Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) and Dr Manasa, BAMS
Nabhi Purana is an Ayurvedic treatment method. Here, navel pit is filled with medicaments, mainly medicated oils. It is mainly indicated in treating Vata and Pitta disorders.
Table of Contents
Method of Nabhi Poorana
In this procedure medicated oils, mainly the Vata alleviating oils like Mahanarayana Taila, Ksheerabala Taila, Gandharvahastadi Taila, Brihat Masha Taila, Hingu Triguna Taila etc are instilled in the form of drops until the pit of the navel gets filled. In pitta predominant conditions Ghrita may be used or medicated ghrita (ghee) shall be mixed with taila to make effective combination.
The oils are made lukewarm before administration.
Warm oil is instilled in the nabhi using a sterile spoon or dropper. Care is taken not to spill the oil. The patient is advised to sleep without making movements. The oil is kept in place from 30-45 minutes depending on the condition of the disease and patient.
The oil may be removed after a period of 30-45 minutes. The treatment is best done on an empty stomach and avoided after food.
Benefits of Nabhi Poorana
This is mostly done to combat vitiated Vata, especially Apana and Samana subtypes of Vata.
Nabhi Purana is highly beneficial in Vata induced painful conditions of the abdomen especially pain associated with colic, uterine pain or spasms due to dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), urinary bladder pain and dysuria (painful urination), gaseous distension and bloating etc.
Nabhi Purana helps in expelling the apana vayu. Thus it may help in relieving constipation and gases in the colon, setting right the functions of urinary bladder, bowel and uterus.
Nabhi Purana corrects functions of Samana Vayu and thus helps in correcting impairment of digestion. It may thus help in correcting digestive errors like indigestion and anorexia, which are roots of many disorders.
Nabhi Purana controls the Pitta and hence the pitta sthanas (pitta sites or seats of pitta). It also combats morbid pitta and regulates pitta activities, mainly those related with digestive functions.
Clinical experience
My clinical experience with Nabhi Purana
I have tackled a few cases of painful conditions of abdomen, and disorders related with disturbances of pachaka pitta (pitta subtype located in the stomach and intestines taking part in digestive functions) and apana vayu (vayu subtype located below navel region in the region of colon and pelvis including the regions of urinary bladder and uterus).
Nabhi purana with Mahanarayana Taila has time and again given relief in dysmenorrhoea, abdominal colic occurring due to peptic ulcers and high pitta. I have used Gandharvahastadi taila and or Hingutriguna Tailam nabhi purana for gaseous distension, abdominal colic, bloating and constipation. Nabhi Purana with oils help in mitigating vitiated Vata and Pitta.
I should admit that I have used some disease modifying herbal compounds along with Nabhi Purana in a few stubborn cases.
In few more I have combined Virechana using Gandharvahastadi tailam, Nimbamritadi Eranda Tailam, Trivrit Leham, Avipatti Churnam, Sukumara Ghritam, Hingutriguna Tailam etc compounds.
Oral medicines which combat pain and vitiated vata and pitta like Shankha Vati, Gandharvahastadi Kashayam, Shulavajrini Vati, Gulmakuthara Rasa, Vatavidhwamsa Ras etc were administered as per condition.
In some cases only nabhi purana was enough. Ultimately it is wise to chose doing nabhi purana individually or in combination with effective medicines seeing the severity of the condition and dosha vitiation. The cause of pain should be analyzed and a perfect diagnosis should be made before choosing to opt Nabhi Purana. Nabhi Purana shall not be tried in complicated abdominal cases and emergency conditions. The patient shall be referred to the specialties if the pain abdomen is not getting controlled in spite of administering Nabhi Purana and oral medications.
Click to Consult Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ayu)
Nabhi Puran for knee pain?
Sir, is balaashwagandhadi tailam good for nabhi puran, in case of joint pain in a vata-pitta young man?
Nabhi Puran is applying or filling the navel pit with herbal oil. Nabhi Puran is mainly done to balance Vata and Pitta dosha. This is specifically targeted towards digestive tract related issues such as indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, constipation, abdominal colic pain, incomplete bowel evacuation, heartburn, peptic ulcers etc.
Joint pain and Nabhi Puran
When the Vata dosha is extremely imbalanced in the gut, it produces symptoms like bloating, constipation, liver disorders, hemorrhoids etc. This aggravated Vata dosha in the intestines may also cause low backache, hip pain and knee pain.
For this condition, nabhi puran can be useful, along with Virechana, Basti Panchakarma and oral Ayurvedic medicines with asafoetida, cumin, black cumin, Vacha, ajwain, dill seeds, rock salt, fennel, etc.
But if the joint pain is caused due to osteoarthritis, injury, gout etc., there Nabhi Puran might not be useful. There, Panchakarma, local therapies such as kati basti, janu basti, pichu, and oral medicines to counter vata dosha and reduce inflammation such as Yograj Guggul, Mahayograj guggul etc. are more useful.
The principle behind this is, the therapies should be concentrated on
a. Root of origin of disease
b. Place where maximum symptoms of the diseases are seen.
Are there any general things one can do as ‘home remedy’ in this area, like putting some general oils in nabhi region once a day or something like that (specifically I’m interested in general vata+pitta pacification)?
rajendar menen
Can one apply coconut oil or any other easily available oil in the navel? Does it have any benefits?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Yes. Sesame oil or castor oil is good to have healthy bowels.
Namaste sir
In dysmenorrhoea can it be used during the time . Like usually abhyangadi procedures are contraindicated right .
R used as pre procedure in those who hv a ongoing c /o dysmenorrhoea
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
It can be useful in dysmenorrhoea.
Rajesh Balki
DR. Can we use combination of oils like
coconut oil ,
sesame oil ,
castor oil ,
musterd oil ,
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Using four oils together is unnecessary.
Manali Zaveri
Can we eat-drink immediately after doing Nabhi Puran??
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
At least 30 minutes gap is ideal