Vishaghna Mahakashaya Anti toxic Herbs: Review, Benefits, Formulations

This article is written by Dr M S Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD.
The drug which has the potency to pacify the toxic effects is called ‘Vishaghna’ in general. Such drugs are of immediate necessity now a days as most of the food what we eat is contaminated and only the drugs which are having soothing effect, chelating effect or demulcent effect will help to pacify the probable toxic effects of the drugs.

Most of the drugs explained under this broad heading are potent detoxifiers and have the ability purify from the toxic effects both by internal and external uses.

Vishaghna Gana

Let us review the quality and action of these drugs of Vishagna Mahakashayam one by one in brief –

1. Haridra (turmeric – Curcuma longa) – Rhizome
Scraping, anti hyperglycemic, complexion enhancer, anti oxidant, stimulant, detoxifier etc

2. Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia Linn.) – Whole plant
Blood purifier, colorant, circulation provider, anti arthritic etc.

3. Suvaha – Operculina turpethumRoot
Laxative, blood purifier, scraping, anti spasmodic, anti flatulent etc.

4. Sukshma Ela – Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton.) – Fruits
Detoxifier, antacid, demulcent, diuretic, soothing, expectorant etc.

5. Palindi – Ichnocarpus frutescens (Linn.) R.BrRoot, Leucas cephalotus Linn – Whole plant
Liver stimulant, cholegogue, anti pyretic, vaso dilator, scraping etc.

6. Chandana – Sandalwood – Santalum albumHeart wood
Coolant, complexion enhancer, blood purifier, soothing etc.

7. Kathaka (Strychnos potatorium Linn. f.) – Seeds
Blood purifier, anti hyperglycaemic, scraping etc.

8. Shirisha (Albizia lebbeck Benth.) – Stem bark
Detoxifier, immune modulator, anti histaminic, blood purifier etc.

9. Sindhuvara (Vitex negundo) – Leaves and Roots
Anti inflammatory, analgesic, detoxifier, neuro – stimulant etc

10. Shleshmataka (Cordia dichotama Forst. f.) – Seeds and stem bark
Absorbant, demulcent, anti spasmodic, anti inflammatory etc.

Qualities, Actions

Qualities in general and actions of Vishagna gana drugs:
The drugs of the above said group possess either of the actions like blood purifying, demulcent, immune modulator, cytoprotective and detoxifying nature. Due to this kind of action this group of drugs helps in the restoration of the vitality, strengthening the disease resistance and to nullify or decline the possible poisonous properties. In turn, this helps in the restoration of the vital organs or different relative systems.

Therapeutic uses

Therapeutic uses of Vishagna gana drugs:
The drugs mentioned under the above heading are useful in most of the chronic poisoning conditions and few of the acute poisoning cases too. Food poisoning, poisoning due to cosmetics, toxicity related to the liver, kidney and heart etc can be managed by these herbs alone or with suitable modern medication. Incompatible food induced health issues, drug induced toxicity etc can also be managed well by these drugs and formulations.

Ayurvedic formulations

Formulations containing Vishaghna drugs :
Dashanga Lepa, Mahamanjishthadi kashaya, Chandanasava, Chandanadi lepa, Shireeshadi agada, Kathakakhadiradi kashaya etc are the few important formulations derived out of these drugs.

Several simple and effective applications (lepa) are also explained in various contexts,especially in Sushruta samhita, Yogaratnakara, Sahasrayoga etc.


Disadvantages of Vishaghna gana drugs:
Appropriate dose of the drugs and suitable combination plays significant role out of these simple herbs. So even though absolute contra indications cannot be explored dose and combination should be appropriate among the above said drugs as well as the possible other combinations too.

Simple formulations

Simple formulations that can be made from the above drugs and their application in routine practice:
In local skin irritations and in minor topical poisoning the application of the fine paste of Haridra, Chandana, Shireesha, Palindi etc have proven to be effective. Also emesis by the fresh juice or decoction of Sindhuvara or Shleshmataka in chronic food poisoning is practiced in the traditional medicine un earths the hidden potency of the herbal resources. Similarly Shireesha acts as an effective herb in the cases of acute and chronic toxicity of liver and skin.

Formulation development opportunities:
Good and effective detoxifying medicines can be planned out of the above drugs or in addition to some other ingredients to counteract the present day lifestyle disorders as well as common toxicity induced by the commonly practiced medicines in palliative disorders. Also the probable undesired effects and adverse reactions can also be minimized by such formulations.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD.

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