5 Simple Effective Home Remedies For Peripheral Neuropathy

By Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD.
Peripheral neuritis or neuropathy is a very common health issue found in the age group of above 40-45 years in women and above 50-55 years in men. If it is of moderate intensity, this condition can be managed well with home remedies. 

Common causes

Sedentary life, long walk, junk food, dry food, cold eatables, fried and oily food, fatty food, non fibrous eatables, condensed and canned food, colorants and artificial flavoured as well as preservative loaded food ,excess of diary products, potato-sweet potato-peas and pulses/ grams.

Useful recommendations

Moderate walk or exercise, controlled food, food in divided form, systematic food, emphasize towards traditional food, natural food and food supplements, vegetables and fruits, moderate nuts and dry fruits ,sprouted grains etc

Home remedies

Few simple remedies useful in Peripheral neuritis and Neuralgia conditions-
1. Cashew, almonds and Pista milk:
1-2 cashew nut, 1-2 almonds or apricot  and 3-5 Pista are taken and fine paste is made. Otherwise the  powder can be made and kept ready for use.
This mixture is added with half a cup of milk and a cup of water. This mix is cooked. You will get around half – one cup of cooked milk. NO need to filter this.
According to ones liking natural flavours like clove or cardamom (1 or 2) can be added to this. This is taken preferably in the evening hours or  3 hours after the breakfast.

According to ones liking and desire sugar or jaggery can also be added. (Not in diabetic patients).
This works well in case of old age as well as in menopause related neuraitis and neuralgia.
In pre menopause cases this can be taken along with half spoon of Gulkhand for better results.

2. Ground nut, cashew nut, raisins remedy: 
50-60 ground nut are taken and fried for 1 – 2 minutes in an pan.
10-12 cashew nuts,
20-30 raisins,
2-4 clove and a pinch of cardamom are taken and fine powder is made.

If needed, this mix can be roasted for 1 – 2 minutes for better aroma and taste.
To this 2 spoons of cow ghee and powdered jaggery or honey (10 gram)  is added and mixed thoroughly. This is made into bolus(like Laddu) and kept for drying.
This delicious preparation is a good nutritional supplement which helps to fulfil the bodily need.
This can be taken once or twice daily. 2-3 days practice will show significant benefits.
Read related: Brachial Neuritis: Ayurvedic Treatment, Medicines, Remedies

3. Rose petals and fenugreek:
5 gram of dried rose petals (pure, chemically free) and half spoon of fenugreek seeds are taken and cooked well with milk.During evening or night this is advised to take.
This helps to reduce the fatigue also.

4. Cumin seeds and tea powder: 
5 gram of jaggery, 1 teaspoon of  cumin seeds and a pinch of tea powder are taken together and boiled with water (without adding milk).
This is filtered and taken during evening .
This serves as a quick energiser and relieves the muscular fatigue as well as mild to moderate neuritis.
Read related: Cumin Seed Benefits, Usage, Side Effects – Ayurveda Details

5. Saffron remedy: 
3-4 stamens of Kesar(Saffron) is dissolved in milk or water. This is added to a cup of boiled milk and taken once or twice in a day.
This improves blood circulation, energizes the body tissues and gives enough strength to the nerves and arteries and hence acts as a good nervine tonic.
Numbness in hands and feet – Ayurvedic Remedies, Quick Tips

Home remedies and natural food supplements do good job in relieving the simple health complaints. Nothing wrong it seems to try and get benefit out of these, before blindly approaching and opting the medicines for such complaints.
Consult By Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD

Ayurvedic medicines

Ksheerabala taila – local application
Ksheerabala 101 oil or capsule – oral intake
Yogendra Ras – Ayurvedic herbo-mineral preparation.
Vasant Kusumakar Ras
Sahasraputi Abhraka Bhasma
Svarnamakshika Bhasma
Raupya Bhasma – Silver calx


  • Suma

    Sir Is there any external application for disease of peripheral neuropathy ? Or Is any treatment in panchakarma ?

  • Christine webb

    Ksheerabala 101 has restored my sciatic nerve from chronic pain & disability. It has taken a few months at 2 capsules daily & I am so happy I persisted. I can walk & stand without pain. My question is can I continue a low maintenance dose as I do not want that cruel pain to return.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      You can continue it for 2 months, then give a gap of one month and continue again for 2 months and so on.


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