kantkari Solanum xanthocarpum Remedies: Cold, Headache, Tonsillitis

This article is by Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD.
Kantkari is one among the Dashamoola group of ten roots of Ayurveda. It especially falls under Laghu panchamoola group. The plant is available in two varieties namely white and blue flowered plants. White one is named as Lakshmana. It is considered to be precious and has significant effect in urogenital system. 

Botanical name – Solanum surattence Burm. F., Solanum xanthocarpum
Solanaceae family
English name – Wild eggplant.
Used part: Roots are the main usable parts of the plant, whole plant can be used for therapeutic purpose which is classically evident in the context of ‘Vyaghree hareetaki’ formulation.

The plant is found as weed in several states of India; Assam, Karnataka, Punjab, Bengal, Kerala and Tamilnadu are its natural habitats.
The fruit contains solenocarpin. Other alkaloids found in the plant are solenin, solenocide etc.
It undergoes Pungent kind of bio-transformation and it is hot in potency.

The studies have revealed its potent analgesic, anti inflammatory, anti bacterial and anti tussive properties.
Read related: Kantakari – Solanum surattense – Benefits, Dose, Usage, Side Effects

Home remedies

Solanum xanthocarpum remedies:

Asthma, bronchitis

Dry fruit decoction for asthma, cold and chronic bronchitis:
Dried fruits are collected and made into decoction. This is administered in the dose of
20-30 ml in adults and
5-10 ml in children.
If necessary a teaspoon of honey, jaggery or sugar may be added. This has significant benefits in asthma, cold and chronic bronchitis.
General method of preparation of decoction (kashaya) – 1 tablespoon of powder is added with 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to 1 cup, filtered. 

Tonsillitis, breathlessness

Root decoction for tonsilitis and breathlessness:
The roots are made into coarse powder and decoction or hot infusion is prepared. 20- 30 ml of this, is administered twice a day after food for the treatment of chronic rhinitis, tonsillitis , breathlessness and sore throat.

Headache, anosmia

Fruit oil in headache and anosmia (loss of smell) :
Ripe fruits are taken and fresh juice is obtained. To this equal amount of sesame oil and water are added and oil is cooked. This oil is used as errhine ( nasal drops – nasya taila).
It has significant effect in sinusitis, headache and anosmia conditions.

Upper respiratory tract infections

Whole plant decoction or syrup for URTI:
The Kantakari whole plant is taken and its decoction or syrup is made. This can be administered to all the age group. It is equally beneficial in acute and chronic upper respiratory tract infections.

The plants like Kantakari are potent and safe single drugs which have multi form utility. The Kashaya fromulations and Lehya formulations derived out of this drug have proven its good efficacy inn several minor to major illness conditions of Respiratory system.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD

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