Gambhari Gmelina arborea Remedies: Menopausal Syndrome, Arthritis

This article is by Dr M S Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD.


Gambhari is one among the Dashamoola(ten most useful roots useful in inflammatory disorders).
Botanical name – Gmelina arborea Linn
verbenaceaecv family. 

Roots are the authentic used parts. Now-a-days stem is usually used. Fruits are edible and are used as true substitutes for grapes! This is because quality wise it resembles all the characters and actions of raisins.

Roots are appreciated as the anti inflammatory, purgative and analgesic in nature.
The plants are found abundantly in the Himalayan ranges, Nilgiris and eastern and western coastal belts.

The roots of the plant are rich in yellow oil which has potent anti microbial, anti biotic and analgesic properties. The fruits are reported to be containg butyric acid and tartaric acid.

Ayurvedic medicines

Being one among the ingredient of Dashamoola the drug remains as an important ingredient in amost all preparations like Dashamoola taila, Dashamoola rasayana, Dashamoola hareetaki, Dashamoola kashaya, Dashamoolarishtha, Brihatpanchamoola kashaya etc. Also Shriparnyadi taila, Shriparnyadi kashaya etc are the other few recipes where Shriparni (Gambhari) wiil be the master drug.

Folklore practitioners of Bababudan giri, Soligas and Guni tribal people use Gambhari in several ill health conditions. Also they appreciate its fruits for nutritive benefits.
Read related: Gambhari Gmelina Arborea Uses, Side Effects, Dose

Gambhari remedies

Body ache

Root and stem bark decoction for bodyache:
The roots and stem bark obtained from a moderately matured plant is made into decoction and used internally. This pacifies generalised body ache and relieves the swelling found all over the body.
General method of preparation of decoction (kashaya) – 1 tablespoon of powder is added with 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to 1 cup, filtered. 


Leaf paste application for headache:
Fine paste of the mature leaves is applied over the scalp and forehead. To get the counter irritant effect, slight pepper can also be added. This relieves headache and heaviness of the eyes and head.


Stem bark and leaf paste for degenerative osteo arthritis:
The stem bark and leaves are taken together and crushed well to obtain fine paste. This paste is applied over affected joints in case of degenerative arthritis. This subsides the pain and swellingn of the joints.
Read related: OsteoArthritis: Symptoms, Prevention, Lifestyle tips, Ayurvedic treatment

Dysuria, peri menopausal syndrome

Fruit Cold infusion in dysuria, peri menopausal syndrome:
Ripe fruits are collected and dried under moderate sunshade. These fruits (1 or 2) are taken and soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours. Later this is macerated well and by adding little sugar it is mixed well. This is used as Sharabath or cold infusion. It is very effective in bilious conditions, head ache, burning of the body, burning foot syndrome, menopausal troubles etc.

In recent years cultivation of Gambhari trees is reported to be very profitable business. Because there is increased demand for the Indian variety of Gambhari in Western countries due to its potent and natural anti inflammatory action and analgesic effect.

If agriculture and horticulture departments extend their utmost help and subsidy in its cultivation the need of pure and authentic organic drugs like Gambhari will be fulfilled soon. Lets watch and wait for a confident days in near future.
Consult Dr Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD

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