Jivanti – Leptadenia reticulata is an Ayurvedic herb used for the treatment of fever, urinary infection, improving the eye vision and for nourishing the body tissues.
Latin name- Leptadenia reticulata W. & A.
Family- Asclepiadaceae (Arka kula)
Table of Contents
Jivanthi is a climber growing throughout India. The leaf is cardiac shaped having small hairs in the under surface. The flowers are greenish yellow and found in clusters. The fruits which are small are used as vegetables.
Vernacular names
Names in different languages:
Hindi name- Dodi shak, Ranimoi, Chirvel
Gujarathi name- Nahanidodi, Khirkhodi, Raidodi, Shinguti
Marathi name- Gaganthjuti, Palkhevel
Kannada name- Palatheege balli
Malayalam name- Atapathiyan,Curinil, Adapathiyan
Tamil name- Palaikkodi, Paalaikeerai
Telugu name- Kalasa, Mukkutummudu, Palatige
Sanskrit synonyms
Shakashresta- Used as good vegetable
Chakshushya- Improves the vision
Jeevanti, Jeeva, Jeevaneeya, Jeevaprushta – Nourishes the body
Arkapushpi- Flowers resemble that of ‘Arka’ flowers
Madhushwasa, Madhusrava- The exudate is sweet in taste
Mangalya – It is auspicious
Payasvini, Kulya, Bhadra, Yashaskari, Jivabhadra, Putrabhadra, Mangalya – auspicious
Classical categorization
Charaka- Jeevaneeya, Madhura skandha, Vayasthapana
Sushrutha- Kakolyadi gana
Vagbhata- Jeevaneeya
Bhavaprakasha- Guduchyadi varga
Dhanvantari Nighantu- Guduchyadi varga
Kaiyyadeva Nighantu- Oushadhi varga
Raja Nighantu- Guduchyadi varga
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Gentianales
Family: Apocynaceae
Subfamily: Asclepiadoideae
Properties, part used, dosage
Rasa (Taste) – Madhura (Sweet)\
Guna (Qualities) – Laghu (Light), Snigdha (Slimy)
Vipaka – Madhura (Sweet)
Veerya (Potency) – Sheeta (Cold)
Karma (Actions) – Tridosha shamaka especially Vata pitta shamaka (reduces vitiated vata and pitta dosha)
According to Bhojana Kutuhalam twelfth chapter, jivanthi is sweet in taste, cold in potency, treats bleeding disorders and vata related diseases. relieves debility, burning sensation, fever and aggravates kapha dosha and virility, the larger variety of jivanthi is almost similar in taste and potency as mentioned above, it helps in treating psychiatric disorders and quickly helps in regulating taste.
The golden variety of jivanthi is aphrodisiac, promotes clarity of vision, sweet in taste and cold in potency, treats vitiation of vata, pitta, rakta, relieves burning sensation and is strengthened in nature. Among vegetables jivanthi and sarsapa are said to be superior and inferior respectively.
Part used- Root
Dosage-Powder of root – 4 to 6 g
Decoction- 40 to 60 ml
Chemical constituents
Chemical constituents:
The herb contains n- triacontane, cetyl alcohol, beta-sitosterol, beta-amyrin acetate, lupanol 3-O- diglucoside and leptidine glycoside.
Uses of Jivanthi:
- The decoction of the root of Leptidinia reticulata is given with Ghee in a dose of 40-50 ml to treat fever.
- The tender stems and fruits are eaten as vegetables, which helps in the improvement of the vision.
- The decoction of the plant is given in doses of 40- 50 ml with honey to treat cough.
- The paste of jivanthi plant is applied over fresh wounds to treat it.
- The cold infusion or the fresh juice of the plant is given regularly as a health tonic for the nourishment of the body.
- In cases of mouth ulcer, sesame oil cooked with equal quantity of milk and paste of Jivanti is mixed with honey 1/8th quantity and Sarjarasa.
- Cold infusion prepared from Leptidinia reticulata is given in a dose of 30-40 ml to treat difficulty in micturition and burning micturition.
- Fresh juice or cold infusion of the plant is given to increase the breast milk in lactating women.
Sanskrit verse

Uses of Jeevanti as per Ayurveda:
Grahi – absorbent, useful in diarrhea, IBS
Chakshushya – improves vision, good for eyes, useful in eye disorders
Balya – improves strength and immunity
Ayushya – improves life expectancy
Indicated in
Raktapitta –Bleeding disorders such as nasal bleeding, heavy periods, etc
Kshaya – depletion of body tissues, weight loss, tuberculosis
Daha – burning sensation, as in gastritis, neuropathy, burning sensation in eyes etc
Jwara – fever
Brumhana – nourishing, nutritious
Adverse effects of Jivanthi- No adverse effect is seen or reported after the use of Jivanti
Ayurvedic formulations
Formulations containing Jivanthi:
Confido tablet: Confido Tablet is a proprietary Ayurvedic medicine. It is used to treat sexual dysfunctions, Impotence, Seminal debilities, Anxiety associated with sexual performance, Premature ejaculation, Spermatorrhoea and Nocturnal emission.
Braintab tablets: Braintab Tablet is a proprietary Ayurvedic medicine. It is a good brain tonic. It improves memory and concentration. It relieves anxiety and mental stress.
Chyavan vit tablet: Chyawan-Vit is a proprietary Ayurvedic medicine in paste/leha form. It is specially prepared to give the benefits of Chyavanaprash to diabetic patients and those who want to avoid sugar.
Anu taila: It is an oil useful for the treatment of a procedure called as Nasya treatment for strengthening ears, eyes, nose, tongue and throat.
Cephagrine nasal drops: Cephagraine Nasal drops is a proprietary Ayurvedic medicine. It is a natural decongestant and analgesic therapy for sinusitis and migraine. In sinusitis Cephagraine Nasal Drops reduce inflammation, liquefies mucus and relieves congestion. Cephagraine reduces frequency, severity and duration of migraine by its anti-inflammatory and analgesic property.
Jivantyadi ghrita: Jivantyadi Ghrita is an Ayurvedic medicine, in herbal ghee form. It is used as medicine and also in a preparatory procedure called snehakarma for the treatment of the early stage of cataract. It controls many pitta based ailments. This gives vitality.
Chyavanaprash: Chyavanaprasam is used for the treatment of many diseases by improving the body defense mechanism to fight against external stimuli, cough and asthma etc.
Ashwagandhadi churna: Ashwagandhadi Churna is an Ayurvedic medicine in herbal powder form. It is used in the treatment of dizziness, lack of strength, indigestion, abdominal colic etc.
Brihat chagalyadi ghrita: Brihat Chagaladya Ghrita is an Ayurvedic medicine in ghee form. It is used in the treatment of all types of Vata disorders involving emaciation, lack of strength, pain, stiffness etc.
Sukumaram kashaya churna: Sukumaram Kashaya Choorna is a micro-fine powder of the respective Kashaya. It is used in the treatment of gastro-intestinal diseases, hernia, lack of appetite, constipation and piles. It is also useful in menstrual disorders and sterility.
Interaction with medicines, supplements
Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.
Can this medicine be continued while taking supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.
With western
Seek your
doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western
(allopathic / modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is
best to take Allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then take the
Ayurvedic medicine.
Research articles about Leptidinia reticulata:
Anti- oxidant action: In this study different extract were tested for cytotoxicity against human breast adenocarcinoma cell line MCF-7, human colon adenocarcinoma grade II cell line HT-29 and non cancer skeletal muscle cell line L6 through 3-(4, 5–dimethyl thiazol–2–yl)–5–diphenyl tetrazolium bromide assay. The total antioxidant potential was estimated by three different antioxidant model diphenylpicrylhydrazyl free radical scavenging activity, H2O2 scavenging activity and FeCl3 reducing activity. he ethyl acetate extract of both naturally grown plant and tissue cultured plant exhibited significant cytotoxicity with IC50 values of 21 µg/mL, 26 µg/mL and 22 µg/mL; 20 µg/mL, 30 µg/mL and 18 µg/mL respectively against three cell lines. The diphenylpicrylhydrazyl free radical scavenging activity was found to be highest with an IC50 value of 267.13 µg/mL in ethyl acetate extract.
Anti- fungal action: The petroleum ether, chloroform, acetone, methanol and aqueous extracts of the aerial parts of Leptadenia reticulata Wight and Arn. (Asclepiadaceae) were studied for in vitro antifungal activity against Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus ruantti, Candida tropicalis, Candida albicans, Trichodermata viride and Trichodermata koningii respectively. The methanolic extract exhibited prominent antifungal activity against all the selected strains.
Hepato- protective action: The objective of the study was to evaluate the hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic and aqueous extract of stems of Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) Wight. and Arn. in carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4 )-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Treatment of animals with ethanolic and aqueous extracts significantly reduced the liver damage and the symptoms of liver injury by restoration of architecture of liver as indicated by lower levels of serum bilirubin and protein as compared with the normal and silymarin-treated groups. Histology of the liver sections confirmed that the extracts prevented hepatic damage induced by CCl 4 showing the presence of normal hepatic cords, absence of necrosis, and fatty infiltration.
The objective of this study was to investigate the antiulcer activity of leaves of Leptadenia reticulata Linn. (Asclepiadaceae) in rats. Fresh dried leaves of Leptadenia reticulata were extracted by maceration method. Antiulcer activity of the aqueous extract at two concentrations 100 and 200 mg/kg were evaluated in rats using ethanol, indomethacin and pylorus ligation induced ulcer models. Famotidine was used as a Standard drug. The evaluated parameters are ulcer index, acid volume, pH and total acidity. The extract (100 mg/kg & 200 mg/kg) showed significant (P<0.001) reduction in acid volume, total acidity and ulcer index as compared to control. This present study indicates that Leptadenia reticulata leaves aqueous extract have potential anti -ulcer activity in all the models.
Author: Dr.B.K.Prashanth M.D (Ayu), Ph.D
Email: drprashanthbk@gmail.com
Sthanika Karma (Systemic Action)
External application
Relieve burning sensation, External application of the paste is indicated in inflammatory conditions.
Internal administration-
Digestive System – Unctuous, Absorbent, . Indicated in dryness of abdominal cavity, abdominal distension, Malabsorption syndrome.
Circulatory system – Cardio protective, indicated in bleeding disorders.
Respiratory system – Indicated in Cough, helps to expels vitiated kapha dosha
Reproductive system – Aphrodisiac, Help to increase breast milk production
Excretory System – Increases urine production. indicated in dysuria, UTI, burning micturition etc.
Satmikarana – Indicated in general debility, Rejuvinative
Tapakrama – indicated in fever, burning sensation
Eye – Helps to increase eyesight
Hetal akbari
Give imformation about jivanti leptadenia in gujrati language
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
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where can i get ??
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
It is available in Indiamart website. Please search.