Stanyashodhana Gana: Breastmilk Detoxifying Herbs: Review, Benefits

This article is written by Dr M S Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD.
Like the breast milk increasing, breast milk cleansing and detoxifying drugs are also of utmost importance as the pure and clean milk can only be the reason for the growth and health of the child.

So the drugs mentioned under the heading of ‘Sthanyashodhana’(breast milk purifying) have significant impact over the quality of the breast milk. This helps a lot to prevent the possible diseases of the breast in mothers as well as in the milk borne diseases of the kids.

Stanya Shodhana Gana

 Let us review the quality and action of these drugs one by one in brief –

1. Patha (Cissampelos pareira Linn.) – Roots
Anti diarrhoeal, stabilizer, bitter tonic, absorbent etc.

2. Mahausadha – Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) – Rhizome
Digwestive, carminative, anti flatulent, anti inflammatory, anti flatulent etc.

3. Suradaru (Cedrus deodara) – Stem, Heartwood
Anti inflammatory, analgesic, appetizer, stimulant etc.

4. Musta (Cyperus rotundus) – Rhizome
Digestive, antispasmodic, anti flatulent, absorbent, anti diarrhoeal etc.

5. Murva (Clematis triloba Heyne ex Roth.) – Stem
Anti pyretic, anti histaminic, digestive, appetizer etc.

6. Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia Miers.) – Stem
Rejuvinative, blood purifier, anti pyretic, anti inflammatory etc.

7. Vatsaka – Kutaja (Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall.) – Seeds
Anti diarrhoeal, antipyretic, bitter tonic, anti biotic etc.

8. Kiratatikta (Swertia chirata Buch – Ham.) – Whole plant
Antipyretic, anti inflammatory, bitter tonic, liver stimulant, appetizer etc.

9. Katurohini – Picrorhiza kurroa – Roots
Laxative, anti biotic, liver stimulant, appetizer, blood purifier etc.

10. Sariva – Indian Sarsaparilla – Hemidesmus indicus – Roots
Blood purifier, coolant, cholegogue, antacid etc.

Qualities, Actions

Qualities in general and actions of Sthanyashodhana gana drugs:
The drugs specified under this heading are sweet, bitter or astringent in taste. They are cold in potency and most of the drugs are undergoing pungent kind of metabolic changes. These herbs are dry – light and cold in nature. They act as laxative, anti microbial, antacid, blood purifier and appetizers.

Due to the above said characters the drugs are helpful to purify the breast milk in effective way.

Therapeutic uses

Therapeutic uses of Sthanya shodhaka gana drugs:
The drugs and formulations derived out of the Sthanyashodhaka gana drugs altogether useful in various breast disorders like mastitis, mastalgia, breast milk suppression induced health issues etc.

In addition to this they are useful in several other ill health conditions also. The important ones are pyrexia of unknown origin, indigestion, obstructive jaundice, acid peptic disorders etc.

Ayurvedic medicines

Formulations containing Stanyashodhana drugs :
Pushyanuga choorna, Devadarvadi kashaya, Mustakadyarishtha, Murvadi kashaya, Cchinnaruhadi kashaya, Amritottara kashaya, Sarivadyasava, Patolakaturohinyadi kashaya, Tiktakadi kashaya, Kutajamustakadi kashaya, Kutajarishtha etc are the important formulations containing the member drugs of Sthanyashodhana gana.


Disadvantages of Sthanya shodhana gana drugs:
Most of the drugs and formulations are bitter in nature and hence it may cause little debility initially. So, debilitated individuals should avoid this preparation if not directly recommended in the specific conditions.

Excess intake of the above said drugs may lead to purgation in few of the individuals who have Mridu koshtha/Pitta prakriti. So it is administered with utmost care in such people.

Simple formulations

Simple formulations that can be made from the above drugs and their application in routine practice:
For the purpose of breast milk purification both local application and internal administration are recommended. The drugs like Katukarohini, Kiratatikta, Murva etc can be made into fine paste and applied over the breast. But, in such cases while breast feeding, it should be washed thoroughly and administered with care.

In mild kind of breast milk vitiation Katukarihini paste alone is useful for both external application as well as internal administration. Patha roots being the master drug for breast milk purification, it can be used for application as well as internal administration.

Formulation development opportunities:
Potent and safe herbal powder, tablets and syrups can be prepared so as to tackle the breast milk vitiation induced health issues. Instead of opting for hormonal therapies and anti biotics the potent effects of herbal medicines can be utilized in this respect, undoubtedly.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD.


  • Dr. Shama Aphale

    Please inform where can I get Stanya Shodhan Kashay containing all these ingredients.


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