritti or detachment from these pleasures which are the roots of miseries is the ideal way of attaining bliss and ultimate happiness in the life. This also forms the basis of leading a disease free and healthy life, free of stress. Nivritti also opens the pathway to attain moksha or salvation, which is one of the 4 main motives of human life (purushartha chatushtaya).

Nivritti definition

Meaning (definition) of Nivrtti
निवृत्तिः अपवर्गः तत् परं प्रशान्तं तत्तदक्षरं तत् ब्रह्मं स मोक्षः॥(च.शा.५/१२)
Nivritti or Detachment is salvation. Nivritti is Para or absolute. It is peace (prashanta), it is supreme (brahma), it is salvation (moksha).

40 ways of Nivritti

40 ways of Nivritti or detachment, 40 ways to attain moksha or salvation

Below mentioned (enlisted) are the 40 ways (methods) of attaining moksha or salvation –

  1. आचार्याभिगमन – One should always follow the principles, preaching and teachings of his preceptor (teacher)
  2. तस्य उपदेश अनुष्ठानम् – One should bring the principles and teachings that he has learnt from his teacher into action
  3. अग्नेरेव उपचर्य – One should respect and worship the fire
  4. धर्म शास्त्रानुगमनं – One should follow the principles told in religious literature and
  5. तदर्थावबोधः – Try to understand the real meaning of whatever has been explained in these religious texts and literatures and
  6. तेनावष्टम्भः – Should have utmost patience to follow the procedures mentioned in religious texts and
  7. तत्र यथोक्ताः क्रियाः – Should perform the actions as mentioned in the texts
  8. असतां परिवर्जनं – One should leave the company of untruthful (untrustworthy) people
  9. असङ्गति दुर्जनेन – One should abandon the company of bad people
  10. सत्यं सर्वभूतहितं पुरुषं अनतिकाल परीक्ष्य वचनं – One should always speak the truth, and speak words which are conducive for all living beings, should not use harsh words while speaking and should make choice of good words, and should speak after thinking
  11. सर्व प्राणीषु आत्मानीवविक्षा – One should consider and treat all living beings as he treats and values himself
  12. सर्वासम् अस्मरणम् असङ्कल्पनम् अप्रार्थनम् अनभिभाषणम् च स्त्रीणां – One should avoid all the contacts with women, including not remembering, not thinking, not requesting and not speaking to women
  13. सर्व परिग्रह त्यागः – One should avoid all belongings
  14. कौपीनं प्रच्छादनार्थं – One should own (only) a small cloth (sufficient enough) for covering his body
  15. धातु राग निवसनं – One should wear saffron colored cloth
  16. कन्यासीवनहेतोः सूचिपिघलकं – One should have needle for sewing the clothes
  17. शौचधानतोः जलकुण्डिक – One should arrange for and keep a water pot for cleanliness
  18. दण्डधारण – One should hold sacred stick (or stick to protect self)
  19. भैक्षचर्यार्थं पात्र – One should have a bowl for auspicious begging
  20. प्राण धारणार्थं एककालग्राम्यो यथोऽपपन्नोऽभ्यवहारः – One should take prescribed amount of food only once in a day so as to keep oneself alive
  21. श्रमापनयनार्थं शीर्ण शुष्क तृण पर्णास्तरणोपधानं – One should get a bed made up of dry leaves, grass etc prepared for sleeping and taking rest
  22. ध्यानहेतोः कायनिबन्धनं – One should arrange for a wooden plank for meditating
  23. वनेषु अनिकेतवासः – One should live in a forest, without a home to stay (reject home)
  24. तन्द्रा निद्रादि कर्म वर्जनं – Non-indulgence in drowsiness, lazyness etc. (one should always be active)
  25. इन्द्रियार्थेषु अनुराग उपताप निग्रहः – Avoiding love, hatred etc. and controlling sensory attractions
  26. सुप्ति स्तिह्त गत प्रेक्षित आहार विहार प्रत्यङ्ग चेष्टादिकेषु आरम्भेषु स्मृति पूर्वका प्रवृत्तिः – One should (learn to) control his sleep, awaking, activities, hunger, activities of daily living, thirst, efforts, movement of body parts, heat, happiness, miseries etc and handle them skilfully (by remembering what is good and what not, how much is good and how much not etc)
  27. शोक दैन्य मान उद्वेग मद लोभ राग ईर्ष्या भय क्रोधादिभिः असंचलनम् – One should be unperterbed by sorrow, miseries, respect, high end emotions and reactions (aggression), intoxication, greed, attachment, jealousy, fear, anger etc
  28. अहङ्कारादिषूपसर्ग संज्ञा – One should be devoid of egoism
  29. सत्कार स्तुति गर्ह अवमान क्षमत्वं – One should always perform good and noble actions and be unperturbed by praise, honor, criticism and results
  30. लोक पुरुषयोः सर्गादि सामान्यावेक्षणं – One should always rememeber the similarity between nature of the universe, self and creation (one should know and value that he is a part of this universe and the universe represents itself in each of us in a miniature form)
  31. कार्य कालात्यय भय – One should value time, should be afraid to postpone the actions which lead to salvation
  32. योगारम्भे सततं अनिर्वेदा – One should seriously get involved in Yogic practices and also practice them regularly and religiously
  33. सत्वोत्साहः – One should develop satvika qualities in oneself and also should develop enthusiasm
  34. अपवर्गाय धी धृति स्मृति बलाधानं – One should divert and direct his intelligence, courage, memory and strength towards attainment of salvation
  35. णीय़ांआणाम् ईण्डीय़ाआनाआम् छ्ःऎटाशी – One should have perfect control over his sense organs and mind
  36. चेतस अत्मनि अत्मतश्च – In that person, the soul should be controlling his mind and the soul should control him (self)
  37. धातु भेदेन शरीर अवयव संख्यानाम् अभिसमीक्षणं – The person should have cognition of all the tissues and organs (within him, making him) intricately
  38. सर्वकारणवद् दुःखमस्वमनित्यमित्यभुपगमः अस्वम् – One should realize that all the non-eternal worldly things are the cause for all sorts of miseries and do not belong to self
  39. सर्व प्रवृत्तिषु अवघसंज्ञा – One should consider all the factors which lead to attachment as sinful
  40. सर्वसन्यासे सुखमित्यभिनिवेशः – One should realize that the detachment is the cause of all sorts of happiness

Just Before Finishing –
 Attachment is misery. Detachment is bliss, happiness and route to attain salvation or moksha. In this article I have detailed about Nivrutti or detachment from worldly pleasures as the source of attaining salvation and also 40 methods or ways of attaining salvation.
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