Gojihwa Onosma bracteatum Remedies: Cough, Urinary Calculi, Stomatitis

This article is by Dr M S Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD.
Gojihwa herb is named so, because the leaves appear similar to tongue (jihwa) of the cow (Go).
Botanical name is Onosma bracteatum Wall
Boraginaceae family. 

The plants are commonly found in Himalayan ranges, Kashmir, Kumaon, Iran, Afghanisthan and few African countris.
The leaves are rich with calcium (27%), Iron, Potassium and Sodium.

The plant undergoes Sweet kind of biotransformation and is cold in potency. It pacifies vata and pitta doshas.
Leaves are usually used for the treatment. Tribals use even thr fruits for medicinal purpose.

The plant is well recognized for its potent broncho dilating, anti asthmatic and healing properties.
Gojihwadi kwatha is an effective formulation of this drug indicated in asthma, cough, phlegm, eosinophilia etc.
Read related: Gojihva Onosma bracteatum Remedies: Cough, Urinary Calculi, Stomatitis

Home remedies

Cough, phlegm

Leaf fresh juice with honey for cough and phlegm:
Fresh leaves are collected and crushed to obtain fresh juice. To 10 ml of juice, 1 taspoon of honey and 2 pinches of rock salt are added and administered once or twice a day, after food. This acts as a good expectorant and relieves cough, phlegm, throat irritation, tonsilitis etc.

Chest congestion, asthma

Leaf decoction for chest congestion, phlegm, asthma:
The fresh or dried leaves can be used to prepare the decoction. This is administererd in the dose of 30-40 ml twice or thrice daily. It cures chest congestion, phlegm accumulation, asthma, tonsilitis etc. As per ones requirement Sitopaladi choorna, Talisadi choorna or Karpooradi choorna etc can also be used to get enhanced effect.
General method of preparation of decoction (kashaya) – 1 tablespoon of powder is added with 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to 1 cup, filtered. 

Mouth ulcers

Ash of leaves for stomatitis (mouth ulcers)
Dry leaves are burnt in open air and ash is made. A pinch of the ash is mixed with honey and applied over the lesions of stomatitis. Initially it causes slight  burning sensation and gradually heals the lesions.
Read related: Mouth Ulcers: Ayurvedic Treatment, Medicines, Remedies, Tips

Jaundice, dysuria

Alkaline water for jaundice, dysuria, urinary calculi and indigestion:
The leaves or whole plant is made into ash. it is dissolved with 10 times of water. This is kept for 1-2 hour and later supernatant water is decanted. This alkaline water is administered in the dose of 5-8 ml twice daily. This helps to cure jaundice, dysuria, urinary calc uli, indigestion, acid peptic disorders etc. This dosage form is called Kshara Jala in Ayurveda.


Fine paste of leaf for wound healing:
Fine paste of leaf is applied over non healing ulcers, with sesame oil or oil of turpentine. This helps to heal the area with lesser time period.

In earlier days the leaves of this plant was used for the debridement of the wounds where they used to rub the surface of the leaf over the edges of the wounds so as to improve the blood circulation.

Likewise to take out the thick scales of psoriasis, dermatosis conditions etc it was used. The innovative approach of our ancient scholars to use natural resources like Gojihva leaves is worth appreciation.
Consult Dr Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD

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