Motion Sickness: Tips, Ayurvedic Remedies, Medicines

Article by Prof. MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu)., PhD.
Motion sickness is also called by the name travelling sickness. Statistics says that one in every three is having the complaint of travelling sickness from mild to severe grade. The individuals with this particular complaint very often avoid journey or keep on post pone the journey. Even though people not accept the case openly, they develop a kind of inferiority and insecurity throughout.
Even though we have enough facilities to work in the residing place/office itself, there are few professions where they have to travel few Kilometers every day.

This becomes a difficult task to such people. Also we can witness few of the individuals who miss great opportunities and promotions on account of travelling sickness.
Though Travelling sickness usually refers to the travel by Road traffic through bus, car, jeep, taxi etc rarely we can find even in bicycles also.

Quite interestingly I want to quote an incident happened in my work place, recently.
Even though I am a Consultant of Ayurveda, by profession I am a Professor too (in Alvas Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri, Karnataka). In one of the PG examination a Lady Professor was appointed as external examiner to our college.

So, being the Chairman of the examination I have communicated a week prior to the examination, by phone call. She intimated regarding the acceptance for the assigned duty and I have disconnected my call after my job.
Immediately after 5 minutes, I got a call back from the same lady examiner and asked me to arrange a bicycle from her work place which is 260 KM away from my work place. I was stunned and confused and could not speak more for few seconds.

Then she made it clear that she (55 year old) has the complaint of travelling sickness due to which she often rejects the examiner- ship; as the Exam branch of the university has given her strong instruction not to abscond from the prescribed duty she accepted it. Also added, she has motion sickness even in all the vehicles including Train and Flight, except the Bicycle!.

(Anyhow I arranged for her travel through cut journey and by sending the Bicycle of my student, who was her earlier student also! )

Yes., now I am coming to the point. This is one such incident which illustrated me the difficulties of the people who suffer from Motion sickness (also who make other’s to suffer too!)
As I explained earlier some people have selective sickness only for particular vehicles or mode of transports. Where as some have specific exceptions too.

To add, some develop travelling sickness in particular geographical area only. Or else few of the individuals have sickness only in Petrol vehicles or Diesel vehicles.

Why/How it happens?
Whether Ayurveda referred conditions like travelling sickness?
Yes., while explaining the Vataja Chardi(vatic vomiting) and Giddiness, features are referred as the conditions are caused or aggravated by the said causative factors including the motion/travel or agitation. This surely stands as a clue for the understanding and cure of the disease Travelling sickness.

Line of treatment

Line of treatment for travelling sickness: 
First of all, build the self confidence and make a habit of small travel very often. Once when you feel comfort try to cover a long distance.
Do not have heavy food before starting the journey and also don’t remain in empty stomach. Best way is to have moderate food or drink 20-30 minutes prior to the journey. Anyhow, in long journey better to skip heavy food.
Try to close your eyes in steep curves, up and downs; also you can cover your ear with cotton plugs or ear plugs and this will reduce the chances of vomiting and giddiness found in cases of Travelling sickness.

Listening the music, having the aroma of one’s liking (like lemon, lavender, eucalyptus, sandal wood etc) also contribute a little in this regard in few individuals.

Ayurvedic medicines for motion sickness: 
Following Ayurvedic formulations have good benefits over Travelling sickness-
Kamadugha rasa
Matala rasayana
Dhanvantari vati
Dhatri loha
Sarivadi vati
Eladi vati etc

Patent products of choice: 
Vomiteb syrup/tablet (Charak)
Madiphala rasayana (Imis)
Nannari sharabath (B V Pandith) etc

Last drop
Man is always in search of safe, effective and simple (and economic) remedies for all his ill health conditions. But insufficient information regarding available herbal preparations kept him in darkness.
Knowledge, eager and curiosity regarding such ancient knowledge bases will surely build enough confidence among the sufferers.
Article by Prof. MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu)., PhD.

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