Amla murabba is a sweet preparation of Amla fruit – Indian Gooseberry. It is useful in Vata and Pitta imbalance disorders.
Table of Contents
Preparation method
Step 1: preparation of lime water:
For this, 240 ml of water is mixed with 1 gram of lime powder.
Mixed well so that lime is completely dissolved in water.
It is kept undisturbed for 10 minutes for sedimentation.
It is filtered to get lime water free of solid particles.
Well formed 5 amla fruits – Indian gooseberries are taken.
They are punctured in all direction.
Punctured Amla fruits are kept soaked in lime water for one day.
On the next day, They are taken out of lime water.
Making of sugar syrup:
If you are not comfortable with using sugar, you can use jaggery.
100 grams of sugar is added with with 400 ml of water. Stirred well.
It is heated till one thread consistency to prepare sugar syrup.
It is taken out of fire and the amla fruits soaked in lime water is added to the sugar syrup.
The fruits are kept soaked in sugar syrup for 3 days.
Then it is taken out and served fresh.
Mistakes with other methods of Amla murabba:
Some prescribe preparing Sugar -lemon juice solution with water, then adding amla fruits and boiling. This would cause loss of Vitamin C.
Read Amla Benefits, Dose, Usage, Side Effects – Complete Ayurveda Details
Benefits of Amla Murabba:
It contains almost all benefits of Amla –
Natural aphrodisiac, anti ageing, nervine tonic
It brings about rejuvenation.
Rich source of anti oxidants, improves immunity
Read How To Eat Amla Fruit And Amla Powder Based On Your Body Type And Needs? [Video]
Indicated in –
burning sensation in hands and feet
Gastritis, hyperacidity, nausea and vomiting
Heavy periods
Low body weight.
Amlapitta(acid peptic disorders)
Mutradaha(burning micturition)
Raktapitta(bleeding disorders)
Pandu (anemia)
Kamala (jaundice) etc
Effect on Tridosha –
Amla ki Murabba balances Vata and Pitta Dosha.
Dose, Side effects
Dose – 1 Amla murabba fruit twice a day, preferably taken in the first part of diet.
Children can take half a fruit once or twice a day.
How long can Amle Murabba be consumed?
It can be consumed for a few months time.
Side effects of Amle ke Murabba
Because it is a coolant, it is best avoided during cold, cough and fever.
It is best to avoid in diabetic patients.
Because it improves weight, it is not recommended in obese people.
It is best to avoid in indigestion and in “Ama” conditions.
Store in a cool dry place.
Ensure air tight closure of container.
Shelf life: 1 year
Read How To Make Hair Oil At Home With Amla
Question: I understand Amla and milk is not advised together however can Amla Murabba with milk be taken. As Amla is processed/boiled during murabba process?
Answer: It depends on the product. Mix a small piece of murabba in the milk. If it does not curdle the milk even after half an hour, then it is good to take.
Curds recipe of Amla – Ayurvedic home remedy
When using jaggery instead of sugar, what is the amla:jaggery proportion?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, here – 100 grams of sugar is added with with 400 ml of water. Stirred well.
In stead of 100 grams of sugar, 150 grams of jaggery can be taken.
Why is Amla soaked in Limewater?
Can we use the same procedure for raisins or dates?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
As per Ayurveda, lime water is useful in gastritis. Hence, it is used. Raisins and dates can be consumed as such, without making a murabba.
1) Amla balances pitta and vata. Jaggery balances Kapha. Isn’t amla murabba with Jaggery supposed to balance tridosha?
2) Kapha imbalances mostly in obese people must be taken care by amla murabba prepared with Jaggery.
Why are you not recomending for obese people?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Jaggery increases Kapha Dosha. Because of coolant nature, the overall combination increases Kapha Dosha. Hence, the advice to avoid it in obese people.
For obese people, Amla with honey makes better sense. Honey calms down Kapha.
Thank you Dr for the response.
“Jaggery increases Kapha Dosha. Because of coolant nature,”
This is contradictory to explanation of Vaghbhat ji by Late Rajiv Dixit ji.
“The best food item to control Kapha is jaggery. When Kapha is out of balance Phosphorus will be deficient. Jaggery has very high content of Phosphorus. Sugarcane juice also has Ph but jaggery has a higher content. The maximum amount of phosphorus is found in Kakvi or Raab or liquid jaggery – the stage just before solid jaggery.”
In case of honey what is the proportion of amla:honey?
Thank you for the recipe for the amla murabba as all other recipes require it to be boiled and thus all vitamin C is lost. My question to you is does the lime water which the amla is soaked in have to be used or discarded?
So at which stage of the process does the lime water have to be added?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Well formed 5 amla fruits – Indian gooseberries are taken.
They are punctured in all direction.
Punctured Amla fruits are kept soaked in lime water for one day.
On the next day, They are taken out of lime water.
Thank you Sir for sharing this.
Can we use rock sugar instead of normal sugar?
Thank you for sharing the recipe. I tried making it twice exactly as you have mentioned, but i am still getting fungus after about 3-5 days. Can you please tell what could be causing this?
Thank you.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
use a bit more of sugar. Make sure that the sugar syrup is quite thick.
Try to refrigerate the final product.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Lime powder is chuna powder
Ramandeep Kaur
Namste doctor, can amla murabba in honey can be taken by all family members…for Pitt, vaat n kalph
Incredibly Valuable Information.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Thank you 🙂