Camel Grass Cymbopogon schoenanthus Remedies: Bodyache, Sinusitis

This article is written by Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD.


Camel Grass is called Rohisha in Ayurveda. It possesses good amounts of volatile oil. It is used for the treatment of abdomical colic pain, gastritis, cough, fever etc. 

Sanskrit name – Rohisha, Kat trina, Sougandhika, Bhootika, Dhyamaka etc.
Botanical name – Cymbopogon schoenanthus
Graminae family
Other English names – Rosha Grass, Camel grass, camel’s hay, fever grass, geranium grass, West Indian lemon grass
used part – leaves, roots.

Camel grass leaves have very appreciable aroma and the plant can be felt by sqeezing the leaves.
Geranium oil is extracted from the leaves which is also known as Rosha grass oil.

The leaves are hot in nature if taken internally; whereas they appear cool when applied!
Classical text Bhavaprakasha text explains the drug as good for abdominal pain, gastritis, cough, fever etc.

The drug is possessing sweet mixed bitter taste and undergoes pungent kind of bio transformation.
Rosha grass oil has international market and it is used in food industries, cosmetics, textile industries and in various dye and color preparations.

Home remedies

Camel grass remedies:

Cough, cold, headache

Rosha grass hot infusion for cold, cough, sore throat, headache etc:
The Rosha grass is taken a fist full, added with 4 parts of hot water, macerated and filtered. This hot infusion is administered in the dose of 30-40 ml, as per the need twice or thrice a day. This is effective in cold, cough, sore throat, headache etc.

Headache, nasal congestion

Application of fine paste for headache and nasal congestion:
Tender grass is made into fine paste and applied over forehead. This relieves the nasal congestion and headache. Also this relieves the stress.

Urticaria, body dryness

Rosha grass cooked milk for urticarial rashes and dryness of the body:
10-15 gram of the fresh grass is cooked with a cup of milk. A pinch of turmeric powder is added and administered. This relieves urticarial rashes and dryness of the body.

Joint stiffness, muscular pain

Decoction of the Rosha grass for stiffness of the joints and muscle pain:
The grass decoction is administered in the dose of 20-30 ml along with fine powder of ginger or cumin seeds. This relieves the pain and stiffness of the joint.
General method of preparation of decoction (kashaya) – 1 tablespoon of powder is added with 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to 1 cup, filtered.


Rosha grass oil instillation for sinusitis and nasal congestion/blockage:
The readily available grass oil is instilled to the nostrils (in adults). This relieves the nasal congestion and sinusitis.

Indigestion, flatulence

Water distillate of the grass for indigestion and flatulence:
Water distillate of the grass is administered along with butter milk or warm water. This relieves the digestion related health issues.

One can not neglect the medicinal use of even a grass. Grass being an annular crop should be collected and processed in time. Because in the matured grass the yield of percentage of volatile oil is significantly reduced. Appropriate time of collection and its transport plays major role in getting maximum yield from the drug Rohisha grass.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD

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