7 Curry Leaves Remedies For Grey Hairs, Motion Sickness, Obesity

By Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD
Curry leaves or Kadi Patta is the natural flavouring agent with many health benefits. This makes the food both healthy and tasty along with pleasing aroma. 

In addition to this it contains number of micro nutrients and trace elements like
carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorous, iron, magnesium, copper, nicotinic acid vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E, antioxidants, plant sterols, amino acids and glycosides.

Kadi Patta is called Kaidarya in Ayurveda . In Ayurvedic medicine curry leaves are appreciated for its multiple therapeutic actions like
pramehahara (anti-diabetic), krimighna (antimicrobial/anti helmithic),
shothahara (anti-inflammatory), Yakrit balya (hepato-protective),
keshya (hair tonic), deepana (carminative),
pachana (digestive), ruchya (taste enhancing),
Vishahara(anti dote,especially in scorpion bite)  etc.
Kaidaryadi kashaya, Kalashakadi kashaya etc are the unique classical preparations of curry leaf.

Home remedies

Few important home remedies of curry leaves are:


1.Curry leaf powder in Type II Diabetes:
1-2 gram of dried powder of curry leaves is consumed daily for  significant decrease in blood sugar levels. Hence, this can be administered safely as an adjuvant along with any of the anti diabetic drug the patient might be taking.

Premature graying of hair

2. Leaf oil in premature greying of hair:
20 gram of fresh curry leaves are taken and fine paste is made. This is soaked in 100 ml of coconut oil (or sesame oil) for overnight. Next day, to this equal quantity of water is added and oil is cooked till the complete evaporation of water content. You may get around 80-90 ml of oil This is filtered and collected.

Regular application of this oil to the scalp helps to reduce greyness of hair. This promotes hair growth and useful in dandruff as well.

Motion sickness

3. Curry leaf and cardamom powder for motion sickness ad food poisoning:
4 teaspoon of curry leaf fine powder is mixed with 1 teaspoon of cardamom fine powder and mixed thoroughly.
During journey, this mixture is taken (1-2 pinch) with a cup of hot water. This reduces the chances of  food poisoning and keeps one healthy during travel. Even abdominal blotting and indigestion and bad breath are also relieved.

Mouth ulcer

4. Leaf powder with honey in mouth ulcer:
Curry leaf powder is mixed with honey and applied over the mouth ulcer. 2-3 days medication relieves stomatitis. In external wounds also this can be applied and good results are observed.


5. Hot infusion of curry leaf in obesity:
5 grams of curry leaf powder is taken and added to 200 ml of hot water. This is stirred well, allowed to cool down, filtered.
When it is lukewarm this is consumed, preferably during empty stomach in the early morning (before going to walk). Regular practice for 2-3 weeks helps to reduce the body fat and to decrease cholesterol.


6. Curry leaf head mask for dandruff and head lice:
Curry leaf (fresh) is obtained and fine paste is made by mixing with sour buttermilk. This is applied to the scalp and retained till it dries up (In practice this is covered with a banana leaf).
Later this is washed thoroughly. 2-3 days’ practice with a gap of 1-2 days in between gives good relief from dandruff and head lice.
Read related: How To Make Ayurvedic Herbal Anti Dandruff Hair Oil At Home?


7. Curry leaf paste for acne and oily skin:
Fresh curry leaves and turmeric (fresh rhizome) are taken and fine paste is made. This is applied over the lesions of acne. This helps to relieve the oily skin as well as acne. Even the dark circles and black heads are also reduced by this.
Read related: Ayurvedic treatment for pimple: Cause, Herbs, Home Remedies

A culinary item is a rich source of medicinal values! In reality, Indian kitchen itself is an ‘unlicensed medical store’ of a home and sometimes even of a village too.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD


Girinimba – Resembles Nimba and grows in hills
Kumudika – Flowers are white in colour
Kalasaka – Branches are dark in colour
Chardhighna – Kaidarya is useful in vomiting

Vernacular Names

English – Curry leaf tree
Hindi – Mitha neem
Kannada – Karibevu
Malayalam – Kariveppilai
Marati – Karepatha

Classical categorization

Caraka- Not included in Varga
SuSruta-Not included in Gana
Bh.Pr.Ni.- Not included in Varga

Different species

1. Murraya alata
2. Murraya erenulata
3. Murraya euchestifolia
4. Murraya exotica
5. Murraya ovatifoliata
6. Murraya paniculata


Habit→ Small tree with dark grey bark.
Leaves→ Compound, imparipinnate, obliquely ovate, acuminate, glabrous above, pubescent beneath
Inflorescence→ Corymbose cyme
Flowers White in colour, 
fruit Ovoid or subglobo

Part used

Patra (Leaf), Müla(Root), Phala (Fruit), Kända (Stem) and Puspa (Flowers)

Chemical constituents –

Leaves contain Koenidien, Mahanine
Leaves and fruits contain volatile oil.


Taste – Pungent, Bitter, Astringent
Guna – Lagh, Ruksha
Vipaka – Pungent
Virya – Sita
Tridosha prabhava – Kapha pitta samaka
Actions – Dipana, Paana, Keshya, Sanjasthapana
Pharmacological action – Anti cancer, Anti inflammatory, Anti microbial, Hypo glycemic, Anthelmintic
Indications – Agnimandhya, Ajirna, Tvak,Kesha vikara, Netra roga


Decoction – 0 -60 ml
Powder – 1 -3 g
Juice – 5- 10 ml


Kaidaryadi kashayam
Kalasakadi kashayam
Arsoghna vati



    Good tips from the above we appericate

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Thank you.

  • Dr. S.Suman

    good information, should be supported with clinical data.

  • Mrs Aamna

    Sir , u didnt mention the nature of curry leaves .Are they pitta vardhak ?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      They calm Pitta Dosha, being bitter in taste.

  • githa

    Sir, so curry leaves are pitta pacifying. How about its effect on the vata and kapha dosha?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      It slightly increases Vata but decreases Kapha Dosha, being bitter.

  • Swapnil pawar

    How many curry leaves can I eat in a day?
    Can I eat it daily life long?

  • Jeesan Pervej

    Can we replace plain water with Amla Kashyam in making the oil for premature greying? if so how much quantity?

    Also, can we use this oil for pratimarshya nasya?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Yes. The quantity of Kashaya should be at least double the quantity of oil taken.


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