5 Easy Home Remedies For Morning Stiffness In Joints

Morning stiffness is a common complaint in majority of the patients who are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. It is also seen in degenerative disorders. Cold weather, sedentary life, overweight, heavy food, altered digestion strength are a few factors which could worsen joint stiffness. 

The below remedies can be used in adjunct with the disease treatment.

1. Medicated milk of Castor root and ginger rhizome:
1 teaspoon of each of castor roots and ginger rhizome are taken and cooked well with 120 ml milk and 240 ml of water and reduced to approximately 200 ml. Filtered. This method of preparation is called ksheerapaka in Ayurveda.
This is administered to the patient preferably at night. This considerably decreases early morning stiffness in joints.
Read related: Castor Benefits, How To Use, Research, Side Effects

2. Decoction of Cumin seeds and asafoetida:
8-10 gram of cumin seeds are taken and fried with little ghee. To this 200 ml water is added and boiled till it is reduced to 100- 120 ml. To this ghee fried asafoetida (half pinch) is added and consumed before or after food in the morning to relieve joint stiffness.

3. Hot infusion of black pepper with honey:
One cup of hot water is taken and to this one teaspoon of black pepper powder is added and kept for a while. When it is lukewarm, half spoon of honey is added and taken. This eases the joint movements.

4. Fine paste /bandage of Dhattura leaf :
3 – 4 tablespoon paste is prepared with Dhatura leaves. To this a teaspoon of turmeric powder and a pinch of salt is added and this is wrapped around the joints. If needed, a cloth ribbon is tied around it.
5-7 days practice contributes significant benefit in stiffness of the joints which is usually caused during morning.

5. Hot fomentation with salt bag:
1-2 fistful of table salt is taken in a cotton cloth and wrapped to make a bundle/bolus. This is sprinkled with little sesame oil or water and warmed by keeping it over a pan.
As per one’s heat tolerance, this is applied over the affected joint over the muscular area where stiffness is caused.
1-2 week therapy provides good benefit in this condition.

People who are spending their valuable time and money are better to opt or try for such a rational and proven simple remedies before taking the medicines which are one or other way possess undesired effect or side effects.
Consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD

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