Gaining Inspiration And Health Tips From Sir M Visvesvaraya

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya (Vishweshwaraiah) was one of the legendary personalities of India, a pride of the South Indian state of Karnataka and a humble human being. Called with love as Sir MV, Vishvesvaraya (1861-1962) was a famous Indian Engineer, a scholar, statesman and Diwan of Mysore (1912-1918). He was conferred with the prestigious Bharat Ratna, India’s highest honor, in the year 1955, as he rightly deserved it. 

For all the good works he had done towards welfare of public, Sir MV was knighted as KCIE (Knight Commander of the British Indian Empire) by King George V. India celebrates Sir MV’s birthday i.e. 15th September (every year) as Engineer’s Day as a tribute to this legend and in his memory. He is held in high regard as the pre-eminent Engineer of India.

Apart from being a good engineer, Sir MV was also an exceptional thinker and philosopher by thoughts. He was a living saint, compassionate towards the living beings. He was much disciplined in his life, advocated and preached healthy living. His life span of 101 years and all the fitness he carried is a pointer for his well balanced lifestyle. It shows that he was a humble student of life.

I was inspired when I happened to read the tips for healthy living given by Sir MV, in an alphabetical order. I consider it to be a dictionary of ‘principles of healthy living’.

In this article I would like to share these valuable tips given to us by Sir MV, an Engineer’s view of ‘Living Healthy and Happy’, and great contribution towards ‘comprehensive body-mind engineering’.

Sir MV’S Tips for healthy and happy life
A – Attend carefully to all the details
B- Be prompt in all things
C- Consider well, and then decide positively
D- Dare to do right, fear to do wrong
E- Endure trials patiently

F- Fight life’s battle bravely
G- Go not into society of vicious
H – Hold integrity sacred
I – Injure not one’s reputation
J- Join hands with virtuous

K – Keep your mind free from all thoughts
L – Lie not for my consideration
M – Make many friends
N- Never try to appear what you are not
O – Observe good manners
P- Pay your debts promptly

Q- Question not the veracity of friend
R- Respect the counsel of your parents
S- Sacrifice money rather than principle
T – Trust thyself
U – Use your leisure for improvement

V- Venture not on threshold of wrong
W- Watch carefully over your passions
X- Xtend to everyone a kindly greeting
Y – Yield not to discouragement
Z – Zealously labor for the right and success is certain

Ayurvedic connect, my observations
I was really impressed by these quotations by Sir MV. I felt that they resembled the principles of Dinacharya (Diurnal activities, what to do and what not on daily basis, day to day life), Sadvritta (circle of goodness, what to do and what not, to be accepted and respected in the society), Sadachara (noble and good deeds that we do to others and society) and Achara Rasayana (code and conduct of life, behavioral science) as explained in various Ayurvedic treatises. These principles have been laid and framed by ancient Ayurvedic teachers and seers and have been the golden rules for a comprehensive healthy and happy life. Following these principles regularly would prevent many diseases and also enable quick healing of many psycho-somatic diseases. These principles have been true to every bit, and are applicable at every point of human evolution.

By following these principles one would lead a good personal and public life, will garner respect and honored in the society. These thoughts are good for and applicable for personality development, if seriously followed and adapted in one’s life. While doing good to oneself, one can also do good for the society. At the same time one can lead a healthy, noble and happy life.

Keep looking this space for my articles on ‘Dinacharya’, ‘Sadvritta’ and ‘Achara Rasayana’

Just Before Finish –
If everyone follows these principles in a given mass of community, society or country, many things would be in harmony. There will be better tolerance and the brotherhood will be enriched. These principles will help one to be a better human being and enable him or her to evolve to a level of ‘being human’. I would like to salute the nobility and simplicity of Sir MV for giving us these tips to be better self and to evolve ourselves to the highest grades of humanity!
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