Shukra-Mamsala Vastis: Enemas to Improve Semen And Muscle Bulk

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Shukra means semen or male reproductive fluid which consists of sperms, Shukrala means that which produces or enhances the quantity of semen.
Mamsa means muscles, Mamsala means that which produces or enhances the quantity of muscles. 

Vasti means medicated enema
Shukra Mamsala Vastis means medicated enemas which enhance the quantity of best quality semen and muscles
Read related: Introduction of Vasti

Shukra Mamsala Vasti

Kakolyadi Niruha basti


  • Kakoli – Roscoea procera
  • Ksheerakakoli – Lilium polphyllum
  • Mudgaparni – Phaseolus trilobus
  • Shatavari – Asparagus racemosus

The decoction prepared using these herbs is used for enema

Vidaryadi Niruha Vasti

Ingredients –

The decoction prepared using these herbs is used for enema

Atmaguptadi Niruha Vasti

Ingredients of Atmaguptadi Niruha Vasti –

  • Atmagupta phala – Fruits of Mucuna pruriens
  • Masha – Black Gram
  • Godhuma – Wheat
  • Yava – Barley

The decoction prepared using these herbs is used for enema

Jalaja – Anupaja Mamsarasa Vasti

Ingredients of Jalaja Aanupaja Niruha Vasti –

  • Jalaja Pashu Pakshi Mamsarasa – Meat soup of aquatic animals and birds
  • Aanupaja Pashu Pakshi Mamsarasa – Meat soup of animals and birds living in marshy and wet lands

The decoction prepared using these herbs is used for enema

Note – In all the above said Shukra Mamsala Niruha Vastis (herbal decoction or evacuation enemas), the essential ingredients of Vasti i.e. Saindhava lavana (rock salt), Makshika (honey), Sneha (medicated oil or ghee), Kalka (paste of the herbs with which kashaya or decoction is prepared) and milk are mixed with the prepared Kashaya (decoction of the mentioned herbs) or Mamsarasa (meat soup, in the 4th preparation) so as to prepare a homogenous mixture. The resultant liquid is used to give enema.

Method of preparation – The method of preparation of Vasti Dravya (enema fluid) is common for all the preparations. As said above, Saindhava Lavana, Madhu (honey), Sneha, Kalka and Kashaya are mixed one after the other in that order until the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and form a homogenous compound (The contents should not form separate layers after the preparation). The enema should be given lukewarm after testing the temperature.

Properties, mode of action

Properties and Mode of action of the Shukra Mamsala Vastis
Mamsa or Muscles are important tissues which help in coordinating our daily activities. They help in various movements needed for activities of daily living. Semen is the reproductive fluid which helps in procreation. Shukra or semen is said to be form from the essence of all the tissues during the chronological nutrition of tissues by ahara rasa (nutritive fluid formed after digestion of food in the stomach).

The utility and advantage of these Vastis is that they enhance both Mamsa and Shukra in terms of quality and quantity, optimize them in the body and provide good health and immunity.

Good quality and quantity of Mamsa is equated to a balanced and established Bala (strength and immunity). Thus, best quality and quantity of mamsa dhatu determines strength, endurance and integrity of the body. Similarly it is said ‘Shukrayattam Balam Pumsaam’ i.e. presence of optimum shukra (good quality and quantity of semen) also reflects, determines and defines the strength, endurance, integrity and immunity.

Vayu or Vata is the controlling and driving force behind all the physical and mental activities. Vitiated Vata is responsible for many diseases including degenerative and autoimmune disorders. Vitiated Vata also causes dhatukshaya (pathological reduction in quality and quantity of tissues) including mamsa and shukra dhatus. When this Vata is controlled and kept in a state of equilibrium, the health is at its optimum best.

Vasti, as we know is the best in the business of controlling the vitiated Vata (and other doshas also). Vasti is a comprehensive treatment for both diseased and healthy people. It promotes health, is anti-ageing, and enhances strength, integrity, composure, endurance and immunity of the body. The above said formulations are used in the form of Vasti.

The above mentioned Shukra Mamsala Vastis, by the virtue of extremely good qualities of their ingredients and the wisdom of their combination help in controlling Vata, prevent degeneration of tissues, establish optimum mamsa and shukra and also help in curing many diseases related to contaminated mamsa and shukra.

Most of the ingredients of the above said formulations are Vrushya (semen and sperm enhancing), Shukra janana (Spermopiotics), Brimhana (muscle bulk enhancing, strength providing), Balya (strength and immunity promoters), Rasayana (rejuvenators, anti-ageing, immune-modulators) and effective Vata Hara (antagonistic to morbid vata) in nature. Owing to these qualities, the combination of the above said formulations work as effective units. They are chiefly targeted towards enhancing shukra and mamsa to optimum levels.

Properties of ingredients

Properties of the ingredients of Shukra Mamsala Vastis
Shatavari, Vidari, Yashtimadhu, Masha, Godhuma and Atmagupta are also good Vrishyas (Aphrodisiacs). Shatavari and Vidari are also good shukrala (enhances the quality and quantity of sperms and semen). Shatavari is also a good Ayushya and Vayasthapani (anti-ageing medicine) and Rasayana (immune-modulator). Atmagupta is also a good Brumhani (nourishing, muscle bulk enhancing) and Balya (enhances strength, immunity).

Mudgaparni is known to treat oligospermia (low count of sperms in semen) and also to improve body weight.

Kakoli and Ksheerakakoli being part of Ashtavarga group of herbs, have Shukrajanana (Spermopiotic) property.

Masha is said to be Mamsa Samana (vegetarian equivalent to meat), it enhances muscle bulk and strength and is an important food (nutritive). Godhuma, apart from being a good nutritional food, is also a good balya and mamsa vardhaka (provides strength, enhances muscle strength and bulk).

Yava or Barley is an important diet and is wholesome food and medicine for uro-genital system. It is antioxidant and good nutrition.

The mamsa rasas or meat soups are known to enhance the bulk of the muscles, quality and quantity of all tissues in general and also to promote health and wellbeing. Their benefit magnifies when used in the form of enemas.

Clinical utility, benefits

Clinical utility and benefits of Shukra Mamsala Vastis
Shukra Mamsala Vastis are effectively used in the below mentioned conditions –

  • Impotence
  • Sterility
  • Azoospermia
  • Oligospermia
  • Spermosthenia
  • Inadequate semen
  • Loss of libido
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Muscle pains and fatigue
  • Neuromuscular disorders
  • Musculo-skeletal disorders
  • Myalgia
  • Muscular rheumatism
  • Myositis
  • Fibro-myositis etc

Click to Consult Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ayu)

One comment

  • SH

    Sir , according to you , this comes under asthapan basti .
    My question is , can we give ksheerpakas of these in very low quantity like 30-40ml along with ghee as matra basti ?
    so the mixture being totally snigdha with no honey and saindhav in low quantity can act as matra basti .
    Please elaborate


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