GorakhMundi Sphaeranthus indicus Remedies: Jaundice, Dysuria, Nerve Pain

This article is by Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD.
Some medicinal plants appear as weed or they are not cultivated. They are instead procured from natural habitat. Gorakhmundi is one such drug which is usually found in the waste land or in the wheat or rice fields after crop harvesting. When the plant matures beautiful violet coloured spherical flowers appear. 

Botanical name – Sphaeranthus indicus Linn.
Compositae family (Bhringaraja Kula).

Whole plant is used in therapeutics. Leaves are especially rich with medicinal principles.
Another variety of Mundi is called Maha mundi or Maha shravani; it is botanically named as Sphaeranthus africans.

Classical texts appreciate this plant as a bitter ton is and memory enhancing/stimulating drug.
The plant is possessing a yellow colored volatile oil and few of the beneficial salts.

The plants are evaluated for its potent analgesic, anti inflammatory, immuno-modulator, liver stimulant and hepato-protective properties with significant positive findings.

According to Ayurvedic classical texts the plant is Tridoshahara in nature and it is under going Sweet biotransformation and is hot in potency.
Read related: Gorakh mundi Sphaeranthus indicus: Uses, Research, Side Effect

Home remedies

Gorakhmundi remedies:

Obstructive jaundice

Mundi leaf juice for obstructive jaundice:
The fresh leaf juice is administered early in the morning preferably in empty stomach. This cures obstructive jaundice effectively. According to the severity of the illness the medicine may be administered for 10-14 days.
Read related: Liver Diseases: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies

Headache, repeated stomach complaints

Leaf or whole plant decoction for headache and repeated stomach upset:
The leaves or whole plants are taken and decoction is made. This can be administered as per the requirement. Its very good effect can be observed in headache and stomach upset conditions.
General method of preparation of decoction (kashaya) – 1 tablespoon of powder is added with 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to 1 cup, filtered. 

Neurological disorders

Plant traditional oil for neurological disorders:
The leaves (or whole plant) are made into fine paste and oil is cooked by taking sesame oil as the base. This oil is used to apply over the body parts where one complains about aching pain, neuralgia, tingling sensation etc.

Rhinitis, urticaria, type II DM

Fine powder with honey for running nose, urticaria, Type II DM etc:
Fine powder of the plant is administered in the dose of 1-2 gram twice or thrice a day with warm water. It has proven efficacy in the conditions like recurrent rhinitis, urticarial rashes, blood borne disorders, Type II DM, jaundice and anorexia.

Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly

Leaf decoction for hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, indigestion, dysuria and pyuria:
The leaves are made into decoction and administered twice daily for seven days. According to the need, powder of pepper or long pepper may be added for its enhanced effect. This is found to be quite effective in the conditions like hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, indigestion, dysuria, pyuria, phosphaturia,  spermatorrhoea etc.

A weed becomes a medicine. A weed will take the position of a garden plant also. Mundi is the excellent example in this regard.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD

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