Shukra Shodhana Gana: Semen Detoxifying Herbs: Review, Formulations

This article is written by Dr M S Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD.
Ayurvedic classical literature do emphasize even the minutest aspects of our life. Their care and concern is highly appreciable. This is more appropriate with respect to the quality of the sperm. 

In practice we come across the in incidences where sperm count is appropriate and in spite of all other concern healthy conditions conception becomes difficult. On thorough review the sexologists will appreciate the poor quality of the semen in such individuals. Ayurvedic medicines which have the action of purifying the sperm or semen will give master stroke in such cases.
The drugs which purify semen and sperm and restore their normal physiology.

Shukra Shodhana Gana

Let us review the quality and action of these drugs one by one in brief –
1. Kustha (Saussurea lappa B. Clarke. ) – Rhizome
Anti inflammatory, diuretic, anti microbial, anti tussive, expectorant, immune modulator etc.

2. Elavaluka (Brunus cerasus Linn.) – Seeds
Anti biotic, anti inflammatory, coolant, soothener of uro genital system, diuretic etc.

3. Katphala – Myrica nagi – Stem bark
Expectorant, anti tussive, broncho dilator, stabilizer etc.

4. Samudraphena (Internal – cell of Sepia officinalis. ) – mineral origin drug
Carminative, digestive, lithotripsic, anti flatulent, anti spasmodic etc.

5. Kadamba (Anthocephalus indicus A. Rich. ) – Gum/resin
Absorbant, anti hyperglycemic, bulk enhancer, stabilizer etc.

6. Ikshu – Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum Linn. ) – Roots/juice
Diuretic, coolant, cholegogue, energizer, tonic etc.

7. Kandeksu (Saccharum spontaneum Linn. ) – Roots
Cholegogue, energizer, diuretic, coolant, soothing, lithotripsic etc.

8. Ikhsuraka (Asteracantha longifolia Nees. ) – Roots/Stem
Anti inflammatory, analgesic, immune modulator, alkalizer etc.

9. Vasuka (Indigofera enneaphylla Linn. ) – Whole plant
Strengthner of uro genital system, absorbant, antim tussive, anti histaminic etc.

10. Ushira – Vetiver – Vetiveria zizanioides – Roots
Diuretic, coolant, lithotripsic, antacid, replenisher, rejuvinative, blood purifier etc.

Qualities, Actions

Qualities in general and actions of Shukra shodhana gana drugs:

The above specified drugs of Shukra shodhana gana are generally cold in potency and sweet mixed bitter in taste. Usually they undergo sweet kind of metabolic change (madhura vipaka) . They are light – unctous – cold – slow – stable in quality.

These drugs undoubtedly purify the semen qualitatively; also they act as diuretics(mutrala), coolants (sheetala/pittahara), lithotripsic(ashmarihara), general tonics/bitter tonics(balya/tikta balya) and antacids (pittaprashamana/amlapitta prashamana).

Therapeutic uses

Therapeutic uses of Shukra shodhana gana drugs:
Hukrashodhana drugs individually and altogether helpful in several uro – genital disorders such as urinary calculi, dysurea, spermatorrhoea, haemeturia, proteinurea etc. In addition, they are useful in general debility and in bilious health conditions. In liver disorders and immunological disorders too they are applicable in various forms.

Ayurvedic medicines

Formulations containing Sukrashodhana drugs :
Punarnavadi kashaya, Gokshuradi kashaya, Trinapanchamoola kashaya, Ashmarihara kashaya, Kokilakshadi kashaya, Chyavanaprasha etc contain few of the drugs of Shukrashodhana gana.


Disadvantages of Shukrashodhana gana drugs:
Even though they are not having any absolute contra indications, administration of the decoctions containing these drugs in young children may cause dysurea or burning urination as few of the drugs like Katphala, Kushtha etc may increase pitta in few of the individuals.

Simple formulations that can be made from the above drugs and their application in routine practice:

In minor health issues related to uro – genital system the drugs like Kushtha, Kokilaksha/Ikshuraka, Usheera etc can be made into fine powder and can be taken along with coconut water or tender coconut water. The drugs like Samudraphena and Katphala are having wound healing property too. Fine powder of these can be dusted over the wounds and healing can be appreciated in simple and infected wounds.

Formulation development opportunities:
Suitable formulations like tablets or syrups can be made out of the above said drugs or in association with other drugs to treat the conditions related to structural defects of sperm or to regulate the motility and viscosity of the sperm.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD.

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