Gridhrasi disease is correlated with sciatica. There are two types mentioned. Vataja and Vata- Kaphaja Gridhrasi. Here is an attempt to enlist and analyse the symptoms of each type.
Table of Contents
General symptoms
General symptoms of Gridhrasi:
SphikPoorva Kati Prista Janu Jangha Padam Kramat-Ruk – Pain spreading from hip, gluteal region, thighs, knee, legs and to the feet.
Muhu Spandanam – pulsating type of pain
Ruk – pain
Ruja Vedana – Ruk means pain.
In Gridhrasi Ruk or Shoola i.e pain is one of the prime symptoms and is felt throughout the lower limb, pain starts from Sphik region and radiates till the Pada.
Non radiating pain felt at sites like Kati, Uru, Janu, Jangha and Pada region is also considered as the symptom of Gridhrasi.
This typical radiating pain involving the legs is suggestive of sciatic-syndrome in modern parlance where pain is felt along the course of the sciatic nerve.
Toda Vichhinnam Shoolam
Intermittent pain similar to the feeling of pin prick is known as Toda, the site of
Toda is similar to the site of Shula i.e., from buttock to heal.
Stambha – stiffness
Stambha Nishchalakaranam, Nishkriyatvam
Stambha Baahu Uru Janghaadeenaam Sankochanaadhya Bhaavah
Stambha refers to the stiffness or rigidity felt at the thigh and legs and is another symptom of Gridhrasi. As the movement of the legs worsen the pain, stiff muscles prevent this and there by manifesting as the symptom Stambha. The restriction to move the legs also affects the gait of the patient, as his steps are short, cautious and slow.
Patient of Gridhrasi is unable to extend his legs as extending the legs worsens the pain. Acharya Vagbhata opines that it is the Utkshepana i.e. lifting of the legs is affected in Gridhrasi. Further the commentator Arundutta very clearly defines this symptom as inability of the patient to elevate the legs. As the extension of the legs worsens the pain patient prefers to assume the flexed position of the legs.
Vataja Gridhrasi
Suptata: The patient experiences varied degree of paraesthesia or sensory loss in the affected limb.
Dehasya Vakrata – body is bent toward one side while walking
kati sandhi, Janusandhi Sphuranam – knee joint pain, hip pain
Suptata – numbness
Vatakaphaja Gridhrasi
Tandrayaantu Prabodhito Api Klamayati Nidrabheda – drowsiness, lack of strength in legs
“Aardra Charmavanaddham Mivetyartha”
Patient feels heaviness particularly in the lower limb or limbs.
“Arochakaastu Prarthite Apyupayogasamaye Anannaabhilaasha”
“Aruchi Prarthita Anna Bhakshana Asamarthyamucchyte”
Anorexia due to Kapha Dosha increase.
Vahni Mardava – low digestion strength
Mukha Praseka – excess salivation
Bhaktadvesha – hates to take food
Staimityam – stiffness
In Vata Kaphaja Gridhrasi, the above symptoms co exist along with the symptoms of Vataja Gridhrasi.
Samprapti Gataka
Samprapti-Ghataka of Gridhrasi can be traced out as below –
Dosha – Vata (Vyana) and Kapha(vata kaphaja).
Dushya – Kandara, Snayu, Sira, Asthi & Mamsa.
Srotasa – Raktavaha, Mamsavaha,Asthivaha.
Srotodushti Prakara – Sanga, obstruction
Agni – Jatharagni and Dhatwagni
Ama – Jatharagnijanya and Dhatwagnijanya
Udbhavasthana – Pakwashaya
Sanchara Sthana – Katiand adharanga
Adhisthana – Kati,Sphik.
Vyakta sthana – Spik, kati prista, Uru, Janu,Jangha and Pada.
On the basis of Ashrayashrayi Bhava with the vitiation of Vata and above mentioned Dushyas, they are also known to be involved. Hence, Raktavaha, Mamsavaha and Asthivaha Srotas may be involved in this disease.
Srotodushti found in Gridhrasi is Sanga.
According to Chakradatta, Kati and Sphik are the initial sites, from where the disease begins. According to Sushruta, Kandara of Parshni, Pada and Anguli are affected by vitiated Dosha.
Vyakta sthana:
Spik, kati prista, Uru, Janu,Jangha and Pada are the vyakyha sthaana of the disease Gridhrasi.