Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Table of Contents
Medicated Enema which is administered to enhance strength and color is called as Vala Varna Krit Vastis.
Bala = Strength, Varna = skin texture, radiance, Krit = Cause, brings about.
This Vasti falls into the category of Asthapana Vasti or Kashaya Vasti (decoction enema). But basically there is no decoction of herbs involved or included in the procedure.
Other names of Bala Varna Krit Vasti –
Ksheera Vasti (Ksheera = Milk, Vasti = Enema) – Since milk is used as the main ingredient of Bala Varna Krit Vasti, it is also called as Ksheera Vasti
Brimhana Vasti (Brimhana = Strengthening, bulk promoting, Vasti = Enema) – Since Bala Varna Krit Vasti enhances the muscle bulk and strength of the individual; it is called as Brimhana Vasti.
Pancha Prasrutika Vasti (Pancha = Five, Prasrutika = quantity equal to 96 grams, Vasti = Enema) – Since the total quantity of Bala Varna Krit Vasti Dravya (enema liquid) is 5 Prasruti i.e. 480 grams approximately, it is called Pancha Prasrutika Vasti
– Based on the benefits offered by it – it is called Bala Varna Krit Vasti
– Based on the chief ingredient – it is called Ksheera Vasti
– Based on its function – it is called as Brimhana Vasti
– Based on the quantity of Vasti dravya – it is called Pancha Prasrutika Vasti
Bala Varnakrit Basti
क्षीराद् द्वौ प्रसृतौ कार्यौ मधु तैल घृतात् त्रयः।
खजेन मथितो वस्तिः वातघ्नो बल वर्णकृत्॥(च.सि.८/४)
– Ksheera – Milk, 2 prastha quantity (16 tola or 192 grams approximately)
– Madhu – Honey, 1 prastha quantity (8 tola or 96 grams)
– Taila – Oil or sesame oil, 1 prastha quantity (8 tola or 96 grams)
– Ghrita – Ghee, ghee of cow, 1 prastha quantity (8 tola or 96 grams)
Method of preparation
The above said ingredients are thoroughly mixed so as to form a homogenous mixture. The homogenous mixture of Bala Varna Krit Vasti Dravya is filled in Vasti Putaka (enema can) and administered warm into the rectum (colon) of the person.
Related reading – Niruha Basti Panchakarma Method, Benefits, Side Effects, Management
Before the administration of Bala Varna Krit Vasti, Virechana (therapeutic purgation) or Shodhana Vasti (evacuating enema or colon cleansing enema) should be administered for better effect. When Bala Varna Krit Vasti is given after the administration of Virechana or Shodhana Vasti, the magnitude of results in terms of enhancement of strength, bulk and color will be increased by many folds.
Read related: Anuvasana Basti: Method, Benefits, Mode Of Action, Contra Indications
Benefits of Bala Varna Krit Vasti
– Bala Krit – Enhances strength and immunity
– Varna Krit – Enhances color
– Brimhana – Bulk promoting
– Vata hrit – alleviates vitiated Vata
Other Benefits:
Bala Varna Krit Vasti can also be given to healthy people for ‘bulk promoting’, ‘muscle trimming’ and ‘color enhancing and cosmetic’ reasons.
It can be used to treat skin diseases related to discoloration, muscular disorders, neuro-muscular and musculo-skeletal disorders and degenerative disorders
Bala Varna Krit Vasti is used for enhancing weight. Thus it is an important and time-tested formulation for emaciation and low-weight related disorders
Read related: Healthy tips to put on weight, to become fat – Ayurvedic Treatment
Mode of action
Probable mode of action of Bala Varna Krit Vasti
Vata balancing property of Bala Varna Krit Vasti –
As Vasti is the best treatment for morbid Vata or to maintain Vata in a condition of normalcy (useful in healthy people also), Bala Varna Krit Vasti is highly beneficial in alleviating the morbid Vata and cure Vata related diseases, mainly the degenerative, neurological, neuro-muscular and musculo-skeletal disorders. Bala Kshaya (deterioration of strength), Dhatu Kshaya (tissue depletion) and Varna Kshaya (discoloration, color related abnormalities) are often the symptoms of Vata Vriddhi or Prakopa (pathological increase or vitiation of Vata). Bala Varna Krit Vasti not only mitigates the vitiated Vata but also restores bala and varna. On the contrary, the vasti by restoring bala and varna restores the normal vata functions.
Muscle and Strength promoting action of Bala Varna Krit Basti –
The proportional (quantitative and qualitative) balance of the muscle tissue i.e. muscle health is said to be directly proportional to the strength of an individual in Ayurveda. In one way it is true because the muscles are present all over the body and also as a part of viscera. They help in movement and coordination of body functions. Loss of flexibility and strength of the muscle (or muscles) will lead to functional impairment of body components.
Milk and ghee in the Bala Varna Krit Vasti is ‘Nitya Rasayanas’ i.e. ‘daily tissue rejuvenators’. According to Ayurveda, Ghee and Milk can be taken on regular basis (daily) throughout the life. Both of them are said to act as rejuvenators, anti-ageing agents (keeping in bay the muscle ageing in this case), immune modulators (enhancing immunity and preventing the auto-immune process taking place in the muscles), proper formation and strengthening of muscle tissue (by providing nourishment, as milk and ghee are nutrients) and maintaining the bulk of the muscles. Both these prevent the inflammatory process which could possibly take place in the muscles being best remedies for Pitta and Vata.
The Taila or oil and Ghee again prevent inflammation and degeneration of muscles.
If the muscles are undergoing the degeneration and inflammation already, ghee, milk and oil would readily arrest the process and thus preventing the muscle damage.
Reduction of muscle mass leads to wasting of muscles and emaciation. Bala Varna Krit Vasti, by the virtue of its combination checks further wasting of muscles. It restores the muscle tissue by stabilizing the muscle metabolism and helps in enhancing weight, thus being an unparalleled remedy in emaciation.
Bindu Krama
To provide Brimhana or bulk promoting effect an alternative method of Vasti procedure is followed. Instead of pushing the Vasti dravya into the intestine at a stretch, it is slowly irrigated in a drip-method wherein the medicament (vasti dravya) goes into the rectum in drops over a period of 45 minutes to 1 hour. This dravya doesn’t come back (as is intended) but is entirely absorbed in the system. This procedure has been found to be highly effective in increasing the weight and restoring the bulk, health, strength and stamina.
Color enhancing effect of Bala Varna Krit Vasti –
Discoloration or variations in color (pathological manifestations of color) occur due to vitiation (pathological decrease) of pitta, especially Bhrajaka Pitta (sub-type of pitta located in the skin, which is responsible for normal color, complexion and texture of the skin and also for maintenance of skin health) or dhatu kshaya (depletion of tissues) or Udana Vata Vikriti (vitiation of Udana Vayu, a sub-type of Vata) or accumulation of toxins in the body or insufficient distribution of rasa (essence of nutrition). The combination of milk, ghee, oil and honey help in mitigating morbid Vata and Pitta, cleanses the tissues and channels of the body, restores nutrition of skin and establishes normal color and complexion.
The Prabhava of Vasti Dravya –
Though the individual components of the Vasti Dravya (Vasti medicine) are important, the action of the Vasti dravya is rendered by the combined effect of all the ingredients. Therefore it is the uniqueness of the combination of selected ingredients that has bala and varna enhancing effect.
Just before finishing –
Bala Varna Krit Vasti is one of the simple yet most effective formulation among health promoting enemas which is extensively used in Ayurvedic practice mainly for ‘strength promoting’ and ‘beautification’ purposes. Everyone in the creation aspires and dreams to look good and be strong and ageless. This Vasti serves both the purposes in a natural way.
Click to Consult Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ayu)
Karthik J
1. Bala varna krit Basti can be given on the same day after Niruha Basti or should be given the next day ?
2. What time of the day should Bala varna krit Basti be administered ?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Bala Varna krita basti itself can be used in place of Niruha. No need of using it along with Niruha.
The time schedule is same as Niruha – on empty stomach