My Child’s Intelligence Is Decreasing. 9 Tips To Improve

When the child starts going to Kindergarten, we all feel that the child is very intelligent. She may secure good marks and A+ in all subjects. But as the years pass, the ranking of the child slowly starts to fall.  Gradually disappointment starts to creep in. Here are a few steps that can be taken to improve memory and intelligence in kids.

Talent is temporary

Do not rely entirely on your child’s talent:
Most of the children are innately intelligent by the virtue of their talent. But talent is a waste, if it is not accompanied with practice. Simply do not rest back that your child is talented, he is naturally gifted, so he will win every battle with the help of it. In stead, make him practice. Make him rehearse for 10 times, 20 times, 30 times, let him read lot of books, let him experiment with lot of equipment, tools and toys. Let him sharpen his skills everyday. Practice, practice and more practice.
Please watch this video. –

Avoid distractions

Keep the child away from TV, smartphones and tablets.
Let the child play more with building blocks (Lego bricks), outdoor games, chess, su do ku, and more. Let the child live more in real world than in online world. Smartphones and excess of TV can really destroy the imaginative ability and creativity of the child.

Mom with kid

Early to bed and early to rise: As per Ayurveda, morning, before six is the ideal time to wake up. and before 11 is the right time to sleep. Make sure your child follows it.
What Is The Right Time To Sleep? How To Plan Your Sleep?
7 reasons why you should wake up early in the morning


As per Ayurveda, ghee is naturally congenial to children and ghee improves memory and intelligence. Read more about ghee benefits.

For children of 3 – 6 years of age – half  a teaspoon (small spoon) of ghee every day, preferably in the morning along with breakfast, mixed with hot food or just before their morning hot drink.
For children above 6 years of age, one teaspoon (small spoon) of ghee per day.
Make sure to give something hot to drink or to eat along with ghee. It aids in easy digestion.
Avoid ghee during cold, cough, infection, fever, weak digestion strength.

Ayurvedic supplements

Brahmi Ghrita –
It is an herbal ghee specifically indicated to improve memory and intelligence.
Dose for 3 – 6 years of age – 4 – 8 drops per day.
Dose for 6 years and above – half – 1 teaspoon per day, with same set of rules as stated above.
If you are not sure about giving this, please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly and take advice.

Swarna Vacha
Swarna –
Gold has been hailed to improve memory, intelligence and immunity, in Ayurveda. Swarna Vacha is a unique combination Gold and Vacha – Acorus calamus. Read more about it here

Swarna Bindu Prashana – It is yet another way of improving memory, intelligence and immunity. Read more about Swarna Bindu prashana

Sleep: Make sure the child sleeps for at least 8 hours at night.

Other brain strength improving medicines:
There are several other options. Your doctor would be the right person to select one. Some of good brain tonics are –
Saraswatarishta – It is a good memory tonic. It is good for people of all ages, improves immunity, voice tone and strength.
Saraswata Ghrita – used in the treatment of brain and neurological developmental disorders in children.

Food rich in Vitamin E and Omega 3 fatty acids –
Sunflower seed, almond, pine nuts, peanuts, spinach, taro root, flaxseed oil, soyabean, pistachio.
Broccoli, carrots, chard, mustard and turnip greens, mangoes, nuts, papaya, pumpkin, red peppers,
Flax seeds, walnut, sardines, salmon, soyabean, tofu, shrimp, brussel sprout, cauliflower, winter squash, fish oil, egg oil, krill oil, chia seeds, Canola oil, camelia.

Discipline – Right time to eat, right time to play, limited hours for watching TV etc.
Oil massage – with Ksheerabala taila or Mahanarayana taila, at least once a week relaxes and strengthens mind and muscles.
Regular application of hair oil – coconut oil, sesame oil or Brahmi oil. – at least 30 minutes before hair wash, once or twice a day helps to keep the mind calm.

Love and care: Make sure that the child feels that whatever happens, her parents are there for her support. Your love and support contributes a lot towards their esteem and confidence.

Allow Kids To Have Their Own Experiences

Introducing spirituality to the child

Why and how to inculcate spiritual habits in children?
The very essence of education is the concentration of mind, not the collecting of facts – Swami Vivekananda  
Of course, it is a subjective matter and depends on what the parents believe or do not believe in.
The reasons to make the children to follow spiritual habits are to
a. Help their mind to focus better, to improve concentration,
b. To improve confidence
c. To develop a few rhythmic habits to which, they can fall back on, when things are not going as per their plans
d. To develop a positive mindset.

How to inculcate spiritual habits?
Ideal time to start is at the age of 5. Start with smaller, simpler steps.
Omkara Chanting for 11 times in the morning or evening, after bath.
Sit straight, closed eyes, erect spine. Hands Namaste. 
Inhale to maximum. Om Chanting while exhaling slowly. 
Let Your Child Get Dirty

Any easy Sanskrit verses or any religious verses that are there in your religion, which are repetitive, carry a positive meaning and are rhythmic. – 6 – 10 lines. Same verses every day. Once she learns it, add new ones. 
Interesting point – in some Indian household, during evening hours, Ayurvedic Sanskrit verses are chanted as a mark of positive practice.  
Surya Namaskara 1 – 10 rounds
Simple Pranayama – 1 – 3 rounds. Just inhale deep (without any nostril closed). Hold for 2 -3 seconds and exhale slowly
Simple religious or spiritual story of great characters of your religion.
One simple Bhajan
or a song, which is rhythmic with repetitive words, which carry positive meaning.

In this day and age, when focus and concentration are the precious skill sets that every child requires the most, these simple spiritual exercises can lay a strong foundation for a bright future.
Sharpening the pencil is as important as writing long essays with it. 

While putting the child to a Yoga class is a good step, developing some spiritual habits at home will help the child to bond with the parent better.
Most Important Thing That Kids Need From Us


  • Hasita

    Beautifully put and so comprehensive!

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Thank you!


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