How To Make Facepack, MouthWash, Body Lotion From Curd

By Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD.
Curd is the most commonly used milk product in most part of the world.But classical method of curdling is not carried by few of the people.
In fact sour buttermilk or sour curd should be added to the boiled and cooled milk to prepare curd. It is called as ‘souring’. But few use lemon, tamarind, vinegar, amla juice etc. Even though by these, curdling takes place, there is difference in the quality of curds. They may not be harmful. But true benefit of classical curd cannot be expected from those curds.
It is the reason, preferably to get desired quality and hence the benefits in 1:50 ratio buttermilk and milk are be added.
Read related: Curds benefits, Side Effects As Per Ayurveda


This write up is intended to mention the multiple benefits of curd being a home remedy-

Curd body wash

1. Shower Body Lotion From Curd: 
100 ml curd and 4 cowries are taken together in a steel vessel and kept over night. Next day morning, this curd is taken and used while showering.
Useful in eczema.
It cleanses and clears the lesions instantly and quickens the healing process.

Read related: Curds recipe of Amla – Ayurvedic home remedy

Curd energy drink

2. Curd Energy drink- Simple lassi
200 ml of curd is added with 20 gram of sugar candy and churned well. As per ones desire mango juice or sliced banana also can be added. A pinch or two of cardamom is added to it. – A cup of it is good to take, per day.

Curd for diarrhea

3. Anti Diarrheal Remedy With Curd: 
50 ml of curd,
1 spoon of lime water,
2-3 gram of table salt and
a pinch of Ajwayin or Hingu(Asafetida) are taken together and mixed well.
This is given to drink to the patients who are suffering from chronic diarrhea followed with Indigestion, loss of appetite, bloating abdomen etc
Read related: What is curds? How to make curds?

Curd mouthwash

4. How To Prepare Mouthwash With Curd?
1 spoon honey,
2 spoon of ghee and
4 spoon of curd are taken and mixed thoroughly.

This thick solution is used as mouthwash.
It is useful in in the cases of the mouth ulcers or blisters of the mouth caused due to chicken pox, oral thrush etc. This can be practiced 2-3 times a day.

Curd facepack

5. How To Prepare Facepack Using Curd?
20 gram each of fresh and wet turmeric and carrot are taken and pounded well to obtain fine paste. To this 50 ml curd is added and mixed well. This is used as face pack.
It enhances complexion and useful to get rid of blackheads.
Related: Curd consumption at night? Can You Take Curd At Night?

Curd is not mere a milk product of nutritional importance but also an effective home remedy contributing multiple health benefits.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD

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