Mistletoe Dendrophthoe falcata Remedies: Abscess, Bleeding Disorders

This article is by Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD.
Mistletoe is a parasitic herb used in Ayurveda as an herbal remedy. The roots and flowers of Mistletoe as well as whole plants can be used in herbal medicine. It is also called HoneySuckle. In Ayurveda, it is called Vanda, Vandaka and Bandaka.
Botanical name – Dendrophthoe falcata
Loranthaceae family.  (Bandhaka kula)

In Ayurveda, it is told as –
Tridosha shamaka – balances all the three Doshas
It undergoes Pungent kind of bio transformation (Katu vipaka)
It is cold in potency (Sheeta veerya).

The plants are available in different colors (flowers); violet mixed white flowers are found abundantly in western ghats.
Read related: Bandaka: Dendrophthoe falcata Uses, Remedies, Research

Home remedies


Fine powder of the leaves/whole plant for dusting over the wounds:
The dried leaves or the whole plant is made into fine powder. This is dusted over the oozing wounds and ulcers. 5-8 days of this remedy helps to seize the pus discharge and initiates the healing.

Swellings, abscess

Fine paste of the leaf for swellings and abscess:
Leaf is made into a fine paste and warmed a little. This is applied over the abscess and inflamed areas.

Convulsions, hysteria

Decoction of leaves and flowers for convulsions and hysteria:
The leaves or flowers or both are taken and made into decoction. This is administered in 20 – 30 ml dose, once or twice a day after food by adding a teaspoon of ghee. This is effective in convulsions and hysteria.
General method of preparation of decoction (kashaya) – 1 tablespoon of powder is added with 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to 1 cup, filtered. 

Bleeding disorders

Fresh juice of the leaves for bleeding disorders:
The leaves are made into hot infusion or decoction. This is administered in the dose of 30-40 ml twice daily. This is effective in all kinds of bleeding disorders. In bleeding piles and heavy periods also this is found to be highly beneficial.

Classical reference

Classical reference of Vaidya manorama –
It explains that the Parasite loranthus developed over the Udumbara (Ficus glomeruta) is made into decoction and administered along with milk or ghee for the pregnant women who are at the risk of abortion.

Medicinal properties are hidden in various forms. Some stones, soil, sand, ores, shells and likewise in uncommon parts like galls, resins and plant parasites also have therapeutic properties are found. Careful watching, cross references from different classical texts, words of wisdom by the folk healers and scientific validation will help to throw light on these hidden remedies.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD

Sthanika Karma (Systemic Action)

External use – It has Anti inflammatory action. Externally it is used in wounds, aberrations etc.
Internal administration-
Nervous system – Strengthens the nervous system, Indicated in Epilepsy, insanity, Convulsive disorders etc.
Digestive System – Absorbent. indicated in Diarrhea, Dysentery, Bloody diarrhea etc.
Circulatory System – Indicated in bleeding disorders, edema etc. good for heart
Respiratory system – Pacifies kapha dosha, indicated in cough, asthma etc.
Reproductive system – Garbhasthapaka (Helps to retain pregnancy)
Excretory system – Indicated in Asmari (Bladder stone), Dysuria

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