Ayurvedic Wheat Flour Ladoo With Jaggery: Preparation, Benefits

By Prof. Vd Rangaprasad Bhat.

Here is an Ayurvedic Laddu prepared with wheat flour to balance Vata and Pitta Dosha, useful in hemorrhoids, sexual weakness, aches and pains, burning sensation and excess sweating. 


Wheat flour – 100 grams
Ghee – 10 grams
Jaggery or sugar candy – 30 grams
Water – 100 ml.
Dry fruits coarse powder – raisins, almonds – 10 grams
Cardamom fine powder- 2 grams

Method of preparation

How to prepare wheat flour ladoo with jaggery? 
Take wheat powder in a wide mouthed vessel. Add ghee. Mix them and fry for 3 – 5 minutes.
In a separate vessel, take jaggery with water, heat it.
It first liquefies to form a solution then it starts solidifying upon heating.
While heating, if you take the semisolid mix between thumb and index finger (be careful, it will be hot), if you can make 1 – 2 threads between the two fingers, then stop heating.
Mix the fried wheat powder with hot jaggery solution
Add dry fruits and cardamom.
Roll them into table tennis ball shaped laddus with the help of palm of your hands. 

Dose, benefits

Dose – 10 grams once or twice a day, at the start of meals.
Shelf life – 1 – 2 months. Do not refrigerate. Store in air tight container.
Can be consumed during pregnancy, lactation and by children.
Avoid if diabetic, or obese. 

Benefits of Wheat Ladoo:
Balances Vata and Pitta Doshas.
Increases Kapha Dosha.
Improves Digestion Strength.
provides instant energy when consumed upon getting tired from the sexual activity.
Useful in sexual weakness, fatigue, tiredness, exhaustion.
Useful to improve weight in case of low body weight.
Read related: Feeling tired all the time? 10 Reasons and solutions

Indications, Reference

Indicated in
Udgara – sour belching,
hyperacidity, GERD,
Aches and pains,
Burning sensation and excess sweating.

Reference: In the Kritanna Varga of Ayurvedamahodadhi of vaidya Sushena, over the context of Modaka, a recipe of sweet dish named amrtaphalam is mentioned as follows.

Sanskrit verse

Verse from Ayurvedamahodadhi:

Because of the ability to provide instant energy to a person in a state of exhaustion this preparation is named as Amruta Phala (similar to nectar in providing the result).

The above reference in Ayurveda Mahodadhi, follows immediately that of the wheat Modak.
Read related:
Ayurvedic Health Benefits Of Modak, Preparation Method

Further more, from the references of Kshema Kutuhala, it is understood that the Amruta phala is a sweet recipe prepared from wheat powder (godhūma cūrṇa) being used as base to form a round bolus resembling ladoo. 
Click to consult Vd. Rangaprasad Bhat


  • Ravi

    There is a typo “solidify” instead of liquify. Anyways Is it really written in shastras that these ladoos should be eaten at the start of the meals ?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, as per Ayurveda, sweet is to be consumed in the first part of meals.

  • ritesh makharia

    i got made these ladhoo… very good article.


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