Dr. Mahesh Annapure M.Sc. D. N. M.D.
Balanced diet is a password for good health. Generally we opt for juices as a dietary substitute. Conditions may be worse by taking any fruit juice at wrong time. Due to availability of each fruit in every season, we go wrong sometimes. Hence the selection of accurate fruits at appropriate time is essential.
In some incurable chronic diseases where medicines stop their working, the fruit and vegetable juices are proven better efficient remedy for healing. Juices has no need of digestion, as they are easily metabolized, absorbed by digestive system. They maintain acid – alkaline balance in the blood and body tissues. Juices contain different vitamins, enzymes, minerals, natural medicinal properties, trace elements and natural sugar. They are having vegetable hormones, antibodies, hence are effective as detoxifiers, antioxidants and nutritive in nature.
Read related: How To Do Juice Fasting? Ideal juice recipes for fasting – Ayurveda Method
It is better to use fresh, ripe and seasonal fruits. Juice must be taken immediately after preparation; packaged, canned and refrigerated juices may be avoided. Juices may be prepared with unique or cocktail of more fruits and vegetables. As they are having natural sugar, do not add extra sugar to them. Do not add milk to juice (milk – shake) it is an antagonistic. Never take juices at night.
For healthy persons juices with mixed vegetables may be avoided, patients suffering from diseases may take a combination of it.
Spinach has iron content which may get bonded with oxalate in body tissues, hence while making spinach juice use a little tamarind to it.
Among all fruits and vegetables, lemon, coconut water, wheat grass juice and apple juice are mostly effective for everyone for majority of diseases.
Diseases and recommended juices
Here is a list of few common diseases with recommended juices:-
Acidity: Grapes, orange, sweet orange, carrot, spinach, cabbage, carrot.
Cabbage + carrot: cucumber, cucumber + apple: potato, apple,
Allergies: Apricot, grapes, beat, spinach, carrot
Acne: Pear, plum, grapes, cucumber, tomato
Arteriosclerosis: Grape pineapple, celery, spinach, carrot + spinach:, cabbage, beet, tomato, bitter gourd.
Anemia: Red grape, prune, beat, celery, mix veg, cabbage, bitter guard, tomato, strawberry, carrot, spinach
Appetite: Lemon, better guard, carrot, ginger, garlic.
Arthritis: Apple, pineapple, cherry, lemon, grape, cucumber, beat, spinach, carrot, cabbage, better guard, coconut, wheat grass.
Asthma: Peach, lemon, apricot, carrot, radish, celery, carrot + cabbage + beet: potato + apple: garlic + papaya.
Bronchitis: Carrot, onion, peach, tomato, pineapple, lemon, ginger + honey + lemon+ Luke warm water+ onion + garlic+ with Luke warm water: cabbage, cucumber, radish.
Bladder ailments: Apple, parsley, beet, celery, lemon, cucumber, carrot, watermelon, grape, pineapple, coconut water.
Cancer: Carrot, grapes, apple, beet, papaya, ginger, tomato, wheat grass, semi matured curd.
Colds: Celery, garlic, radish, carrot, spinach, onion, grape, pineapple
Colitis: Carrot+ spinach, cabbage, cucumber, apple, beet, potato, bel, orange.
Cough: Honey + lemon, carrot+ garlic+ onion, onion+ basil leaf.
Communicable disease: Lemon+ honey, garlic+ onion, carrot, sweat orange, orange.
Cholera: Bel + mint, garlic+ onion, coconut water.
Constipation: Spinach+ carrot, potato= cucumber+ apple, fig, bel, guava, orange.
Dental disorders: Carrot, apple, guava, orange, vegetables,
Diabetes: jamun, Bitter gourd, Celery, lemon, orange, sweet orange, lettuce, spinach, carrot, tomato, cucumber, cabbage, French beans.
Diarrheas: Bel, apple, garlic, wet turmeric, beet, Papaya, lemon, pineapple, celery, carrot
Diphtheria: Pineapple+ onion.
Dysentery: Buttermilk, pomegranate, lemon.
Epilepsy: Carrots, grapes, figs, spinach, celery
Eczema: Beat, red grapes, spinach, cucumber.
Eye disorder: Carrot, mix vegetables, radish, apricot, tomato, parsley, spinach, celery
Fracture: Spinach+ amaranth, fenugreek, + drum steaks, amla, cucumber, carrot, guava, papaya.
Fever: Lemon+ honey, garlic+ onion, white guard, basil, pomegranate, orange, sweat orange.
Gout: Tomato, cucumber, spinach, carrot, celery, cherries, lemon+ water, water+ garlic+ onion, French beans, potato.
Halitosis: Spinach, carrot, celery, apple, tomato, grapes
Heart diseases: Carrot, papaya, pomegranate, grapes, cucumber, lemon, spinach, beat, honey, coconut water, garlic, pineapple.
Headache: Spinach, jigger, beat, cucumber, tomato, apple, lettuce, carrot, lemon, grapes
High blood pressure: Garlic, basil leaf, wheat grass, cucumber, papaya, Beat, carrot, orange, grapes,
Hiccups: Pineapple, tomato.
Hypercholesterolemia: Basil, garlic, onion.
Insomnia: Celery, carrot, lemon, apple, grapes
Influenza: Grape, honey+ lemon, garlic+ onion, pineapple, orange, apricot, onion, carrot
Indigestion: Lemon+ garlic+ ginger, papaya, pineapple, cucumber, carrot, beet, cabbage.
Intestinal disorder: Cabbage, cucumber, papaya, potato.
Internal hemorrhage: Apple, carrot, lemon.
Jaundice: Sugarcane, pear, grapes, carrot, celery, spinach, lemon, cucumber, amla.
Kidney ailments: Lemon, watermelon, pineapple, cucumber, spinach, celery, carrot, grapes, amla, pear,
Orange, lemon, cucumber, apple, celery, parsley, beat.
Kidney stones: Horse beans+ carrot, cucumber, beat, apple, pumpkin, watermelon. Do not take vegetable juice.
Liver ailments: Sugarcane, better guard, white guard, wet turmeric, orange, apple, Cucumber, beat, tomato, carrot, grape, papaya
Menstrual disorder: Carrot, papaya, pineapple, cabbage, Spinach, grapes ,trumps, beet, prunes
Mind refresher: Watermelon, orange, grapes, lemon.
Migraine: Lemon+ ginger.
Nervous disorders: Wheat grass, French beans, vegetables.
Obesity: Cucumber+ carrot+ tomato, Lemon, orange, cherry, pineapple, papaya, tomato, beat, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, carrot
Vomiting: Pomegranate, papaya, lemon, orange.
Oral lichen: Cabbage + amaranth.
Osteoporosis: Radish, cabbage, germinated legumes.
Pneumonia: Ginger+ lemon + honey, garlic+ onion, basil, sweet orange, orange.
Pimples: Carrot + spinach, potato+ beet, cucumber+ grapes. Papaya, water melon.
Piles: Potato, carrot, figs, vegetables, wheat grass, spinach, amaranth.
Potency: Carrot, spinach, tomato, wheat grass.
Pregnancy: Carrot, tomato, apple, fig, beet, white guard, vegetable juice. Do not take papaya.
Prostate: Pumpkin, beet.
Psoriasis: Cucumber, beet, grapes, carrot, apple.
Pyorrhea: Carrot, apple, guava, lemon, orange, vegetables, garlic, onion.
Rejuvenation: Carrot, grapes, orange, spinach, wheat grass, amla,
Sex disorders: Carrot+ spinach, beet+ cucumber +apple, pumpkin, wheat grass.
Scurvy: Amla, lemon, orange, guava, radish, potato, pineapple, chery.
Skin disorders: Spinach+ carrot, potato, beet, cucumber, turmeric, watermelon, guava, apple, orange, papaya.
Skin color shine: Tomato+ wet turmeric, beet+ apple, guava+ papaya + cucumber.
Splenomegaly: Papaya, jamun, lemon+ wet turmeric, garlic, onion, carrot.
Stomach ulcer: Cabbage, cucumber, potato.
Sleeplessness: Apple, grapes, guava, potato, carrot+ spinach,
Sun stroke: Amla, coriander, orange, sweet orange, watermelon, melon, cucumber, onion.
Throat infection: Honey+ lemon, carrot+ beet +cucumber, pineapple., ginger+ garlic+ onion, wet turmeric.
Tonsillitis: Orange, lemon, apricot, pineapple, spinach, radish, carrot
Tuberculosis: Carrot, garlic, lemon, honey.
Varicose veins: Grapes, watercress, plums, tomato, beet, carrot
Weight gain: Banana, all fruits.
Intestinal Worms: Garlic + onion, pumpkin + fenugreek + mint, papaya, potato
Raw Juice Therapy: Raw juice therapy is a kind of healing by which a patient is treated exclusively on the juices for a days without any food. This is a common therapy in the Yoga system, where the backbone problems are also covered by this method within fifteen days without any traction or painkillers. It is also known as juice fasting. Juice fasting removes toxicants from the by through the respiratory, excretory and digestive system. In this method the juices are given sometimes with the cocktails of certain vegetables or honey.
Facts about soft drinks:
Diseases flourished in acidic medium, cold drinks are acidic.
Soft drinks damage the kidneys.
High level of Hydroxyl Methyl Furfural content damage nerves, genes, cells.
Cola drinks provide zero nourishment.
Caffeine is addictive, cola provide it.
Birth defects and potency, osteolologic disorders causes by cold drinks.
Cola drinks contains caramel coloring which has genetic effects and is cancer causing suspect.
Bubbles and fizz are not innocent; they can potently burn human body inside by the phosphoric acid and carbon dioxide.
Soft drinks may cause allergies.
How to dissolve your teeth?. Just do one experiment at home. Take a glass, Pour cola over an extracted tooth or penny nail and observe how much days requires to get dissolve it. Note down your observations and compare with how long your cola drink habit is.
Modern varieties of fruit cocktail benefits
Fruit cocktail, (peach and pineapple and pear and grape and cherry), canned, juice pack, solids and liquids
Peach – Vata balancing, Pitta nourishing, Kapha nourishing
Pineapple – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Pear – vata balancing, pitta balancing, Kapha balancing
Grape – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Cherry – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Effect on Doshas
Vata balancing
Pitta balancing
Kapha increasing
Fruit cocktail, (peach and pineapple and pear and grape and cherry), canned, extra light syrup, solids and liquids
Peach – Vata balancing, Pitta nourishing, Kapha nourishing
Pineapple – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Pear – vata balancing, pitta balancing, Kapha balancing
Grape – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Cherry – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Effect on Doshas
Vata balancing
Pitta balancing
Kapha increasing (slightly more kapha increasing as it is syrup)
Fruit cocktail, (peach and pineapple and pear and grape and cherry), canned, light syrup, solids and liquids
Peach – Vata balancing, Pitta nourishing, Kapha nourishing
Pineapple – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Pear – vata balancing, pitta balancing, Kapha balancing
Grape – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Cherry – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Effect on Doshas
Vata balancing
Pitta balancing
Kapha increasing (slightly more kapha increasing as it is syrup)
Fruit cocktail, (peach and pineapple and pear and grape and cherry), canned, heavy syrup, solids and liquids
Peach – Vata balancing, Pitta nourishing, Kapha nourishing
Pineapple – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Pear – vata balancing, pitta balancing, Kapha balancing
Grape – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Cherry – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Effect on Doshas
Vata balancing
Pitta balancing
Greatly Kapha increasing (kapha increasing as it is heavy syrup)
Fruit cocktail, (peach and pineapple and pear and grape and cherry), canned, extra heavy syrup, solids and liquids
Peach – Vata balancing, Pitta nourishing, Kapha nourishing
Pineapple – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Pear – vata balancing, pitta balancing, Kapha balancing
Grape – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Cherry – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Effect on Doshas
Vata balancing
Pitta balancing
Greatly Kapha increasing (kapha increasing as it is extra heavy syrup)
Juice, apple and grape blend, with added ascorbic acid
Apple juice – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Grape juice – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Effect on Doshas
Vata balancing
Pitta balancing
Kapha increasing (addition of vitamin makes it more nourishing, therefore more Kapha increasing)
Juice, apple, grape and pear blend, with added ascorbic acid and calcium
Apple juice – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Grape juice – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Pear juice – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, kapha balancing
Effect on Doshas
Vata balancing
Pitta balancing (calcium also contributes to Pitta balancing)
Kapha increasing (addition of vitamin makes it more Kapha increasing)
Fruit juice smoothie, NAKED JUICE, MIGHTY MANGO
Ingredients. Mango Puree, Apple Juice, Orange Juice, Banana Puree, Lemon Juice, Natural Flavors, Beta Carotene (Vitamin A).
Mango puree – Vata balancing, Pitta neutral, Kapha increasing
Apple juice –Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Orange juice – Vata balancing, Pitta nourishing, Kapha nourishing
Banana puree – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Lemon juice – Vata balancing, Pitta increasing, Kapha balancing
Effect on Doshas
Vata balancing
Pitta neutral
Kapha increasing
Fruit juice smoothie, NAKED JUICE, GREEN MACHINE
Ingredients. Apple Juice, Mango Puree, Pineapple Juice, Banana Puree, Kiwi Puree, Spirulina, Natural Flavors, Alfalfa, Broccoli, Spinach, Barley Grass, Wheat Grass, Parsley, Ginger Root, Kale, Odorless Garlic.
Apple juice – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Mango puree – Vata balancing, Pitta neutral, Kapha increasing
Pineapple juice – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Banana puree – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Kiwi puree – Vata balancing, Pitta nourishing, Kapha nourishing
Spirulina, alfalfa – Vata balancing, Pitta neutral, Kapha increasing
Broccoli –Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha nourishing
Spinach – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, kapha increasing
Barley grass – Kapha balancing (useful in hyperlipidemia)
Wheat grass – Kapha balancing (reduces cholesterol, alleviates inflammation)
Parsley, Ginger root, garlic – Vata balancing, Pitta increasing, Kapha balancing
Effect on Doshas
Vata balancing
Pitta neutral
Kapha nourishing
Apple juice from concentrate, peach and mango purées from concentrate, banana purée, less than 1% of: spirulina, natural flavors, lemon juice concentrate (for tartness), vitamin c (ascorbic acid), kale, wheat grass, barley grass, wheat sprouts, jerusalem artichoke, nova scotia dulse, pectin and gellan gum.
Apple juice – vata balancing, Pitta balancing, kapha increasing
Peach puree – Vata balancing, Pitta nourishing, Kapha nourishing
Mango puree – Vata balancing, Pitta neutral, Kapha increasing
Banana puree – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Effect on Doshas
Vata balancing
Pitta neutral (due to effect of spices and lemon juice)
Kapha increasing
Fruit juice smoothie, BOLTHOUSE FARMS, BERRY BOOST
Apple puree – vata balancing, Pitta balancing, kapha increasing
Apple juice – vata balancing, Pitta balancing, kapha increasing
Blackberry puree – Vata increasing, Pitta nourishing, kapha balancing
Banana puree – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Elderberry juice – vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha balancing
Raspberry puree – Vata balancing, Pitta nourishing, kapha nourishing
Boysenberry puree – Vata balancing, Pitt balancing, kapha nourishing
Strawberry puree – Vata balancing, pitta balancing, kapha increasing
Blueberry puree – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, kapha nourishingVitamins – Kapha increasing
Effect on Doshas
Vata balancing
Pitta balancing
Kapha increasing
Ingredients Pineapple Juice from Concentrate (Water, Pineapple Juice Concentrate), Apple Juice from Concentrate (Water, Apple Juice Concentrate), Mango Puree from Concentrate (Water, Mango Puree Concentrate), Banana Puree, Kiwi Puree, etc.
Pineapple juice – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Apple juice – vata balancing, Pitta balancing, kapha increasing
Mango puree – Vata balancing, Pitta neutral, Kapha increasing
Banana puree – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Kiwi puree – Vata balancing, Pitta nourishing, Kapha nourishing
Effect on Doshas
Vata balancing
Pitta balancing
Kapha increasing
Fruit juice smoothie, BOLTHOUSE FARMS, strawberry banana
Ingredients: Strawberry Puree, Banana Puree, Pear Juice From Concentrate (Water, Pear Juice Concentrate), Apple Juice From Concentrate (Water, Apple Juice Concentrate), Apple Puree From Concentrate (Water, Apple Puree Concentrate), Pectin, Natural Flavors, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid).
Strawberry puree – Vata balancing, pitta balancing, kapha increasing
Banana puree – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Pear juice – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha balancing
Apple juice – vata balancing, Pitta balancing, kapha increasing
Apple puree – vata balancing, Pitta balancing, kapha increasing
Effect on Doshas
Vata balancing
Pitta balancing
Kapha increasing
Ruby Red grapefruit juice blend (grapefruit, grape, apple), OCEAN SPRAY, bottled, with added vitamin C
Ingredients: Grapefruit juice, grape juice, apple juice, grapefruit pulp, vegetable concnetrate for colour, ascorbic acid, citric acid, natural flavour, beta carotene for color.
Grapefruit juice –Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Grape juice – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Aplle juice – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Effect on Doshas
Vata balancing
Pitta balancing
Kapha increasing
Fruit juice smoothie, ODWALLA, strawberry banana
Strawberry purée from concentrate, apple and orange juices from concentrate, banana purée, less than 0.5% of: natural flavors, fruit and vegetable juice (for color), lemon juice concentrate (for tartness), vitamin c (ascorbic acid), vitamin e (d-alpha tocopherol acetate), beta carotene, pectin and gellan gum.
Strawberry puree – Vata balancing, pitta balancing, kapha increasing
Apple juice – vata balancing, Pitta balancing, kapha increasing
Orange juice – Vata balancing, Pitta nourishing, Kapha nourishing
Banana puree – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Effect on Doshas
Vata balancing
Pitta balancing
Kapha increasing
Fruit juice smoothie, NAKED JUICE, strawberry banana
Strawberry puree – Vata balancing, pitta balancing, kapha increasing
Apple juice – vata balancing, Pitta balancing, kapha increasing
Banana puree – Vata balancing, Pitta balancing, Kapha increasing
Orange juice – Vata balancing, Pitta nourishing, Kapha nourishing Effect on Doshas
Vata balancing
Pitta balancing
Kapha increasing
Dr. Mahesh Annapure M.Sc. D. N. M.D. (A.M.)
Thank you. Can you describe what is the best way to prepare these juices to avoid destroying juice ingredients during preparation? Best regards
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
If they are fruits, wash them and grind in a mixer, filter and use.
If they are vegetables from a reliable source, then they can be readily ground in a mixer or can be boiled in water and then mashed and used.
pat shekhar
Instead of adding tamarind to spinach juice can we add amla instead?
For pimples, is it recommended to have juice of potato and beet (both raw)? Or in some other way?
For “Skin disorders”, there is only one combination listed (spinach + carrot) – is that for juice? Are the other items listed to be drunk as juice separately? Or are there some suggested combinations thereof?
thank you
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Acne – Potato + beet – boiled and filtered.
Aloe vera juice with a pinch of turmeric is a better choice.
For skin disorder – yes, juice.
Suitable combination with 2 – 4 ingredients can be made for preparing juice.
Great article for reference. Some very useful and interesting things are shared.
Eager to know specifics of the 15 day therapy in the Yoga system for backbone problems.