DronaPushpi Remedies: Headache, Jaundice, Scorpion Sting

By Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD


Dronapushpi – Leucas cephalotes Spreng. is the favorite flower of Lord Shiva. On the occasions of Shivaratri, this flower is especially offered to Lord Shiva. and it belongs to Labiatae family. 

It is called Dronapushpi because the flower resembles the shape of Droni (ship). The leaves are the main usable parts of the plant and whole plant can also be used.

Ayurverdic texts explain it as the herb of choice for liver disorders. It has hot potency (Ushna Veerya) and Madhura Vipaka (sweet biological transformation). The plant is known as kaphavata shamaka and Pitta shodhaka.

In headache, this herb is very well appreciated in folklore practices. Ayurvedic text books explain about its use in tertiary and intermittent fevers.
The Soligas (Karnataka) and Guni(Rajasthan) tribal people use it as an antidote for scorpion bite and insect bite; both for internal administration and external application.

The plant is found to be effective as anti microbial, insecticide, anti pyretic, anti inflammatory, anti asthmatic, expectorant and anti-tussive.
Read related: Dronapushpi- Leucas cephalotes: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects

Home remedies

Some of the simple remedies of Dronapushpi and their health benefits are mentioned here below-


1. Fresh juice of the leaf as nasal drops for headache:
Clean and mature leaves are collected and fresh juice is extracted by pounding. Filtered. 2 – 3 drops of this leaf juice is instilled to both the nostrils in case of headache. This is also useful in case of sinusitis to relieve sputum out of sinus cavities of face.


2. Decoction for jaundice:
Whole plant is taken and decoction is made out of fresh herbs. This is administered in the dose of 20-30 ml twice a day preferably in empty stomach. This pacifies jaundice.

General method of decoction preparation is –
1 tablespoon (10 grams) fo coarse powder of the herb is added with 2 cups of water. Boiled in open air till the total content is reduced to 1 cup. This is filtered and used.

Scorpion sting

3. Leaf fine paste for scorpion sting:
Leaves are ground well and fine paste is prepared. If available, Krishna jeeraka (Black cumin seeds) can also be added. This is applied to the lesions of scorpion bite. This reduces pain and swelling.

Cough, cold, asthma

4. Fresh juice with honey for cough, cold, asthma:
1 teaspoon of honey is added to a teaspoon of fresh leaf juice. This is mixed well and given to lick 5 – 8 times in a day. This acts as expectorant and pacifies cold, cough and asthma.

Recurrent seasonal fever

5. Decoction of pepper and Dronapushpi for recurrent seasonal fever:
Dronapushpi leaves or whole plant is taken along half quantity of pepper and decoction is prepared. This is administered in the dose of 30-40 ml twice or thrice a day, after food to prevent and cure seasonal flu.

Boils, blisters

6. Parpata (Fumaria parviflora) and Dronapushpi decoction for heat eruptions, boils and blisters:
Parpata and Dronapushpi whole plants are taken and decoction is made. This is used for showering on the body or mopping with a cloth dipped in this decoction in cases like heat blisters, eruptions, boils etc. This is useful in case of chicken pox also.

Being a field side weed Dronapushpi has several health benefits. As it is available plenty in the village sides, if proper market is found, this simple herb can be appropriately utilized.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD

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