Vitapa Marma: Anatomical Location, Effect Of Injury

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) and Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Vitapa Marma is one of the delicate and vital points of the body located in the lower limbs. It represents the Kakshadhara Marma located in the upper limb (near the arm pit). 

वंक्षण वृषणयोः अन्तरे विटपं नाम, तत्र षाण्ड्यम् अल्प शुक्रता वा भवति।(सु.शा.६/२५)

Location, number

Location –
Vitapa Marma is located both in the lower limbs, near the groin or the thigh fold.
Number – 2 in number. in each thighs.

Exact location of Vitapa Marma in the limbs:
Vitapa Marma is located in the lower limbs, near the hip joint or groin (inguinal fold, thigh fold or in the angle between the thigh and the scrotum i.e. the bag like structure which holds the testes).
It is exactly located between the Vrushana (testes) and Vankshana (groin). It represents the Kakshadhara Marma of the upper limb which is located near the shoulder joint or arm pit (axilla).


Categories in which the Vitapa Marma is included
Vitapa Marma is classified into various categories. They are as below mentioned –

i) Shaka Gata Marma (Shaaka=Limb) – It is located in lower limbs.
ii) Snayu Marma – Vitapa marma is predominantly made up of Snayu i.e. tendons and nerves, which form the structural component of this Marma. Therefore it is classified under Snayu Marma. The other tissues are recessive are present in less proportion, namely Sira (blood vessels), Asthi (bone), Sandhi (joints) and Mamsa (muscles).

iii) Vaikalyakara Marmas – (Vaikalya – deformity, Kara – forming) – Vitapa Marmas on getting injured causes deformity of the structures in the lower limb.


Pramana (measurement of Vitapa Marma) –
Vitapa Marma occupies a space of 1 angula dimension (1 angula is approximately equal to the horizontal dimension or breadth of middle segment of one’s own middle finger)

Effect of Injury

तत्र षाण्ड्यम् अल्प शुक्रता वा भवति।(सु.शा.६/२५)
Injury to the Vitapa Marma leads to Shaandhya (impotence) and Alpa Shukrata (oligospermia, infertility).

Modern perspective

Modern Perspective (Practical anatomy) of Vitapa Marma
Structures falling in the area of Vitapa Marma –

  • Inguinal canal
  • Spermatic cord and its contents (structures of the inguinal canal)

We can see the muscles, blood vessels and other tissues too being present in this area comprising of Vitapa Marma but it is rich in ligaments, tendons and nerves. Therefore it is a Snayu Marma.

When the Vitapa Marma is injured, all the structures involved in any place of marma i.e. sira (blood vessels), asthi (bones), mamsa (muscles) and sandhi (joints) may be susceptible to get damaged but the snayu (ligaments or tendons) which chiefly make up the structure of Vitapa Marma tends to get injured to a severe extent in comparison to other structures. The impact of injury too will be chiefly due to the effect of injury to the snayu component.

Just Before Finishing
Vitapa Marmas are very sensitive Marmas. Injury around this marma, as said already causes impotence and infertility. Any injury and or swelling around the inguinal region or testes should not be neglected. They should be immediately addressed and brought to the notice of the physician because it might involve your Vitapa marma and its damage can affect your fertility and chances of reproducing.
Click to Consult Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ayu)

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