Line Of Treatment For Ardra (Raktaja, Pittaja, Rakta-Pittaja) Arsha

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) and Dr Manasa B.A.M.S
This type of Arshas is also called Sravi Arshas (bleeding piles) and involves medicines to check bleeding and also to cure piles.

Vatanubandhi Raktarsha

In Vatanubandhi Raktarsha (Raktaja Arsha associated with morbid Vata) – will be evidenced with symptoms like black, hard and dry stools, block of fart, discharge of dilute blood reddish yellow in colour, frothy blood, pain in low back, thigh and anus, weakness etc.  This should be treated with administration of snigdha-sheeta ahara aushadha (food and medicines which are unctuous and cold)

Kaphanubandhi Raktarsha

In Kaphanubandi Raktarsha (Raktaja Arsha associated with morbid Kapha) – will be evidenced with symptoms like white, yellow, unctuous, heavy and cold faeces, the piles mass being hard, thread, discharge of pale and sticky blood, stickiness in the anal region, wetness, heaviness etc. This condition should be treated with administration of ruksha-sheeta ahara aushadha (food and medicines which are dry and cold in nature).
Read related: Ayurvedic Treatment For Non Bleeding Piles: Shushka Arsha Chikitsa

Pitta-Kaphanubandhi Arsha

In Pitta-Kaphanubandhi Arsha (Piles associated with both morbid pitta and kapha) – In this Vamana (therapeutic emesis) and Virechana (purgation) should be done skilfully.

Raktaja Arsha

Kshara Application on Arshas
By Dr Ashwin Shetty B.A.M.S., M.S. (Ayu)
Easy Ayurveda Hospital
Click to Consult Dr Ashwin

Raktaja Arsha (bleeding piles) – If there is bleeding from the piles, it should be ignored in the initial stages as the body is trying to expel the contaminated blood. Attempts to check bleeding should not be done at this stage.

If one tries to check the bleeding in this stage (unripe blood), it leads to aggravation of rakta (blood), dosha (contaminants) and vayu leading to serious life-threatening disorders like Raktapitta (bleeding disorders), Jwara (fever), Trushna (thirst), mandagni (sluggish digestion), arochaka (anorexia), kamala (jaundice), shotha (swelling), kushta (skin diseases), pandu (anaemia and liver diseases), shira shula (headache) etc.

Treatments and administration of medicines should be started after the elimination of contaminated blood.

After the expulsion of contaminated blood, deepana (medicines which ignite metabolic fire), rakta sagrahaka (medicines which stop or check the bleeding) and pachana (medicines which digest ama or interior metabolic toxins) should be administered. The medicines shall be predominant in tikta rasa (bitter taste).

Ayurvedic medicines

Ayurvedic medicines for Ardra Arsha (coagulants)

  • Kutajadi Kwatha – Decoction of Kutaja (Holarrhena antidysenterica) and Shunti (ginger) mixed with ghee of cow
  • Dadimatwagadi Kwatham – Decoction prepared from dadima phala twak (peel of pomegranate fruit), Shunti (ginger) and Rakta chandana (red sandal wood) mixed with cows ghee
  • Daruharidradi Kwatha – Decoction of Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), Twak (Cinnamon), Ushira (Vetiveria zizanioides) and Nimba (neem bark) mixed with go ghrita (ghee of cow)
  • Pathadi Churna – Powder of Patha (Cyclea peltata), Indrayava (seed of Holarrhena antidysenterica), Rasanjana (Extract of Berberis aristata), Nagara (ginger) and Yavani (Carom seeds) and Bilwa majja (pulp of fruit of Aegle marmelos)
  • Darvyadi Churna – Powder of Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), Kiratatikta (Swertia chirata), Musta (Cyperus rotundus) and Dusparsha (Alhagi camelorum)
  • Dadima rasa – Juice of Dadima (pomegranate fruit) mixed with cow’s ghee and yavakshara (alkali extracted by burning the whole plant of barley) should be given in presence of pain
  • Palandu shaka – Onion plant and onion processed in takra or buttermilk
  • Masura – Masura (lentil) mixed in amla takra (sour buttermilk)
  • Tila churna – Powder of Tila (sesame) mixed with butter
  • Nagakeshara Churna – Powder of Nagakeshara (Mesua ferrea) mixed in butter and sugar

External measures

Parishechana (sprinkling of medicated liquids) – Parishechana is done with Madhukadi Kwatha, decoction prepared using Yashtimadhu (Licorice), Panchavalkala (5 barks), Badara twak (bark of jujube), Udumbara (Ficus racemosa), Patolam (pointed gourd), Vasa patra (leaves of Adhatoda vasica), Arjuna twak (bark of Terminalia arjuna), Yavasa (Alhagi camelorum) and Nimba (neem)

Avagaha (tub bath in herbal liquids) – In cold decoction (sheeta kwatha) prepared from ikshu rasa (sugarcane), madhuka (licorice) and vetasa (Salix caprea) or alternatively in sheeta dugdha (cold milk)

Pratisarana (application) should be done with one of these:

  • Tila madhuka – paste of Tila (sesamum) and madhuka (Liquorice)
  • Rasanjana-Ghrita – Paste of Rasanjana (extract of Berberis aristata) and ghee
  • Sarjarasa-Ghrita – Paste of Resin of Sal tree made in ghee
  • Madhu-Ghrita – Mixture of honey and ghee
  • Nimbarasa Ghrita – Juice of neem leaves mixed in ghee
  • Click to Consult Dr Raghuram YS MD (Ayu)

Yogas Mentioned for Arsas in Sahasra yoga Text book
Arsohara Kashaya
Tiktaka Ghrita
Mahatikataka Ghrita
Sukumara Ghrita
Dasanga Ghrita
Sasa Vasadi Ghrita
Darvi Baladi Ghrita
Dhanvantari Ghrita
Chandanadi Choorna
Trikatwadi Choorna
Pushyanuga Choorna
Naracha Choorna
Hapushadi Choorna
Yavanyadi Choorna
Hutabhungadi Choorna
Suranadi Choorna
Nagaradi Choorna
Hingu Vachadi Choorna
Vyoshadi Choorna
Ayaskantadi Choorna
Yogaraja Choorna
Hutasana Choorna
Gandhaka Choorna
Narasimha Choorna
Kalyana Kshara
Suda Kandadi Kshara
Kushmanda Rasayana
Manibhadra Guda
Ellum Tippalyadi Lehyam
Agasthya Rasayana
Danti Haritakyavaleha
Kutaja Phanita
Kautajadi Guda
Bahusala Guda
Gandhaka Rasayana
Madanakameshwari Lehya (Chaturjadakad Rasayana)
Vyaghryadi Lehya
Dasamooladi Lehya
Chitrakadi Guda
Brihat Madhusnuhi Rasayana
Kameshwari Lehya
Abhaya modaka
Yogaraja guggulu
Mandoora Vataka
Kankayana Gutika
Gulmakulantaka Rasa
Sankhapani Rasa
Anthrakuthara Rasa
Ashtakshari Gutika
Padma Kinjalkadi Kashaya
Muviladi Kanni Kashaya
Hriberadi ghrita
Punkin Toladi Kashaya
Agni Kandadi Ghrita
Kattuchen Ghrita (Vana soorana Ghrita)

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