Jewellery Allergy: Causes, Home Remedy, Ayurveda Treatment

Article by Prof. MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD.
In this era of fashion even though the crazy of gold and silver is slightly decreased, significant inclination is found towards artificial ornaments. Artificial ornaments or jewelries are sold in the names like-fashion jewelry , artificial jewelry, antique jewelry, trinkets, junk jewelry, fake jewelry, fine jewels, copper jewels, charm jewelry, gold coated jewels, tinted jewelry, imitation jewelry, costume jewelry etc.

Even though all these are not one and the same they are different in purity and quality concerned.

Causes for allergy

Several factors matter in this regard –
Artificial ornaments look attractive and new fashion designs are available
They are affordable to all the people as they are cheaper and available throughout
Matching ornaments can be chosen as per ones liking
They are usually light weights (not all and always) and hence convenient
They are attractive and selection options are more.

But few of the disadvantages are to be taken care and they can be summarized as below-
Low quality metals, alloys or plastic tools are used which may be allergic to the individual
Product material description is nowhere available and hence the wholesomeness and acceptance buy the body is questionable
The base materials and artificial finishing agents (coloring /coating /refining /decorating etc) may not be universally acceptable and the products are marketed without much scientific studies.
Lack of batch to batch standardization and standardization (quality control) in general
The harmful nature and character of such material tools are also not well defined and their method of disposal is also not explained.

allergic skin rash, hive

Usual artificial ornaments in public use: 
Bangles, Ear studs, Nose studs/stunts, Ear hooks/naval (umbilical) hooks, Rings,
Waist strips/bands, Neck chains, Ankle chains, Beads, Gems, Stones etc
Allergic manifestations

Allergic manifestation types

Commonly the allergic manifestations found can be classified into two categories-
Caused due to body contact-causes itching, burning, blisters, red/black/blue discoloration, boil eruptions etc
Caused due to body insertion/piercing-above said features may be associated with oozing or bleeding, ulceration, decaying, pus discharge, necrosis etc.
In few of the cases fever, super infections, neuro muscular toxic features may also found, even though it is rare.

Ayurvedic Treatment

First of all such an ornament is taken out/removed/detached from the body and washed with plain water.(anti septic solutions are taken help in this regard now a days).

Identifying the allergic kind of ornament it should be avoided throughout. If possible the responsible chemical content of the substance can be identified and enough care and caution is taken there afterwards.

In case of injuries/wounds, bleeding, pus discharge, necrosis etc medical treatment is taken under the physician’s direct guidance.

Home remedies

Home remedy for skin allergy:
Stop using the ornament.
Take ghee or coconut oil – 1 cup. Mix a tablespoon of turmeric and 2 tablespoon of neem powder to it. Mix them. Make a paste and apply regularly.
Avoid water exposure to area, as much as you can.
Use more of turmeric, curry leaves, cinnamon, cardamom in diet.
Avoid excess spicy foods, junk foods, fried foods, sodas, smoking and alcohol.


If the symptoms are severe, then it indicates excess vitiation of Kapha and Pitta Dosha. In this condition, Vamana (vomiting treatment) followed by Virechana treatment (purgation treatment) is conducted.

Ayurvedic medicines

Oral medications helpful in managing such allergic features/reactions-
Madhusnuhi rasayana
Gandhaka rasayana
Chopachini choorna
Arogyavardhini rasa
Triphala guggulu
Kaishora guggulu
Mahatiktaka kashaya
Guggulutiktaka kashaya
Mahamnjishthadi kashaya etc

Patent medicaments-
Dermatone syrup (Alva pharmacy)
Impurin syrup (Arya oushadhalaya)
Kalamegha strong (Swadeshi oushadhalaya)
RH compound (Imis) etc

Local applications

Nalpamaradi taila – Ayurvedic oil used in the treatment of skin diseases with itching such as eczema.
Rasottamadi lepa
Bilvadi gulika – used in Ayurvedic treatment of insect bites, rodent bites, gastro enteritis etc.
Marmani gulika – used in Ayurvedic treatment of diseases of Marma places – vital organs, means, diseases related to heart, brain, urinary system etc.
Gandhakadya malahara – It is an ointment used to treat skin diseases such as dermatitis, fungal infection etc.
Sinduradi malahara
Shatadhouta ghrita – especially useful when the symptoms are associated with burning sensation and redness.
Guggulutiktaka ghrita – useful when pain, burning and itching sensation symptoms are present etc

Last drop
Fashion wise update is the need of the time. But while updating we should take enough care so that the fashion tool should not ruin away our health and pleasure.

Age old ornaments will surely stand in their uniqueness and royal guests. Quality should match with the individuals’ body part and not mere one likes.

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