Annadrava Shoola: Definition, Treatment, Remedies

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay)
Anna means food, drava means liquids, the pain (colic) which is associated and aggravates with food and liquids is called anna drava shula.
The pain which begins after the digestion of food, during the process of digestion and also during indigestion and remains constant is called Anna drava shoola, which is said to be incurable. 

Anna drava shoola doesn’t get relieved by taking wholesome (pathya) food or unwholesome food (apathy), neither on consuming food nor on not consuming food (starving)

Annadrava Shula

जीर्णे जीर्यति अजीर्णे च यत् शूलम् उपजायते।
तत् अपि असाध्यं नित्यत्वात् उक्तम् वैध्य विशारदैः॥ (यो.र.शूल चिकित्सा.१)

The pain (colic) which is associated and aggravates with food (anna) and liquids (drava) is called anna drava shula

The pain which begins after the digestion of food, during the process of digestion and also during indigestion and remains constant is called Anna drava shula. This condition is said to be incurable.

Anna drava shoola doesn’t get relieved by taking wholesome (pathya) food or unwholesome food (apathy), neither on consuming food nor on not consuming food (starving)

Ayurvedic medicines

Useful medicines in Parinama Shula and Anna drava shula

  • Shuntyadi Kalka – Equal parts of shunti (ginger), tila (sesame) and guda (jaggery) are taken and made into paste. This paste is taken with milk
  • Shuntyadi Ksheera – Equal parts of shunti (ginger), tila (sesame) and guda (jaggery) are taken and made into paste, processed or boiled in milk, and served warm
  • Shambuka bhasma (snail shell ash) with hot water (125 mg mixed in hot water, twice daily before food)
  • Pathyadi loha – Powder of Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), 2-2 ½ grams mixed with Loha bhasma (calcined preparation / ash of iron) mixed in cow’s ghee should be taken twice daily
  • Krishnadi Loha – Powder of Pippali (Piper longum) and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), 1-1 ½ grams each mixed with Loha Bhasma (125 mg) with 1 spoon honey and 2 spoon ghee should be administered.

Yogas From Sahasra Yoga Text Book
Deepaneeya Peya
Indukantha Ghrita
Dasanga Ghrita
Sasa Vasadi Ghrita
Trikatukadi Choorna (Choorna Raja)
Kayampurandaradi Choorna
Hingu Twagadi Choorna
Karpooradi Choorna
Modakadi Choorna
Soolari Choorna
Soolahara Choorna
Swayam Bhasma
Mahavriksha Lavana
Tambula Bhasma
Vaiswanara Choorna
Satavari Guda
Madhusnuhi Rasayana
Kukkuta Rasayana
Suryaprabha Gutika
Setubhanda Matra
Paccha Endiyadi Gutika
Soolakuthara Rasa
Ananda Rasa
Kanakasundara Rasa
Anthrakuthara Rasa
Mulayiladi Kashaya
Viralveradi Kashaya

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