Garbhadana Sukta: Hymn For Conception

By Prof. Vd. Rangaprasad Bhat
Disclaimer: This article is only for the purpose of information. The article does not make any claim that the procedure explained would ensure successful conception.

Garbhadana Sukta: 2/25/1-13
The sage empowering and emanating through this s?kta is brahm? rishi.
The devata for this sookta is yonigarbha. The Chandas meter which is advised to chant this sukta is 1 anustup


The following hym – suktam is indicated for persons who find difficulty (in spite of being medically treated) in conceiving a child due to various medical reasons. It is advised to be under medications while following the chanting of the mantras, to have an advantage of healing from both the medicines and the mantr?s to achive the result.
The mantra invokes for the presence of various devat?s within the human sharira to help rectify the energy imbalance preventing the garbh?dh?na,  in the form of request.
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ParvatAd divo yonera ~ NgAda ~ NgAt samAmRRitam |
Shepo garbhasya retAda: sarau parNamivA dadhyat || 2.25.1 ||
YatheyaM pRRiMthivI mahI bhUtAnam garbhamAdadhe |
Eva dadhAmi te garbhaM tasmai tvAmavase huve || 2.25.2 ||
I do not understand the sinister language.
Garbha m ashvinobha dhattam puShkarasrajA || 2.25.3 ||
GarbhaM te mitrAvaruNau garbhaM devo bRRihaspati: |
GarbhaM ta indrashcAgnishcha garbham dhAtA dadhAtu te || 2.25.4 ||
ViShNuryoniM kalpayatu tvaShTA rUpANi piMshatu |
A si ~ nachatu prajApatirdhAtA garbhaM dadhAtu te | 2.25.5 ||
Yad veda rAjA varuNo yad vA devI sarasvatI |
Yadindro vRRitrahA veda tad garbhakaraNaM piba || 2.25. 6 ||
Garbho asyoShadhInam garbho vanaspatInAm |
Garbho vishvasya bhUtasya so agne garbhameha dhA: || 2.25.7 ||
I am sorry to say yes!
VRRiShAsi vRRiShNyAvan prajAyai tvA newAmasi || 2.25.8 ||
Vi jihIShva bArhatsAme garbhaste yonimA shayAm |
AduShTe devA: putraM somapA ubhayAvinam || 2.25.9 ||
DhAta: shreShThena rUpeNAsyA nAryA gavInyo: |
Pamamsaam putrama dhehi dashame mAsi sUtave || 2.25.10 ||
TvaShTa: shreShThena rUpeNAsyA nAryA gavInyo: |
Pamamsaam putrama dhehi dashame mAsi sUtave || 2.25.11 ||
Savita :: shreShThena rUpeNAsyA nAryA gavInyo: |
Pamamsaam putrama dhehi dashame mAsi sUtave || 2.25.12 ||
PrajApate shreShThena rUpeNAsyA nAryA gavInyo: |
PumAMsaM putramA dhehi dashame mAsi sUtave || 2.25.13 ||


Read related: Hymns For Cardiac Ailments, Jaundice, Fever

They guard the world, together they promote religious rites, avenge sin, and are the lords of truth and light).
Brihaspati = lord of prayer or devotion. Name of a deity (in whom Piety and Religion are personified; he is the chief offerer of prayers and sacrifices, and therefore represented as the type of the priestly order, and the purohita of the gods with whom he intercedes for men; in later times he is the god of wisdom and eloquence, to whom various works are ascribed; he is also regarded as son of  angiras  , husband Tara and father of kaca , and sometimes identified with vyasa in astronomy he is the regent of Jupiter and often identified with that planet.

Let the Gods present with in the sarira, being aware of the science and knowledge behind the causes of impregnation), drink those rasa within and bestow with stability of maintaining the pregnancy. || 2.25.6  ||Let lord bestow the development of the embryo; and bestow with the structures and organs to mould the shape of the fetus. And Prajapati deva bestow with unfaultered impregnation and help the fertilization process, and bestow with successful gestation/pregnancy. || 2.25.5 ||

Hey Agni deva ! you are the garbha aka substratum for the medicinal herbs and vanaspati (plant kingdom), and to the entire living beings in the universe too. Hence hey Agni Deva please bestow and provide stability to this garbha (fetus). || 2.25.7 ||

Hey mighty and vigourous skanda deva, bestow the foetus inside the garbha, with your mightyness and help us achieve an healthy offspring. || 2.25.8 ||

{ Note :- Gestation is the period of development of the young in viviparous animals, from the time of fertilization of the oocyte (ovum) to birth; see also pregnancy.

The gestation period in other words is the duration of pregnancy, in the human female whose  average length is calculated from the first day of the last normal menstrual period, is 280 days.
The normal limits of the human gestation period are from 37 weeks (259 days) to 42 weeks (293 days); days and weeks are counted as completed days and weeks. If one counts from the moment of conception, the length of time is 266 days. The 280 days as per english calender accounts to 9.33 months when one considers 30 days as an average for a month.

Having said that – the da?ame m?si s?tave as stated in the Atharva veda, may on the outlook seem to be contradicting the 9 months period of gestation as one happens to see in the current trend of living. It may be noted that, the Indian calender of lunar months have just 28 days in it. Hence the 280 days of gestation (9.33 months of English calender) in now is diffrent from the 10 months of Indian calender equalling 280 days in total }.

Hey deva by the virtue of your power, direct the embryo to uterus through either of the two gavinis (fallopian tubes) of this n?ri and bestow her with a male child and ensure that she delivers the child by tenth month. ||2.25.11 ||

Hey deva by the virtue of your power, direct the embryo to uterus through either of the two gavinis (fallopian tubes) of this woman and bestow her with a male child and ensure that she delivers the child by tenth month. ||2.25.12 || Click to consult Prof. Vd. Rangaprasad Bhat

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