Ghee innately balances Pitta and Vata Dosha. – ghritam pittaanilaharam | – Ashtanga Hrudaya, Sutrasthana. But ghee is specifically told as the most effective remedy for Pitta balance. (Sesame oil is for Vata and honey is for Kapha).
But if ghee is advised for intake for people with Vata and Kapha balance, then how to take it? The answer is –
Table of Contents
Sanskrit Shloka
मारुतेऽभ्यधिके सर्पिः सदा सलवणं हितम्।
केवलं त्वधिके पित्ते, कफे सत्र्यूषणं तथा॥
mārute’bhyadhike sarpiḥ sadā salavaṇaṃ hitam|
kevalaṃ tvadhike pitte, kaphe satryūṣaṇaṃ tathā|| – Sarvanga Sundari commentary on Ashtanga Hrudaya Sutrasthana 16/22
In case of Vata Dosha increase, ghee is administered along with rock salt (Saindhava lavana) or common salt.
In case of Pitta Dosha increase, ghee is administered alone, without mixing anything else.
In case of Kapha Dosha increase, ghee is administered along with Trikatu churna (a combination of ginger, pepper and long pepper).
Ghee with salt for Vata Dosha:
Sweet, salt and sour substances balance Vata dosha. Hence, using ghee along with salt is very useful for Vata balance.
How to take?
A teaspoon of ghee mixed with a pinch of salt, once or twice a day. Or if you are using ghee in your diet, consider mixing a pinch of salt to it and use it in diet.
Read related: rock salt benefits
Ghee for Pitta Dosha
Ghee, being sweet in taste, sweet in Vipaka (taste conversion during/after digestion) is innately effective for Pitta dosha balance. Hence, it is not advised to mix it with anything else.
Read related: 60 Benefits Of Ghee, Side Effects, Contra Indications
Ghee for Kapha Dosha
If the person has increase of Kapha Dosha or if the person is of Kapha body type and if he desires to take ghee, it needs to be mixed with Trikatu Churna.
Trikatu, being the mix of three spices is hot, useful in obesity and balances down Kapha Dosha. Read more about Trikatu benefits.
Usually, fat foods such as ghee is not indicated for Kapha dosha. the oiliness / unctuousness is a common quality present both in ghee and Kapha Dosha. Hence it increases Kapha Dosha.
But if it is to be administered in Kapha Dosha person, a teaspoon of ghee can be mixed with half a teaspoon of Trikatu churna and given.
How To Take Ghee For Different Doshas?
Ghee reduces sugar side effects
How to reduce sugar craving in children?
Dr JV Hebbar
Children love sweets. They can replace their meal with just candies, cakes and bakery items. But excess sugar intake by children causes decreased brain functionalities, obesity, dental caries, developmental delays, diabetes, mood changes, lack of focus, hyper-irritability etc.
These side effects are primarily due to reasons.
Rapid absorption of sugar by the body, causing a sudden “high” and energetic feeling makes the child crave for more sugar.
Once the sugar level starts dropping drastically, the temporary hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) causes the child to throw uncontrolled tantrums which forces the parents to give more sweets. This vicious cycle makes the child hate fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods.
Read: Playground and Toys for Children As Explained In Ayurveda
Use more ghee in your diet. Replace the white sugar with jaggery (sweet molasses / Gur / brown sugar). For example, make sweets at home using jaggery and ghee in it – best example is laddu (ladoo) made of sesame seeds and dry fruits ladoo made with walnut, raisins, almond, sesame seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds etc, with melted jaggery and of course, ghee.
Read: Boondi Laddo, Motichoor Ladoo, Til Ke Laddu Method, Ayurvedic Benefits
How it works?
Ghee fatty acids compete with sugar for absorption thus delaying sugar absorption. Hence the sugar is not rapidly absorbed and thus that quick spiking and sudden drop of sugar levels is avoided (1), solving most of the problems that sugar brings.
Ghee health benefits – The Complete List
Ghee is explained as Medhya in Ayurveda. It improves cognitive functions, keeps the mind calm, improves focus, concentration and even is explained as – auspicious and brings good luck! 🙂 (Alakshmi Hara – wards off bad luck – Reference – Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana 27th chapter)
So, the ghee nullifies most of the damage done by the sugar on body and mind.
How to consume ghee?
1 – 3 teaspoons added to hot soup or sambhar or rasam.
Ghee can be used for preparing Dosa
Ghee sits good on top of Idli, Vada, Dosa or any other food item.
Read: How to consume ghee based on Dosha?
Dr Sahana Holla, BAMS
Sir, should the same method of administration be followed when ghrita pana is used as poorva karma of vamana/ virechana in respective dosha predominant diseases?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
As a general rule, before snehapana (for Panchakarma), usually Pachana treatment is given with Trikatu etc. This is told in the context of taking ghrita for treating disorders and not in snehapana. Hence, I do not think this rule applies to snehapana, ahead of Panchakarma therapies.
Dr Sahana Holla, BAMS
Thank you Sir..
Premji Bhanushali
Great service to health n ayurbeda using modern technology.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Thanks for the kind words of appreciation. 🙂
How to take ghee to increase weight for someone with low digestion and lean body?
Is buffalo ghee good to take at dinner
can a person with “high pitta low agni” take ghee?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author