Vidradhi: Causes, Pathogenesis, Types, Treatment, Medicines

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay)
Vidradhi is compared to abscess. Abscess is a collection of pus that has built up within the tissues. It is thus a confined pocket of pus that collects in the tissues, organs or spaces inside the body. They are associated with pain, swelling and redness.


The doshas located around the asthi or bone tissue, on getting vitiated will contaminate twak (skin), rakta (blood), mamsa (muscle) and meda (fat) and will produce swelling which develops gradually and into big size and gets hard in consistency. This swelling (shopha) is called Vidradhi. Vidradhis are deep located and are associated with pain. They are either round (circular) or elongated (oval) in shape.


Vidradhis are said to be of 6 types and are caused due to vitiated vata (vataja), pitta (pittaja), kapha (kaphaja), all 3 doshas (tridoshaja or sannipataja), kshataja (due to injury) and raktaja (due to contaminated blood).

Vata type of vidradhi presents with thin and transparent secretions or fluid, associated with pain, hard in texture, appears black in colour and inconsistent swelling which raises and goes away in an unpredictable way. Suppuration is also inconsistent. All painful blisters with serous fluid can be included in this type of vidradhi.

Pitta type of vidradhi looks yellow in colour, filled with yellow fluid or pus and is associated with burning sensation. The abscess or blister comes on quickly and suppurates quickly. All blisters with pus and infection comes under this category.

Kapha type of vidradhi is in the shape of sharava or crucible or lid of earthen material, appears white in colour, filled with white or pale coloured fluid, cold on touch, unctuous, associated with less or mild pain, slow raising and slowly suppurating abscess or blisters. Big blisters filled with clear fluid or pus fall under this category.

Sannipataja Vidradhi or abscess caused due to simultaneous vitiation of all 3 doshas appear in different colours, have fluids of various colours, mixed symptoms of all the 3 doshas, size of blisters vary from small to big sized ones. Blisters caused due to various causes leading from pressure to infection can be considered under this group.

Abhighataja vidradhi (caused due to injuries) are caused due to vitiation of Vata, pitta and rakta after an injury and is associated with fever, thirst, burning sensation etc symptoms. All types of blisters caused due to friction, burning, chemical exposure and injuries fall under this category and should be dealt accordingly. Its symptoms are similar to pitta type of vidradhi and hence inflammatory and suppurative in nature.

Raktaja Vidradi caused due to vitiated blood are dark black in colour and are associated with burning sensation, fever and pain. It also resembles pitta type of vidradhi in terms of symptoms and is also closer to blood blisters.

Blisters can be managed on the basis of treatment line of vidradhi. Vidradhi might not be exactly equal to blisters in comparison but vidradhi, just like blisters present with swelling filled with fluids. In clinical practice too it is seen that the medicines mentioned in Vidradhi give satisfactory results and cure blisters when skilfully administered.

Treatment principles

General principles of treatment of Vidradhi: 
Raktamokshana – All types of vidradhi should be dealt with by effective administration of Raktamokshana or bloodletting. Jalauka or leech application is the best one.

Mrudu virechana – mild purgation
Laghu anna – light digestible food
Swedana – fomentation or sweating treatment (sudation) except in pittaja vidradhi

External applications

External applications for vidradhi:
Yavadi lepa – paste of fried or boiled Yava (barley), Godhuma (wheat) and Mudga (green gram)

Vyaghri lepa – the paste of Vyaghri (Solanum xanthocarpum) roots mixed with vasa (muscle fat), taila (oil) and ghrita (ghee) should be applied (Vataja Vidradhi)

Shigru upanaha – the paste of roots of drumstick should be used for giving fomentation and as poultice (swedana and upanaha) in Vataja Vidradhi

Sarivadi Lepa – paste of Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Laja (parched rice or popped rice), Yashtimadhu (Indian Liquorice), Sharkara (sugar) should be applied (Pittaja, Raktaja and Abhighataja Vidradhi)

Shobhanjanadi lepa – the roots of Shobhanjana (drumstick) should be ground and its paste should be applied, the juice of its root should be mixed with honey and given for internal consumption

Internal medications

Internal medications for Vidradhi: 
Punarnavadi kwatha – decoction of Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Devadaru (Cedrus deodara), Shunti (ginger), Dashamula (10 roots) and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) mixed with Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) and Eranda Taila (castor oil) relieves Vata type of Vidradhi

Triphala Kwatha – decoction of Triphala (Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellirica and Emblica officinalis) mixed with paste of Trivrit (Operculina turpethum) should be given to drink (pittaja, Raktaja and Abhighataja vidradhi)

Triphaladi kwatha – decoction of Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Shigru mula (root of drumstick), Varuna mula (root of Crataeva nurvala), Dashamula (10 roots) mixed with Shuddha Guggulu (purified Commiphora mukul) and Gomutra (urine of cow) is highly useful in Kaphaja vidradhi

Varunadi Kwatha – decoction of Varuna (Crataeva nurvala) mixed with purified Kasisa (ferrous sulphate), saindhava lavana (rock salt) and Shuddha hingu (purified asafoetida)

Punarnavadi kwatha – decoction of equal quantities of Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) and Varuna mula (root of Crataeva nurvala)
Read related: 21 Easy And Effective Home Remedies for Blisters

Dashamuladi kwatha – decoction of Dashamula (10 roots), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Devadaru (Cedrus deodara), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Shigru (drumstick) and Shunti (ginger)

Best ‘abscess destroying decoctions’ from Sahasrayogam

1. Vidradhihara Kashayam
Ref – Sahasrayogam, Kashaya Prakaranam, 41

a. Vyaghryadi Kashayam

Ingredients Botanical Name Method of using Indications
Kantakari Solanum xanthocarpum The decoction prepared with these ingredients should be served fresh 1. Abscesses formed inside the body  
Varuna Crateva religiosa / Crateva nurvula
Agnimantha Clerodendrum phlomidis / Premna integrifolia
Shigru Moringa oleifera
Ginger Zingiber officinale
Punarnava Boerhavia diffusa

b. Mustadi Kashayam

Ingredients Botanical Name Method of using Indications
Musta Cyperus rotundus The decoction prepared with these ingredients should be served fresh with honey. 1. Abscesses formed inside the body 2. Destroys pus  
Sandalwood Santalum album
Darvi twak Bark of Berberis aristata
Bhunimba Andrographis paniculata
Ushira Vetiveria zizanioides
Kutaja Holarrhena antidysenterica

c. Varunadi Gana Siddha Kashayam

Ingredients Botanical Name Method of using Indications
Varuna Crateva religiosa / Crateva nurvula The decoction prepared with these ingredients should be served fresh 1. Kapha disorders 2. Indigestion 3. Gout 4. Headache 5. Abdominal tumors 6. Internal abscesses
Saireyaka yugma Two types of Barleria prionitis
Shatavari Asparagus racemosus
Chitraka Plumbago zeylanica
Murva Marsdenia tenacissima
Bilwa Aegle marmelos
Vishanika / Karkatashringi Pistacia chinensis
Brihati Solanum indicum
Kantakari Solanum xanthocarpum
Karanja Pongamia pinnata
Chirabilva Holoptelea integrifolia
Agnimantha Clerodendrum phlomidis / Premna integrifolia
Haritaki Terminalia chebula
Shigru Moringa oleifera
Darbha Desmostachya bipinnata
Rujakara Barleria prionitis / Semicarpus anacardium /

2. Nimbadi Kashayam

Ref – Sahasrayogam, Parishishta Prakaranam, 60

Ingredients Botanical Name Method of using Indications
Neem bark Bark of Azadirachta indica The decoction prepared with these ingredients should be served fresh with honey and purified Guggulu i.e. Commiphora mukul for 6 days 1. Abscesses  
Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia
Ginger Zingiber officinale
Daruharidra twak Bark of Berberis aristata
Vasa Adhatoda vasica
Phalatraya / Triphala Fruits of – Terminalia chebula Terminalia bellirica Emblica officinalis
Patola Trichosanthes dioica
Nidagdhika / Kantakari Solanum xanthocarpum

3. Dashamuladi Kashayam
Ref – Sahasrayogam, Parishishta Prakaranam, 61

Ingredients Botanical Name Method of using Indications
Dashamoola Ten roots The decoction prepared with these ingredients should be served fresh with honey and purified Guggulu i.e. Commiphora mukul for 6 days 1. Fever 2. Abscess 3. Swelling / anasarca  
Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia
Haritaki Terminalia chebula
Devadaru Cedrus deodara
Punarnava Boerhavia diffusa
Shigru Moringa oleifera
Ginger Zingiber officinale

4. Trayantyadi Kashayam
Ref – Sahasrayogam, Parishishta Prakaranam, 111
Read – Trayantadi Kashayam – Benefits, Dose, Side Effects And Ingredients
Method to Use – Served fresh admixed with ghee

5. Tiktaka ghrita
6. Makatiktaka Ghrita
7. Pancha tiktaka guggulu Ghrita
8. Sukumara Ghrita
9.Ghanvantari Ghrita
10. Ullivettadukadi Kashaya

Pathya – apathya according to Yogaratnakara

Wholesome herbs, diet and habits

Old Indian Barnyard millet, horse gram, garlic, red variety of drumstick, cow-pea, bitter gourd, hog-weed, Buas-Buas, honey etc.

Unwholesome herbs, diet and habits

Old red rice, ghee, oil, green gram juice, rice-gruel, flesh of animals living in desert areas, banana, pointed gourd, camphor, sandalwood, biled and cooled water etc.

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