Dear Shri Hebbar Ji,
Thank You very much for encouraging words and inviting me to share my experiences. In this letter, I would like to brief my life after Leprosy. In next mails I will explain in detail about my cleansing routine, diet and other aspects which promoted a healthy and happy life.
I was first diagnosed as Leprosy Positive at the age of 20, (37 years back in the Year 1979) with primary deformities like loss of sensation in Hands and Foot which later lead to wounds on hands and foot. After my Beggar Guardian passed away I was taken to a beggar home at Delhi and on routine medical checkup I was diagnosed Hansen’s positive and immediately admitted to a Leprosy Hospital outside the Capital. Medical Treatment was initiated and Cleaning and dressing helped my wounds recovery.
![Ramdas Pai](
I was cured completely from Leprosy in 1985 with the powerful repeated courses of Multi Drug Therapy (MDT). But reaction worsened my living with nodules all over the body and badly affected my eye sight and physical movements.
I was restless and could not bear the pain and physical and mental exhaustion. One fine day, in 1987, I managed to escape from hospital and soon accepted by professional beggars on the streets due to my special looks and dressings on hands and foot ! My new beggar friends offered effective medicine for pain and exhaustion through special pain killer tablets/powder to be taken with coffee. I gradually got addicted to coffee which forced me to change places and my worst days started.
I wandered desperately all over northern India from place to place in search of a permanent solution for all my health problems and finally decided to end my life by jumping into the river Ganga at Haridwar. It was middle of Rainy season and the river, flooding with full force took me instantly. When I opened my eyes I found myself lying on the bank of river Ganga covered with warm blankets ! While I slowly recollected my efforts of suicide, a Sadhu neared me with a cup of tea. I badly needed one and grabbed it. He smiled and said
You are born again and saved by Mother Ganga, so relax and enjoy the tea.
The Sadhu’s name was Somnath, who saved me from drowning. He heard my story and took me to Badrinath. There he took me to a saintly person, popular as Badri Baba, mostly seen on the banks of Saraswati.
Badri Baba just asked me to take a dip in the river and gave some ash like powder to apply on the wounds. He heard my story, smiled and said
Know, Respect and Balance Your Prakrati and Enjoy Your stay on this earth.
I was with him for 3 days. He explained how to clean our internal system and advised what, how and when to eat. Then advised to go to Haridwar and stay for six months near an Ashram where only Kichadi was served as Prasad!
Initially I could not believe in these simple remedial measures but as I started applying them, benefits multiplied! His simple cleansing techniques worked like miracle on me. In Six months my ulcers were healed and my eye sight improved in a year’s time. Digestion related problems and Chronic Fatigue simply disappeared. After two years of new routine my body and mind started experiencing new Joy within!
I got freedom from addiction and cravings for coffee and other spicy and oily foods. I discovered a valuable treasure in me i.e. natural, healthy and happy way of living.
I left Haridwar in 2011 as I could not get a place to work and live due to my history with Leprosy. I reached Mumbai with newly discovered way of living and aim to serve and motivate Leprosy affected. Luckily Mumbai accepted me and offered to serve as Care Taker in a Leprosy Rehabilitation Centre.
Here I could enhance my knowledge with help of TV and Computers. People visiting this place still have doubts and strange questions about Leprosy. My story makes them feel comfortable with Leprosy and affected persons. From my experience I know most of the health problems recur in leprosy affected are due to wrong food habits and lack of self care.
Right now my aim is to know more about Ayurveda and learn to apply it in life properly. I also want to educate Leprosy affected on how to live a Healthy and Fit Life after Leprosy.
Since last three years I improved my language skills and started reading more articles on Health and Ayurveda. I learned to operate Computer and enhance knowledge via Internet!
In the next letter I would like to share my daily cleansing routine which has helped me recover from all the chronic problems.
Thank You
God Bless You
Ramdas Pai
is it possible to cure from Tuberculosis by ayurveda:
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
As per my knowledge, no.
Ravindra Srinivas Rao
A very senior world renowned Yoga teacher suffered from Tuberculosis at the age of 18 and allopathic doctors wrote him off giving him only a week to live since he was emaciated and was reduced to just a bag of bones. In that terminal condition he was taught Pranayama and given herbal medicines. He lived up to the age of 96. He himself used yoga and herbal medicines to cure a great violinist of his paralysis of his hands and fingers and restored his ability to play the violin once again when doctors failed to help him and advised him to forget playing the violin. Ayurveda and Yoga in combination will heal any health disorder,
very inspirational. look forward to reading daily cleansing routine of ramdas ji
GT Kondari
Very inspirational. Thank you very much sir,for giving valuable articles.
Kunwar Singh
Thank you Dr Hebbar for providing an extremely knowledgeable piece of information penned by Mr Ramdas Pai. Looking forward to read his cleansing routines. The article is encouraging and helpful!
Sujata Guha
Very inspiring story! Wish all of us with chronic health problems could find such great sadhus. Anyhow, it is good to keep the flame of hope burning helped by such inspirational anecdotes. Good luck to Ramdas Paiji with his new found positive life. Looking forward to the next letter from him