6 Effective Home Remedies For Sleep Disturbances

By Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD
Sleep along with food and abstinence (Brahmacharya) form the three pillars of life as per Ayurveda. Sleepless night give us alarms to modify our food, lifestyle habits and relations. 

It is told- “Good sleep is thousand fold worth than earning a Crore Rupees”
I know a poor may not appreciate or like this quote. But surely a rich will agree on this point. Because behind the richness so many sleepless nights may be associated. But once attaining the status of ‘crorepati’ (multi-millionaire) surely one expects pleasureful nights with deep and sound sleep.

Here are few important and simple and effective home remedies to improve the quality of the sleep –

1. Castor oil application to both soles is most accepted home remedy to attain good  and quality sleep. But people hesitate to apply as it is sticky and causes oiliness to the clothes and bedspreads. Apply a few drops to the soles. Wrap the soul with old socks or an old towel. Enjoy good sleep.
Read related: Castor oil benefits, research, side effects

2. Rose petal paste
Instead of castor oil, fine paste of  rose petals (especially Catherine roses which are pink in color) is applied to the sole and to the scalp 15 minutes before going to the bed. This has tremendous effect in inducing deep sleep.
Read related: Benefits, Ayurvedic Remedies Of Rose Plant And Essential Oil

3. Banana or mango:
In Non Diabetic patients following effective remedy can be practiced  which has proven efficacy-
A cup of boiled and cooled milk is taken and sliced fruits (especially Banana or sweet mango) is added and churned well. To this a little ghee and sugar is added and administered after dinner.
This gives soothing effect and good and instant sleep is obtained by most of the people.

4. Ghee on the eyes:
2 Drops of cow’s ghee is instilled to both the eyes, before going to bed. Thereafter, mild eye movement is carried by closing the eye lids for 2-3 minutes.
Those who work in front of computers and engaged in repairing of small objects like watch workers, Jewel designers etc are especially benefited with this remedy.
Read related: 60 Benefits Of Ghee, Side Effects, Contra Indications

5. Coconut milk is taken(half cup) and to this 5 grams honey and sugar each are added and stirred well. This is advised to take during evening.This helps in considerable improvement in the sleep.

6. Bhindi:
In Diabetic patients, half cup of fresh juice of Ladies finger(Bhindi in Hindi) is taken and just before going to the bed(after evacuation  of urine).
Even in the patients with BPH (Benign Prostate Hypertrophy), this helps to improve the sleep in significant way.
Read related: 20 Simple Ayurveda Sleep Tips On How To Sleep Better

Instead of going towards anxiolytic drugs and sedatives if such simple home remedies are tried  our health can be improved, vital organs can be protected and  long lasting peaceful cherishing days can be enjoyed……!
Consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD


  • Raje

    Dear Doctor
    Thanks for useful information.

    What about use of jatamansi powder or medhavati of patanjali..


    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Both are useful for sleep but both BP needs to be monitored while administering both, hence they can only be taken under medical supervision.

      • Raje

        Thanks Doctor

  • Gaurav

    Is #5 allowed for diabetics?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author


  • SK

    Dr, any specific treatment for sleep apnea (both OSA and CSA)? Does Ayurveda texts mention sleep apnea?


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