Vedanasthapana Gana – Pain Relieving Group Of Herbs Review, Benefits

By Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD.
Pain is the most irritating and troublesome agony which hurts us a lot. Also the pain may be manifested in any parts of the body. So we seek medicines which are helpful to relieve the pain.
Few of the medicaments give us enough strength to bear the pain also. Both are together known as Vedanasthapana drugs.
Usually they are of utmost use in the conditions of joint pain and muscular pains. Other words the drugs used for the purpose of Vedanasthapana are having the ability to reduce the swelling, pain as well as infections too.

Characters and actions of each drug of this group will explore the rationality behind the drug action and utility
Let us review the quality and action of these drugs one by one in brief –

Vedanasthapana Gana

1. Shala (Shorea robusta Gaertn. f. ) – Stem bark or Resin
Absorbant, steptic, clearant of circulatory system, analgesic etc.

2. Katphala – Myrica nagi Stem bark
Decongestant, anti asthmatic, anti tussive, expectorant etc.

3. Kadamba (Anthocephalus indicus A. Rich. ) Stem bark
Anti rheumatic, analgesic, anti inflammatory etc

4. Padmaka – Prunus cerasoides – Stem bark or Heart wood
Anti hyperglycemic, blood purifier, scraping, cholegogue, anti inflammatory, uterine tonic etc.

5. Tumbaru (Zanthoxylum alatum Roxb.) – Stem bark or Thorns
Anti inflammatory, anti arthritic, analgesic, decongestant etc.

6. Mocharasa (Salmalia malabarica Schott and Endl. ) – Resin
Absorbant, anti diarrhoeal, steptic, restorative etc.

7. Shirisha (Albizzi lebbeck Benth.) – Stem bark
Blood purifier, anti poisonous, immune modulator, broncho dilator etc.

8. Vanjula/Vetasa (Salix caprea Linn.) – Stem bark
Anti inflammatory, wound healing, fracture healing etc.

9. Elavaluka (Prunus avium Linn.) – Stem bark
Blood purifier, scraping, anti inflammatory, anti arthritic etc.

10. Ashoka (Saraca indica Linn.) – Stem bark
Steptic, uterine tonic, hemetenic, astringent tonic, absorbant etc.
Qualities in general and actions of Vedanasthapana gana drugs:
The drugs referred under this group are bitter or astringent inn taste followed with pungent taste in few of the drugs. Most drugs are hot in potency and pungent in metabolic change. They are stable – heavy – hot – unctuous in quality.


These herbs act as analgesic, anti inflammatory, anti spasmodic, steptic and astringent tonics.
Therapeutic uses of Vedanasthapana gana drugs:

The formulations possessing these ingredients are effective in acute and chronic painful conditions of the joint and muscles, degenerative joint disorders, chronic fever, diarrhea, obesity, mal absorption syndromes etc.

Ayurvedic medicines

Formulations containing Vedanasthapana drugs :
Padmakadi kashaya, Ashokarishtha, Vetasadi kashya, Shireeshadi kashaya, Shireesharishtha etc are the important formulations possessing the ingredients of Vedanasthapana gana.


Disadvantages of Vedanasthapana gana drugs:
In fact the above drugs are not having any specific disadvantages or contra indications. However those who are having the allergic manifestation to any of its ingredients should be careful while taking the formulations referred over here.

Simple formulations that can be made from the above drugs and their application in routine practice:
Fine powder or paste of Tumbaru (Zanthoxylum alatum Roxb. ) is effective in tooth ache. In head ache its fine paste is applied over the forehead. Hot infusion of Padmaka is beneficial obesity and hyper cholesterol conditions.

Formulation development opportunities

As the drugs referred here are effective in pain and inflammatory conditions the ingredients can be used directly or their aqueous extracts can be used to prepare the liniments as well as analgesic ointments. Good hope is found while designing the analgesic medicated oils also. In rheumatoid arthritis cases their paste can be made and applied by making into warm.

While using herbo mineral preparations few of the ingredients can be added and their capsules may be found very effective in arthritis cases as well as neuromuscular health issues.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD


  • Nikhitha

    Does this drugs give the immediate relief as anaesthetic


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