The last quarter of Charaka’s chapter on sexual health details the right age for intercourse, qualities of semen, causes for lack of sex vigour and low quality semen, definition of Vajikarana, factors contributing to ejaculation etc.
Fourth Quarter of the Chapter on Aphrodisiacs
अथातः पुमाञ्जातबलादिकं वाजीकरणपादं व्याख्यास्यामः||१|| इति ह स्माह भगवानात्रेयः||२||
athātaḥ pumāñjātabalādikaṃ vājīkaraṇapādaṃ vyākhyāsyāmaḥ||1||
iti ha smāha bhagavānātreyaḥ||2||
We shall now explore the quarter dealing with aphrodisiacs, called “Puman jata baladika”
Thus said lord Atreya [1-2]
Table of Contents
Different types of men based on sexual strength
पुमान् यथा जातबलो यावदिच्छं स्त्रियो व्रजेत् |
यथा चापत्यवान् सद्यो भवेत्तदुपदेक्ष्यते ||३||
न हि जातबलाः सर्वे नराश्चापत्यभागिनः |
बृहच्छरीरा बलिनः सन्ति नारीषु दुर्बलाः ||४||
सन्ति चाल्पाश्रयाः स्त्रीषु बलवन्तो बहुप्रजाः|
प्रकृत्या चाबलाः सन्ति सन्ति चामयदुर्बलाः||५||
नराश्चटकवत् केचिद् व्रजन्ति बहुशः स्त्रियम्|
गजवच्च प्रसिञ्चन्ति केचिन्न बहुगामिनः||६||
काल योगबलाः केचित् केचिदभ्यसनध्रुवाः|
केचित् प्रयत्नैर्व्यज्यन्ते वृषाः केचित् स्वभावतः||७||
तस्मात् प्रयोगान् वक्ष्यामो दुर्बलानां बल प्रदान्|
pumān yathā jātabalo yāvadicchaṃ striyo vrajet|
yathā cāpatyavān sadyo bhavettadupadekṣyate||3||
na hi jātabalāḥ sarve narāścāpatyabhāginaḥ|
bṛhaccharīrā balinaḥ santi nārīṣu durbalāḥ||4||
santi cālpāśrayāḥ strīṣu balavanto bahuprajāḥ|
prakṛtyā cābalāḥ santi santi cāmayadurbalāḥ||5||
narāścaṭakavat kecid vrajanti bahuśaḥ striyam|
gajavacca prasiñcanti kecinna bahugāminaḥ||6||
kāla yogabalāḥ kecit kecidabhyasanadhruvāḥ|
kecit prayatnairvyajyante vṛṣāḥ kecit svabhāvataḥ||7||
tasmāt prayogān vakṣyāmo durbalānāṃ bala pradān|
Different types of men based on sexual strength:
Now, we shall explore the procedure which instantaneously produces strength in the person and enables him to have sexual intercourse with women in order to procreate children.
It is not that all men possessing strong physical strength are capable of procreating children.
There are persons having stout and strong physique who are sexually very week, there are physically lean and thin but they are very strong with women and procreate many children.
There are some persons who are weak by nature and there are others who have become weak due to diseases.
There are persons who indulge in women very frequently, like a sparrow.
There are others who, like an elephant, ejaculate lots of semen during sexual intercourse, but they do not indulge in sex too frequently.
There are persons who gain sexual vitality (only) at appropriate time (Kala Yoga).
There are others, who are capable of indulging in sex because of their regular habit and by taking aphrodisiacs
There are persons, who are divine by nature
Therefore, we shall now describe recipes which give strength to the weak, which help the strong enjoy the sex act and which add to their virility.
Panchakarma for sexual power, fertility
Basti Panchakarma treatment to improve sex power and fertility:
सुखोपभोगान् बलिनां भूयश्च बल वर्धनान्||८||
पूर्वं शुद्ध शरीराणां निरूहैः सानुवासनैः|
बलापेक्षी प्रयुञ्जीत शुक्रापत्य विवर्धनान्||९||
घृत तैल रस क्षीर शर्करा मधु संयुताः |
बस्तयः संविधातव्याः क्षीर मांस रसाशिनाम्||१०||
sukhopabhogān balināṃ bhūyaśca bala vardhanān||8||
pūrvaṃ śuddha śarīrāṇāṃ nirūhaiḥ sānuvāsanaiḥ|
balāpekṣī prayuñjīta śukrāpatya vivardhanān||9||
ghṛta taila rasa kṣīra śarkarā madhu saṃyutāḥ |
bastayaḥ saṃvidhātavyāḥ kṣīra māṃsa rasāśinām||10||
First of all, the physical system of the person is corrected by the administration of-
Niruha type of Basti – decoction enema along with honey, rock salt etc.
Anuvasana Basti – Oil / fat enema.
Depending upon the strength, recipes of medicated enema consisting of ghee, oil, Rasa (juice and soup), milk, sugar and honey is administered.
These recipes promote semen and help a person in procreation of offspring.
Diet: The person is given milk and meat soup to take. [3-10]
Vrushya Mamsa Gutika
पिष्ट्वा वराह मांसानि दत्त्वा मरिच सैन्धवे|
कोलवद्गुलिकाः कृत्वा तप्ते सर्पिषि वर्तयेत् ||११||
वर्तनस्तम्भितास्ताश्च प्रक्षेप्याः कौक्कुटे रसे|
घृताढ्ये गन्ध पिशुने दधि दाडिम सारिके||१२||
यथा न भिन्द्याद्गुलि(टि)कास्तथा तं साधयेद्रसम्|
तं पिबन् भक्षयंस्ताश्च लभते शुक्रमक्षयम्||१३||
मांसानामेवमन्येषां मेद्यानां कारयेद्भिषक्|
गुटिकाः सरसास्तासं प्रयोगः शुक्रवर्धनः||१४||
(इति वृष्या मांसगुटिकाः)|
piṣṭvā varāha māṃsāni dattvā marica saindhave |
kolavadgulikāḥ kṛtvā tapte sarpiṣi vartayet ||11||
vartanastambhitāstāśca prakṣepyāḥ kaukkuṭe rase |
ghṛtāḍhye gandha piśune dadhi dāḍima sārike||12||
yathā na bhindyādguli(ṭi)kāstathā taṃ sādhayedrasam |
taṃ piban bhakṣayaṃstāśca labhate śukramakṣayam ||13||
māṃsānāmevamanyeṣāṃ medyānāṃ kārayedbhiṣak |
guṭikāḥ sarasāstāsaṃ prayogaḥ śukravardhanaḥ ||14||
(iti vṛṣyā māṃsaguṭikāḥ)|
Pork paste is added with Maricha – Black pepper fruit – piper nigrum and rock salt.
Out of this, Gulikas (round pills) of the size of a Kola (bear fruit) is prepared.
These pills are fried in boiled ghee.
When they become hard after boiling, is poured into the chicken soup, which is added with liberal quantity of ghee, powdered spices, curd and the juice of pomegranate.
This is cooked with care, so that the pills do not break. By drinking this soup and eating these pills, a person acquires exhaustive semen.
Similarly, following the same procedure, the meat soup and pills of the meat of other animals that are fatty, is prepared and administered.
Uses: These recipes are promoters of semen.
Vrushya Mahisha Rasa
माषानङ्कुरिताञ्छुद्धान् वितुषान् साजडाफलान्|
घृताढ्ये माहिष रसे दधि दाडिम सारिके||१५||
प्रक्षिपेन्मात्रया युक्तो धान्य जीरक नागरैः|
भुक्तः पीतश्च स रसः कुरुते शुक्रम क्षयम्||१६||
(इति वृष्यो माहिषरसः)|
māṣānaṅkuritāñchuddhān vituṣān sājaḍāphalān|
ghṛtāḍhye māhiṣa rase dadhi dāḍima sārike||15||
prakṣipenmātrayā yukto dhānya jīraka nāgaraiḥ|
bhuktaḥ pītaśca sa rasaḥ kurute śukrama kṣayam||16||
(iti vṛṣyo māhiṣarasaḥ)|
Grains of Masha is cleaned and made to germinate.
Thereafter, their husks are removed.
To this, the fruits of Ajad (Shuka Shimbi) are added.
These are added to the soup of meat of buffalo, mixed with liberal quantity of ghee, curd and the juice of Dadima – Pomegranate – Punica granatum.
This preparation is further added with coriander, cumin and ginger.
This potion is given to a person to eat and drink in appropriate quantity which endows him with inexhaustible semen. [15-16]
Aphrodisiac meat and fish, fried in ghee
आर्द्राणि मत्स्य मांसानि शफरीर्वा सुभार्जिताः|
तप्ते सर्पिषि यः खादेत् स गच्छेत् स्त्रीषु न क्षयम्||१७||
घृत भृष्टान् रसे च्छागे रोहितान् फलसारिके|
अनुपीतरसान् स्निग्धानपत्यार्थी प्रयोजयेत्||१८||
(इति वृष्यघृतभृष्टमत्स्यमांसानि)|
ārdrāṇi matsya māṃsāni śapharīrvā subhārjitāḥ|
tapte sarpiṣi yaḥ khādet sa gacchet strīṣu na kṣayam||17||
ghṛta bhṛṣṭān rase cchāge rohitān phalasārike|
anupītarasān snigdhānapatyārthī prayojayet||18||
(iti vṛṣyaghṛtabhṛṣṭamatsyamāṃsāni)|
Fish (Rohita) and meat when they are wet (not dry), or Saphari (name of the type of a fish) is well fried in boiling ghee.
After taking them, if a person indulges in women, he does not get exhausted.
Rohita fish fried in ghee and mixed with the soup of the meat of the goat and the juice of fruits, is used by a person who desires to procreate offspring.
After taking the recipe he should take the unctuous soup [17-18]
Vrushya Pupalika recipes
Two recipes of Vrushya Pupalika – aphrodisiac sweet cakes:
कुट्टकं मत्स्य मांसानां हिङ्गु सैन्धव धान्यकैः|
युक्तं गोधूम चूर्णेन घृते पूपलिकाः पचेत्||१९||
माहिषे च रसे मत्स्यान् स्निग्धाम्ल लवणान् पचेत्|
रसे चानुगते मांसं पोथयेत्तत्र चावपेत्||२०||
मरिचं जीरकं धान्यमल्पं हिङ्गु नवं घृतम्|
माष पूपलिकानां तद्गर्भार्थमुपकल्पयेत्||२१||
एतौ पूपलिका योगौ बृंहणौ बलवर्धनौ|
हर्ष सौभाग्यदौ पुत्र्यौ परं शुक्राभिवर्धनौ||२२||
(इति वृष्यौ पूपलिकायोगौ)|
kuṭṭakaṃ matsya māṃsānāṃ hiṅgu saindhava dhānyakaiḥ|
yuktaṃ godhūma cūrṇena ghṛte pūpalikāḥ pacet||19||
māhiṣe ca rase matsyān snigdhāmla lavaṇān pacet|
rase cānugate māṃsaṃ pothayettatra cāvapet||20||
maricaṃ jīrakaṃ dhānyamalpaṃ hiṅgu navaṃ ghṛtam|
māṣa pūpalikānāṃ tadgarbhārthamupakalpayet||21||
etau pūpalikā yogau bṛṃhaṇau balavardhanau|
harṣa saubhāgyadau putryau paraṃ śukrābhivardhanau||22||
(iti vṛṣyau pūpalikāyogau)|
1st pupalika yoga:
The fish and meat is made to a paste by crushing.
To this Hingu – Asa foetida, Saindhava – rock salt and Dhanyaka – coriander are added.
This is mixed with the wheat flour and boiled in ghee for the preparation of Pupalikas.
2nd Pupalika yoga:
Different types of fish are added with unctuous, sour and saline spices, later it is boiled in the soup of the meat of buffalo.
When the liquid portion of it is evaporated, the meat (of fish) is made to a paste.
To this powder of black pepper fruit, cumin and coriander, small quantity of Asa foetida and freshly collected ghee are added.
This is used for stuffing the Pupalikas made of black gram
They are – nourishing , promote strength, aphrodisiac and auspicious.
They help in the procreation of male offspring by increasing the quantity of semen.
Vrushya Mashadi Pupalika
Vrushya Mashadi Pupalika – Black gram sweet cake:
माषात्मगुप्ता गोधूम शालि षष्टिक पैष्टिकम्|
शर्कराया विदार्याश्च चूर्णमिक्षुरकस्य च||२३||
संयोज्य मसृणे क्षीरे घृते पूपलिकाः पचेत्|
पयोऽनुपानास्ताः शीघ्रं कुर्वन्ति वृषतां पराम्||२४||
(इति वृष्या माषादिपूपलिकाः)|
māṣātmaguptā godhūma śāli ṣaṣṭika paiṣṭikam|
śarkarāyā vidāryāśca cūrṇamikṣurakasya ca||23||
saṃyojya masṛṇe kṣīre ghṛte pūpalikāḥ pacet|
payo’nupānāstāḥ śīghraṃ kurvanti vṛṣatāṃ parām||24||
(iti vṛṣyā māṣādipūpalikāḥ)|
The powders of these drugs are taken:
Masha – Black gram
Atmagupta – Mucuna pruriens
Godhuma – wheat – Triticum sativum,
Shali Shashtika – Rice
Sharkara – Sugar
Vidari (Ipomoea paniculata / Pueraria tuberosa),
Ikshuraka (Kokilaksha) – Asteracantha longifolia
And to this, milk having fat is added for preparation of the dough.
This is boiled in ghee for the preparation of Pupalikas.
Benefits and dosage: By taking these Pupalikas and taking milk thereafter, the man instantaneously gets excellent sex vigor.
Sex recipe
शर्करायास्तुलैका स्यादेका गव्यस्य सर्पिषः|
प्रस्थो विदार्याश्चूर्णस्य पिप्पल्याः प्रस्थ एव च||२५||
अर्धाढकं तुगाक्षीर्याः क्षौद्रस्याभिनवस्य च|
तत्सर्वं मूर्च्छितं तिष्ठेन्मार्तिके घृतभाजने||२६||
मात्रामग्निसमां तस्य प्रातः प्रातः प्रयोजयेत्|
एष वृष्यः परं योगो बल्यो बृंहण एव च||२७||
1 Tula of each of the sugar and cow’s ghee,
1 Prastha each of the powder of
Vidari (Ipomoea paniculata / Pueraria tuberosa) and
Pippali – Long pepper fruit – Piper longum and
1/2 Adhaka each of Tugaksheeri – Bambusa bambos and freshly collected honey- all these drugs should be mixed and preserved in an earthen jar smeared with ghee.
Dosage: Depending upon the power of digestion, this potion is taken in appropriate quantity every morning.
Benefits: This is an excellent aphrodisiac recipe. This promotes strength and nourishment also. [25-27]
Apatyakara Ghrita
Apatyakara Ghrita:- Fertility promoting herbal ghee:
शतावर्या विदार्याश्च तथा माषात्मगुप्तयोः|
श्वदंष्ट्रायाश्च निष्क्वाथाञ्जलेषु च पृथक् पृथक्||२८||
साधयित्वा घृत प्रस्थं पयस्यष्टगुणे पुनः|
शर्करा मधु युक्तं तदपत्यार्थी प्रयोजयेत्||२९||
(इत्यपत्यकरं घृतम्)|
śatāvaryā vidāryāśca tathā māṣātmaguptayoḥ|
śvadaṃṣṭrāyāśca niṣkvāthāñjaleṣu ca pṛthak pṛthak||28||
sādhayitvā ghṛta prasthaṃ payasyaṣṭaguṇe punaḥ|
śarkarā madhu yuktaṃ tadapatyārthī prayojayet||29||
(ityapatyakaraṃ ghṛtam)|
Decoction is prepared of
Shatavari – Asparagus racemosus
Vidari (Ipomoea paniculata / Pueraria tuberosa),
Masha – Black gram
Atmagupta – Mucuna pruriens and
Svadamshtra – Tribulus terrestris by boiling them separately in water
Along with this decoction, 1 Prastha of ghee is cooked by adding 8 times of milk.
To this, sugar and honey is added.
This is taken by men desirous of procreating offspring. [28-29]
Vrushya Gutika
घृत पात्रं शतगुणे विदारी स्वरसे पचेत्|
सिद्धं पुनः शतगुणे गव्ये पयसि साधयेत्||३०||
शर्करायास्तुगाक्षीर्यां क्षौद्रस्येक्षुरकस्य च|
पिप्पल्याः साजडायाश्च भागैः पादांशिकैर्युतम्||३१||
गुलि(टि)काः कारयेद्वैद्यो यथा स्थुलमुदुम्बरम्|
तासां प्रयोगात् पुरुषः कुलिङ्ग इव हृष्यति||३२||
(इति वृष्यगुटिकाः)|
ghṛta pātraṃ śataguṇe vidārī svarase pacet|
siddhaṃ punaḥ śataguṇe gavye payasi sādhayet||30||
śarkarāyāstugākṣīryāṃ kṣaudrasyekṣurakasya ca|
pippalyāḥ sājaḍāyāśca bhāgaiḥ pādāṃśikairyutam||31||
guli(ṭi)kāḥ kārayedvaidyo yathā sthulamudumbaram|
tāsāṃ prayogāt puruṣaḥ kuliṅga iva hṛṣyati||32||
(iti vṛṣyaguṭikāḥ)|
One Patra (vessel) of ghee is boiled with 100 times of juice of Vidari (Ipomoea paniculata / Pueraria tuberosa).
When it is cooked, it is again boiled with 100 times of milk of cow.
This is added with 1/4th in quantity of
Tugaksheeri – Bambusa bambos,
Ikshuraka – Asteracantha longifolia,
Pippali – Long pepper fruit – Piper longum, and
From out of these, pills are prepared by the physician.
The size of the pills should be like the fruit of Udaumbara.
By taking this recipe, the man gets excited like a Kulinga (sparrow).[30-32]
Vrushya Utkarika
सितोपला पल शतं तदर्धं नव सर्पिषः|
क्षौद्र पादेन संयुक्तं साधयेज्जलपादिकम्||३३||
सान्द्रं गोधूम चूर्णानां पादं स्तीर्णे शिलातले|
शुचौ श्लक्ष्णे समुत्कीर्य मर्दनेनोपपादयेत्||३४||
शुद्धा उत्कारिकाः कार्यश्चन्द्र मण्डल सन्निभाः|
तासां प्रयोगाद्गजवन्नारीः सन्तर्पयेन्नरः||३५||
(इति वृष्योत्कारिका)|
sitopalā pala śataṃ tadardhaṃ nava sarpiṣaḥ|
kṣaudra pādena saṃyuktaṃ sādhayejjalapādikam||33||
sāndraṃ godhūma cūrṇānāṃ pādaṃ stīrṇe śilātale|
śucau ślakṣṇe samutkīrya mardanenopapādayet||34||
śuddhā utkārikāḥ kāryaścandra maṇḍala sannibhāḥ|
tāsāṃ prayogādgajavannārīḥ santarpayennaraḥ||35||
(iti vṛṣyotkārikā)| 100 Palas of crystal sugar (Sitopala)
50 Palas of freshly collected ghee and
25 Palas of Honey, is mixed together and boiled in 25 Palas of water.
When it becomes semi-solid, 25 Palas of wheat flour should be added.
The paste, thus prepared, should be spread over a stone, which is clean and smooth.
It is kneaded by repeatedly spreading it.
From out of this dough, Utkarikas is prepared by boiling.
These Utkarikas will appear like the moon.
Benefits: By the use of these Utkarikas, the man becomes capable of including in sex acts with women, in an elephant’s vigour [33-35]
Vrushya definition
Definition of Vrushya – aphrodisiac, vigour enhancement:
यत् किञ्चिन्मधुरं स्निग्धं जीवनं बृंहणं गुरु|
हर्षणं मनसश्चैव सर्वं तद्वृष्यमुच्यते||३६||
द्रव्यैरेवंविधैस्तस्माद्भावितः प्रमदां व्रजेत्|
आत्मवेगेन चोदीर्णः स्त्रीगुणैश्च प्रहर्षितः||३७||
yat kiñcinmadhuraṃ snigdhaṃ jīvanaṃ bṛṃhaṇaṃ guru|
harṣaṇaṃ manasaścaiva sarvaṃ tadvṛṣyamucyate||36||
dravyairevaṃvidhaistasmādbhāvitaḥ pramadāṃ vrajet|
ātmavegena codīrṇaḥ strīguṇaiśca praharṣitaḥ||37||
Articles which are sweet, unctuous, Jivana (promoters of life), nourishing and heavy and which cause excitement of the mind- all these are called aphrodisiacs.
Therefore, a person is first of all is impregnated with these articles before sexual intercourse.
He thus, gets excited by his own urge and also by the erotic attributes of woman.
After sex regimen
गत्वा स्नात्वा पयः पीत्वा रसं वाऽनु शयीत ना|
तथाऽस्याप्यायते भूयः शुक्रं च बलमेव च||३८||
gatvā snātvā payaḥ pītvā rasaṃ vā’nu śayīta nā|
tathā’syāpyāyate bhūyaḥ śukraṃ ca balameva ca||38||
After sexual indulgence, one should take bath and drink milk or Rasa (juice or meat soup) before going to sleep.
By doing so, his semen and strength, both increase.
Right age for sex
यथा मुकुल पुष्पस्य सुगन्धो नोपलभ्यते|
लभ्यते तद्विकाशात्तु तथा शुक्रं हि देहिनाम्||३९||
नर्ते वै षोडशाद्वर्षात् सप्तत्याः परतो न च|
आयुष्कामो नरः स्त्रीभिः संयोगं कर्तुमर्हति||४०||
अतिबालो ह्यसम्पूर्णसर्वधातुः स्त्रियं व्रजन्|
उपशुष्येत सहसा तडागमिव काजलम्||४१||
शुष्कं रूक्षं यथा काष्ठं जन्तुदग्धं विजर्जरम्|
स्पृष्टमाशु विशीर्येत तथा वृद्धः स्त्रियो व्रजन्||४२||
yathā mukula puṣpasya su(kha) gandho nopalabhyate|
labhyate tadvikāśāttu tathā śukraṃ hi dehinām||39||
narte vai ṣoḍaśādvarṣāt saptatyāḥ parato na ca|
āyuṣkāmo naraḥ strībhiḥ saṃyogaṃ kartumarhati||40||
atibālo hyasampūrṇasarvadhātuḥ striyaṃ vrajan|
upaśuṣyeta sahasā taḍāgamiva kājalam||41||
śuṣkaṃ rūkṣaṃ yathā kāṣṭhaṃ jantudagdhaṃ vijarjaram|
spṛṣṭamāśu viśīryeta tathā vṛddhaḥ striyo vrajan||42||
Right age for sex:
There is no fragrance in a bud. Fragrance appears only when the flower blossoms. Similarly,
A person desirous of longevity should not enter into sexual intercourse with women before the age of sixteen years and after the age of seventy years.
A young boy of very tender age does not possess all the tissue elements in their matured form. If he enters into sex act with a woman, his body gets dried up like a pond having very little water.
A piece of wood which is dried and unctuous, eaten away by insects and has become porous, gets broken immediately by a little pressure (of touch). Similarly, the body of the old man gets decayed by sexual intercourse with a woman.

Cause for diminishing sexual strength
जरया चिन्तया शुक्रं व्याधिभिः कर्म कर्षणात्|
क्षयं गच्छत्यनशनात् स्त्रीणां चातिनिषेवणात्||४३||
क्षयाद्भयादविश्रम्भाच्छोकात् स्त्रीदोष दर्शनात्|
नारीणामरसज्ञत्वाद विचारादसेवनात्||४४||
तृप्तस्यापि स्त्रियो गन्तुं न शक्तिरुपजायते|
देह सत्त्व बलापेक्षी हर्षः शक्तिश्च हर्षजा||४५||
jarayā cintayā śukraṃ vyādhibhiḥ karma karṣaṇāt|
kṣayaṃ gacchatyanaśanāt strīṇāṃ cātiniṣevaṇāt||43||
kṣayādbhayādaviśrambhācchokāt strīdoṣa darśanāt|
nārīṇāmarasajñatvāda vicārādasevanāt||44||
tṛptasyāpi striyo gantuṃ na śaktirupajāyate|
deha sattva balāpekṣī harṣaḥ śaktiśca harṣajā||45||
The sex power gets reduced b:
Jaraya – old age,
Chintya – worry, stress
Vyadhibhihi – due to diseases,
Karma Karshanaat – excessive hard work, exertion, exhaustion
Anashana – continuous fasting,
Streenam cha ati nishevanaat – excessive sexual indulgence,
Kshayat – due to depleted body tissues,
Bhayaat – fear,
Avishrambha – suspicion
Shoka – grief,
Stri Dosha Darshanaat – finding faults in women,
non-excitation and complete avoidance of sexual acts
A person, who is satisfied after sex act, does not possess power of entering into sex with the woman again. Because, this power is dependent upon excitement and excitement, in turn is dependent upon the strength of the body and the mind.
Omnipresent Shukra Dhatu
रस इक्षौ यथा दध्नि सर्पिस्तैलं तिले यथा|
सर्वत्रानुगतं देहे शुक्रं संस्पर्शने तथा||४६||
तत् स्त्रीपुरुषसंयोगे चेष्टासङ्कल्पपीडनात्|
शुक्रं प्रच्यवते स्थानाज्जलमार्द्रात् पटादिव||४७||
rasa ikṣau yathā dadhni sarpistailaṃ tile yathā|
sarvatrānugataṃ dehe śukraṃ saṃsparśane tathā||46||
tat strīpuruṣasaṃyoge ceṣṭāsaṅkalpapīḍanāt|
śukraṃ pracyavate sthānājjalamārdrāt paṭādiva||47||
Omnipresent Shukra Dhatu:
The entire sugarcane plant is filled with its sweet juice. Ghee is available in the whole of curd and oil is available in all parts of the sesame seed. Similarly, semen pervades the entire body which has the sensation of touch.
As water comes out of a wet cloth when squeezed, similarly, the semen trickles out from its site during copulation, because of sexual act (Chesta), determination (Sankalpa) and physical pressure (Peedana).
Factors contributing to ejaculation
हर्षात्तर्षात् सरत्वाच्च पैच्छिल्याद्गौरवादपि|
अणुप्रवणभावाच्च द्रुतत्वान्मारुतस्य च||४८||
अष्टाभ्य एभ्यो हेतुभ्यः शुक्रं देहात् प्रसिच्यते|
चरतो विश्वरूपस्य रूपद्रव्यं यदुच्यते||४९||
harṣāttarṣāt saratvācca paicchilyādgauravādapi|
aṇupravaṇabhāvācca drutatvānmārutasya ca||48||
aṣṭābhya ebhyo hetubhyaḥ śukraṃ dehāt prasicyate|
carato viśvarūpasya rūpadravyaṃ yaducyate||49||
The semen is ejaculated because of 8 factors, namely,
Harshaat – excitement
Tarshaat – passionate desire
Saratvaat – fluidity
Paicchillya – sliminess
Gaurava – heaviness
Anu Bhava (Atomicity)
Pravana Bhava(the tendency to flow out) and
The force of Vata Dosha.
The unmanifested soul which takes different forms in this world, manifest itself in the form of semen. [46-49]

Qualities of Semen
बहलं मधुरं स्निग्धमविस्रं गुरु पिच्छिलम्|
शुक्लं बहु च यच्छुक्रं फलवत्तदसंशयम्||५०||
bahalaṃ madhuraṃ snigdhamavisraṃ guru picchilam|
śuklaṃ bahu ca yacchukraṃ phalavattadasaṃśayam||50||
Semen which is
Bahala – thick, voluminous,
Madhura – sweet,
Snigdha – Oily, unctuous,
Avisra – without any putrid smell,
Guru – heavy,
Picchila – slimy,
Shukla – white and in
Bahu – large quantity, invariably helps in procreation of offspring. There is no doubt about it. [50]
Definition of Vajikarana
येन नारीषु सामर्थ्यं वाजीवल्लभते नरः|
व्रजेच्चाभ्यधिकं येन वाजीकरणमेव तत्||५१||
yena nārīṣu sāmarthyaṃ vājīvallabhate naraḥ|
vrajeccābhyadhikaṃ yena vājīkaraṇameva tat||51||
The factors which make a man capable of entering into sexual intercourse with women with stallion vigour and which makes him capable of performing excessive sexual intercourse are called “Vajikarana”. [51]
तत्र श्लोकौ-
हेतुर्योगोपदेशस्य योगा द्वादश चोत्तमाः|
यत् पूर्वं मैथुनात् सेव्यं सेव्यं यन्मैथुनादनु||५२||
यदा न सेव्याः प्रमदाः कृत्स्नः शुक्रविनिश्चयः|
निरुक्तं चेह निर्दिष्टं पुमाञ्जातबलादिके||५३||
tatra ślokau-
heturyogopadeśasya yogā dvādaśa cottamāḥ|
yat pūrvaṃ maithunāt sevyaṃ sevyaṃ yanmaithunādanu||52||
yadā na sevyāḥ pramadāḥ kṛtsnaḥ śukraviniścayaḥ|
niruktaṃ ceha nirdiṣṭaṃ pumāñjātabalādike||53||
To sum up:
In this quarter called”Puman-Jata Baladika” the following topics are discussed:
The purpose for which the aphrodisiac recipes have been prescribed.
Twelve excellent recipes for virility
regimens to be adopted before after sexual intercourse
Regimens to be adopted after sexual intercourse.
the time(age) when the sexual intercourse with the woman is prohibited ‘determination of all semen and
Definition of the term “Vajikarana”[52-53]
इत्यग्निवेशकृते तन्त्रे चरक प्रतिसंस्कृते चिकित्सा स्थाने वाजीकरणाध्याये पुमाञ्जातबलादिको नाम वाजीकरणपादश्चतुर्थः||४||
ityagniveśakṛte tantre caraka pratisaṃskṛte cikitsā sthāne vājīkaraṇādhyāye pumāñjātabalādiko nāma vājīkaraṇapādaścaturthaḥ||4||
Thus, ends the fourth quarter called “Puman Jata Baladika” of the chapter on aphrodisiacs of Cikitsa section of Agnivesa’s work, as redacted by Charaka.
समाप्तश्चायं द्वितीयो वाजीकरणाध्यायः||२||
samāptaścāyaṃ dvitīyo vājīkaraṇādhyāyaḥ||2||
Thus ends the last quarter of second chapter on Aphrodisiacs.