Allergic Rhinitis: Causes, Remedies, Ayurvedic treatment, Herbs
By Dr. Mahesh Annapure M.Sc. D.N., M.D.The inner lining of nose undergoes inflammation due to allergens. This leads to Allergic rhinitis. Patient may have sensitivity to…
By Dr. Mahesh Annapure M.Sc. D.N., M.D.The inner lining of nose undergoes inflammation due to allergens. This leads to Allergic rhinitis. Patient may have sensitivity to…
The 8th chapter of Charaka Samhitha Nidana Sthana is called Apasmara Nidana. It deals with the causes, pathology,types and symptoms of Apasmara – Epilepsy, as…
Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay)Our daily living depends on how we move around and effectively accomplish our activities. We cannot imagine the progression…
The 7th chapter of Charaka Samhitha Nidana Sthana is called Unmada Nidana. It deals with causes, pathology,types and symptoms of Unmada – Insanity, as per…
Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay)Dhanyamla Dhara is a special type of treatment explained in Ayurveda which is extensively used in clinical and hospital…
The 6th chapter of Charaka Samhitha Nidana Sthana is called Shosha Nidana. It deals with causes, pathology, types and symptoms of Shosha – emaciation, fatigue as…
Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay)Pizichil is the Malayalam name of Kaya Seka or Taila Seka or Sarvanga Sneha Dhara Ayurvedic treatment. It is a…
Horse gram – Dolichos biflorus an ayurvedic herb used for the treatment of kidney stones, cough, asthma, piles etc. It is called Kulattha in Ayurveda.Botanical Name-…
The 5th chapter of Charaka Samhitha Nidana Sthana is Kushta Nidana. It deals with causes, pathology, types,and symptoms of Kushta – skin Diseases, as per…
Article by Ms Usha Shinde After Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing, millions of people went into deep depression. King Ashoka slipped into depression after seeing the…
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