Tiryaka Tadasana Swaying Palm Tree Pose, Method, Benefits, Side Effects

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay), Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Tiryaka Tadasana is an Asana in which the posture appears like a swaying palm tree. It is a variant of Tadasana.
Meaning –
Tiryak = Swaying, Oblique
Tada = Palm tree
Asana = Pose, Posture 

Salient features

  • It is a very good stretching pose and is easy to perform.
  • It is one of the asanas performed in the practice of Shankhaprakshalana, a part of cleansing techniques of Shat Karmas (of Hatha Yoga practice).

Method of doing Tiryak Tadasana

Technique 1

Positioning –
Stand straight on an even surface.
Keep your legs together. Let the hands be by the side of your thighs.
Keep your spine erect and straight, open up your chest.
Interlock your fingers of both hands such that the palms of both hands face downwards.

Performing the Tiryaka Tadasana (next steps) –
Left Bend

  • After interlocking your fingers, slowly raise your hands upwards over your head while slowly inhaling (allow the fingers be locked)
  • Stretch your hands upwards and straight such that the biceps of your arms touch your ears.
  • Now bend slowly sideways to your left side keeping your hands straight and your biceps touching your ears. Exhale while you take the bend. Try to bend as much as possible.
  • Stay at the point of maximum bend and feel the stretch on your opposite side (right side) feeling the stretch from the waist to the shoulders and hands.
  • Now come up to the center (point of start of the asana) as you slowly inhale.

Right Bend
Now repeat the same steps towards the right side from the neutral point or point of start.

  • Slowly raise your hands with interlocked fingers upwards over your head while slowly inhaling (allow the fingers be locked)
  • Stretch your hands upwards and straight such that the biceps of your arms touch your ears.
  • Now bend slowly sideways to your right side keeping your hands straight and your biceps touching your ears. Exhale while you take the bend. Try to bend as much as possible.
  • Stay at the point of maximum bend and feel the stretch on your opposite side (left side) feeling the stretch from the waist to the shoulders and hands.
  • Now come up to the center (point of start of the asana) as you slowly inhale.

Release from the asana

  • From the central point (point of start), slowly bring your interlocked hands downwards while exhaling
  • Release your fingers from each other and keep your hands by the sides of your thighs
  • Keep your legs apart and relax for a while

Technique 2

This technique is almost the same as the 1st technique with small changes in the procedure of doing.

  • Stand straight on an even surface.
  • Keep your legs together. Let the hands be by the side of your thighs.
  • Rise up your hands (upper limbs) sideways. Inhale as you raise your hands.
  • When hands reach to the shoulder level, turn your palms upwards and start raising your hands again over your head
  • Stretch your hands upwards further such that your biceps touch your ears.
  • Now interlock the fingers of both your hands. After interlocking your fingers, turn your palm upwards. This will provide a good stretch to your biceps and triceps muscles.
  • Now bend slowly sideways to your right side keeping your hands straight and your biceps touching your ears. Exhale while you take the bend. Try to bend as much as possible.
  • Stay at the point of maximum bend and feel the stretch on your opposite side (left side) feeling the stretch from the waist to the shoulders and hands.
  • Now come up to the center (point of start of the asana) as you slowly inhale.
  • At this point, remove the interlock of your fingers and keep your hands stretched palms facing each other
  • Slowly bring your hands down as you exhale
  • When the hands are parallel to the shoulders turn your palms downwards and start coming back again.
  • Keep your hands by the side of your thighs
  • Keep your legs apart and relax
  • Repeat the same procedure towards the right side and feel the stretch on your opposite side.

Duration, precautions

How many times shall Tiryak Tadasana be done in totality?
Tadasana shall be done for 10-15 times in a flow or even more than that depending upon the capacity of an individual.

Precautions in relation to Tiryaka Tadasana
Tiryak Tadasana shall be avoided in the presence of one or more of the below mentioned conditions –

  • Hernia
  • Severe back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Slip disc
  • Hypertension and vertigo
  • Heart diseases
  • Severe cervical pain
  • Severe headache
  • Spinal injuries

Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Tiryak Tadasana
Below mentioned are the benefits of Tiryak Tadasana –

  • It helps to reduce the belly fat, especially the fat accumulated around your waist and trims your waist
  • Provides a nice stretch to the muscles of the arms and legs, stretches the spine and relaxes the body
  • It gives good stretch to the sides
  • Tones the liver while bending towards the right as the asana provides good stretch to the liver
  • In adolescents and young adults, it corrects scoliosis
  • Provides good stretch and opens up the chest. It helps in clearing the phlegm from the lungs. Thus it is very beneficial in asthma, bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.
  • Improves blood circulation in the kidneys, liver and spleen, thus improving the health and functioning of these organs
  • Stimulates the bowel movements
  • Helps in stretching the ribs and side muscles and stretches all the compressed joints above your waist. As a result of this comfortable stretch, blood and nutrients flow more smoothly into these joints. The lubrication of the joints also is enhanced.

Related reading – Tiryak Tadasan, it’s physiological effects

Effect on Chakras

Effect of Tiryak Tadasana on the Chakras
Tiryak Tadasana effectively helps in balancing and stimulating the Muladhara Chakra and (or) Manipura Chakra.

Related Video
Watch this video to follow the method of doing Tiryak Tadasana

Contraindications, side effects

People with severe back spasm, back pain and stiffness need to take care, not to strain while doing this Asana.
It is best to take up this or any other Asana after consulting a Yoga expert.

Effect on Doshas

Effect of Tiryak Tadasana on Doshas and their subtypes –

Destroys Morbid Kapha – Tiryak Tadasana helps in chest expansion and stretch. It also helps in clearing excess phlegm accumulated in the chest and thus cures asthma, bronchitis and other breathing disorders. While clearing the morbid kapha, it also clears the pathway of Vayu (Vyana Vayu to be precise). This further helps in free movement of blood, oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body, since vikshepa karma or distribution of important things in the body from one part to the other is under the control of Vayu. Thus, Tiryak Tadasana helps in enhanced and proper circulation and oxygenation to organs and tissues.

Controls and Balances Apana Vayu – Tiryak Tadasana controls and balances the lower Vayu, Apana Vayu. When it does so, the movement and excretion of stools and urine, menstruation and ejaculation will be easy process. This also helps in flexibility of muscles and joints in the lower limb, hip and low back. Balance of Apana Vayu and Muladhara Chakra in the lower zone will enable one to be grounded and secured. Tiryak Tadasana is an ideal treatment for constipation.

Stimulates Pachaka Pitta and Agni – Tiryak Tadasana stimulates Pachaka Pitta (and hence agni or digestive fire) and Samana Vayu. Thus, this asana helps in aiding good digestion, also through activation of Manipura Chakra which is the energy center governing the digestive apparatus.

Effect on Dhatus

Effect of Tiryak Tadasana on Dhatus –

Tones Mamsa Dhatu – Since Tiryak Tadasana is one of the good exercises which provide your body an ‘ideal stretching’, it tones up the Mamsa Dhatu or muscle tissue. The health of mamsa dhatu is directly proportional to good overall health (Sama Mamsa Pramanastu…).

Destroys Medo Dhatu – Fat around your tummy is a dangerous sign, it is a mirror image of many diseases at the backdrop. Tiryak Tadasana helps in clearing the fat depots around your belly and waist when practiced regularly.

Effect on Malas

Effect of Tiryak Tadasana on Malas –

Aids proper excretion of mala and mutra – By stimulating, activating and controlling the functions of Apana Vayu, this asana helps in proper excretion of urine and feces.

Just Before Finish
In this article I have covered in detail about Tiryak Tadasana, a variant of Tadasana and one of the asanas performed in Shankha Prakshalana. It is one of the good stretch exercises for the spine, thorax and abdomen. It enhances the flexibility of spine and muscles and helps in preventing and curing many diseases.
Click to Consult Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ayu)

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