The second section of Charaka’s chapter on aphrodisiac therapy deals with eight recipes for infertility and sexual disorders. Rice is used as main content in many of them. This is second section of second chapter of Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana – Called Asikta Ksheerika Vajikarana Paada.
Chapter 2.2
Second Quarter of the Chapter on Aphrodisiacs
वाजीकरणाध्यये द्वितीय पादः ।
अथात आसिक्तक्षीरिकं वाजीकरणपादं व्याख्यास्यामः||१||
इति ह स्माह भगवानात्रेयः||२||
vājīkaraṇādhyaye dvitīya pādaḥ |
athāta āsiktakṣīrikaṃ vājīkaraṇapādaṃ vyākhyāsyāmaḥ||1||
iti ha smāha bhagavānātreyaḥ||2||
We shall now illustrate the quarter on “Asikta Ksheerika” (herbs impregnated with milk) of the chapter on aphrodisiacs.
Thus said lord Atreya [1-2]
Table of Contents
Apatyakari Shashtikadi Gutika
आसिक्त क्षीरमापूर्णमशुष्कं शुद्ध षष्टिकम्|
उदूखले समापोथ्य पीडयेत् क्षीरमर्दितम्||३||
गृहीत्वा तं रसं पूतं गव्येन पयसा सह|
बीजानामात्मगुप्ताया धान्य माष रसेन च||४||
बलायाः शूर्पपर्ण्योश्च जीवन्त्या जीवकस्य च |
ऋद्ध्यर्षभक काकोली श्वदंष्ट्रा मधुकस्य च||५||
शतावर्या विदार्याश्च द्राक्षा खर्जूरयोरपि|
संयुक्तं मात्रया वैद्यः साधयेत्तत्र चावपेत्||६||
तुगाक्षीर्याः समाषाणां शालीनां षष्टिकस्य च|
गोधूमानां च चूर्णानि यैः स सान्द्रीभवेद्रसः||७||
सान्द्रीभूतं च कुर्यात् प्रभूत मधु शर्करम्|
गुलि(टि)का बदरैस्तुल्यास्ताश्च सर्पिषि भर्जयेत्||८||
ता यथाग्नि प्रयुञ्जानः क्षीरमांसरसाशनः|
पश्यत्यपत्यं विपुलं वृद्धोऽप्यात्मजमक्षयम्||९||
(इत्यपत्यकरी षष्टिकादिगुटिका)|
Āsikta kṣīramāpūrṇamaśuṣkaṃ śuddha ṣaṣṭikam|
udūkhale samāpothya pīḍayet kṣīramarditam||3||
gṛhītvā taṃ rasaṃ pūtaṃ gavyena payasā saha|
bījānāmātmaguptāyā dhānya māṣa rasena ca||4||
balāyāḥ śūrpaparṇyośca jīvantyā jīvakasya ca |
ṛddhyarṣabhaka kākolī śvadaṃṣṭrā madhukasya ca||5||
śatāvaryā vidāryāśca drākṣā kharjūrayorapi|
saṃyuktaṃ mātrayā vaidyaḥ sādhayettatra cāvapet||6||
tugākṣīryāḥ samāṣāṇāṃ śālīnāṃ ṣaṣṭikasya ca|
godhūmānāṃ ca cūrṇāni yaiḥ sa sāndrībhavedrasaḥ||7||
sāndrībhūtaṃ ca kuryāt prabhūta madhu śarkaram|
guli(ṭi)kā badaraistulyāstāśca sarpiṣi bharjayet||8||
tā yathāgni prayuñjānaḥ kṣīramāṃsarasāśanaḥ|
paśyatyapatyaṃ vipulaṃ vṛddho’pyātmajamakṣayam||9||
(ityapatyakarī ṣaṣṭikādiguṭikā)|
Apatyakari (male fertility promoting) Shashtikadi Gutika:
The Shashtika rice (white coloured) is first cleaned.
The rice grains are impregnated with milk by filling the rice vessel with milk.
When these grains are still wet, they are crushed in pestle and mortar.
Then it is ground with milk, and sought in a piece of cloth, the paste is squeezed to collect its juice.
To this juice, cow milk and the juice of the seeds of
Atmagupta – Velvet Bean (seed) – Mucuna pruriens
Dhanya – Coriander and
Masha – Black gram is added and boiled.
While boiling, the decoctions of
Bala – Country mallow (root) – Sida cordifolia,
Surpaparni – Pueraria lobata
Jivanti – Leptadenia Reticulata
Jivaka – Malaxis acuminata
Riddhi – Habenaria intermedia
Rishabhaka – Manilkara hexandra
Kakoli – Fritillaria roylei
Shvadamstra – Tribulus terrestris
Madhuka – Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra,
Shatavari – Asparagus racemosus
Vidari – Pueraria tuberosa
Draksha – Raisins – Vitis vinifera and
Kharjura – Dates – Phoenix dactylifera is added.
At the end of the boiling, the powders of-
Tugaksheeri – Bambusa bambos / Maranta arundinaceae
Masha – Black gram
Shali Shashtika – rice
Godhuma – Wheat are added so that the whole recipe becomes semi- solid.
When it becomes semi-solid, honey and sugar is added in adequate quantity, and pills are prepared with ghee.
Dosage: Depending upon the power of digestion of the individual, these and the soup of the meat are to be taken.
Benefits: By taking this potion, even an old man becomes capable of procreating many children and he does not get exhausted during sexual intercourse. [3-9]
Vrushya Pupalikadi Yoga
चटकानां सहंसानां दक्षाणां शिखिनां तथा|
शिशुमारस्य नक्रस्य भिषक् शुक्राणि संहरेत्||१०||
गव्यं सर्पिर्वराहस्य कुलिङ्गस्य वसामपि|
षष्टिकानां च चूर्णानि चूर्णं गोधूमकस्य च||११||
एभिः पूपलिकाः कार्याः शष्कुल्यो वर्तिकास्तथा|
पूपा धानाश्च विविधा भक्ष्याश्चान्ये पृथग्विधाः||१२||
एषां प्रयोगाद्भक्ष्याणां स्तब्धेनापूर्णरेतसा|
शेफसा वाजिवद्याति यावदिच्छं स्त्रियो नरः||१३||
(इति वृष्यपूपलिकादियोगाः)|
caṭakānāṃ sahaṃsānāṃ dakṣāṇāṃ śikhināṃ tathā|
śiśumārasya nakrasya bhiṣak śukrāṇi saṃharet||10||
gavyaṃ sarpirvarāhasya kuliṅgasya vasāmapi|
ṣaṣṭikānāṃ ca cūrṇāni cūrṇaṃ godhūmakasya ca||11||
ebhiḥ pūpalikāḥ kāryāḥ śaṣkulyo vartikāstathā|
pūpā dhānāśca vividhā bhakṣyāścānye pṛthagvidhāḥ||12||
eṣāṃ prayogādbhakṣyāṇāṃ stabdhenāpūrṇaretasā|
śephasā vājivadyāti yāvadicchaṃ striyo naraḥ||13||
(iti vṛṣyapūpalikādiyogāḥ)|
Vrushya Pupalikadi Yoga: Aphrodisiac sweet cake:
The physician should collect the semen of
Chataka – Sparrow
Shikhi – peacock
Shishumaara – Alligator, Gangetic porpoise, dolphin
Nakra – Crocodile.
He should also take the
Vasa (Fat) of Kulinga – A variety of mouse / Fork-tailed Shrike and
The powders of Shashtika rice , as well as Godhuma (wheat).
Out of these ingredients,
Pupalika (sweet cake)
Shashkula (Chakkuli – spiral shaped dish)
Vartika – (Kodu bale – round shaped dish)
Pupa – Cake
Dhana and such other varieties of dishes are prepared.
A man becomes fully potent, and
With strongly erected genital organ enjoys optimum sexual delight in women with good vigour. [10-13]
Apatyakara svarasa
आत्मगुप्ताफलं माषान् खर्जूराणि शतावरीम्|
शृङ्गाटकानि मृद्वीकां साधयेत् प्रसृतोन्मितम्||१४||
क्षीरप्रस्थं जलप्रस्थमेतत् प्रस्थावशेषितम्|
शुद्धेन वाससा पूतं योजयेत् प्रसृतैस्त्रिभिः||१५||
शर्करायास्तुगाक्षीर्याः सर्पिषोऽभिनवस्य च|
तत् पाययेत सक्षौद्रं षष्टिकान्नं च भोजयेत्||१६||
जरापरीतोऽप्यबलो योगेनानेन विन्दति|
नरोऽपत्यं सुविपुलं युवेव च स हृष्यति||१७||
(इत्यपत्यकरः स्वरसः)|
ātmaguptāphalaṃ māṣān kharjūrāṇi śatāvarīm|
śṛṅgāṭakāni mṛdvīkāṃ sādhayet prasṛtonmitam||14||
kṣīraprasthaṃ jalaprasthametat prasthāvaśeṣitam|
śuddhena vāsasā pūtaṃ yojayet prasṛtaistribhiḥ||15||
śarkarāyāstugākṣīryāḥ sarpiṣo’bhinavasya ca|
tat pāyayeta sakṣaudraṃ ṣaṣṭikānnaṃ ca bhojayet||16||
jarāparīto’pyabalo yogenānena vindati|
naro’patyaṃ suvipulaṃ yuveva ca sa hṛṣyati||17||
(ityapatyakaraḥ svarasaḥ)|
Apatyakara svarasa – Fertility promoting juice extract:
The fruit of
Atmagupta – Velvet Bean (seed) – Mucuna pruriens,
Masha – Black gram
Kharjura – Dates – Phoenix dactylifera ,
Shatavari – Asparagus racemosus
Shringataka – Trapa natans
Mrudvika – raisins are taken in the quantity of 1 Prasruta – 8 Tola = 96 ml.
1 Prastha (768 ml) of milk and water is added and to this,
3 Prasthas (2.304 kg) of Sharkara (sugar) and Tugaksheeri (Bambusa bambos) and freshly collected ghee are added.
Dosage: This is given to the person along with honey.
Pathya: He is given Shashtika type of rice to eat.
Benefits: Even an old and a weak person becomes capable of procreating many children and gets excited like a young man. [14-17]
Vrusya Ksheera
Aphrodisiac milk
खर्जूरीमस्तकं माषान् पयस्यां च शतावरीम्|
खर्जूराणि मधूकानि मृद्वीकामजडाफलम्||१८||
पलोन्मितानि मतिमान् साधयेत् सलिलाढके|
तेन पादावशेषेण क्षीरप्रस्थं विपाचयेत्||१९||
क्षीरशेषेण तेनाद्याद् घृताढ्यं षष्टिकौदनम्|
सशर्करेण संयोग एष वृष्यः परं स्मृतः||२०||
(इति वृष्यक्षीरम्)|
kharjūrīmastakaṃ māṣān payasyāṃ ca śatāvarīm|
kharjūrāṇi madhūkāni mṛdvīkāmajaḍāphalam||18||
palonmitāni matimān sādhayet salilāḍhake|
tena pādāvaśeṣeṇa kṣīraprasthaṃ vipācayet||19||
kṣīraśeṣeṇa tenādyād ghṛtāḍhyaṃ ṣaṣṭikaudanam|
saśarkareṇa saṃyoga eṣa vṛṣyaḥ paraṃ smṛtaḥ||20||
(iti vṛṣyakṣīram)|
Vrusya Ksheera: Aphrodisiac milk
1 pala (48 g) each of these fruits:
Kharjuri Mastaka (top portion of dates tree),
Masha – Black gram
Payasya – Ipomoea paniculata,
Shatavari – Asparagus racemosus
Kharjura – Phoenix sylvestris – Dates
Madhuka– Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra,
Mrudvika – Raisins and
Boiled with 1 Adhaka (3.072 litres) of water till 1/4th remains.
To this decoction, 1 Prastha (768 ml) of milk is added and boiled till only milk remains.
To this, sugar should be added.
Pathya: Shashtika type of rice along with liberal quantity of ghee.
Uses: This is an excellent aphrodisiac. [18-20]
Vrushya Ghrita
Aphrodisiac ghee:
जीवकर्षभकौ मेदां जीवन्तीं श्रावणीद्वयम्|
खर्जूरं मधुकं द्राक्षां पिप्पलीं विश्वभेषजम्||२१||
शृङ्गाटकं विदारीं च नवं सर्पिः पयो जलम्|
सिद्धं घृतावशेषं तच्छर्कराक्षौद्र पादिकम्||२२||
षष्टिकान्नेन संयुक्तमुपयोज्यं यथाबलम्|
वृष्यं बल्यं च वर्ण्यं च कण्ठ्यं बृंहणमुत्तमम्||२३||
(इति वृष्यघृतम्)|
Jīvaka rṣabhakau medāṃ jīvantīṃ śrāvaṇīdvayam|
kharjūraṃ madhukaṃ drākṣāṃ pippalīṃ viśvabheṣajam||21||
śṛṅgāṭakaṃ vidārīṃ ca navaṃ sarpiḥ payo jalam|
siddhaṃ ghṛtāvaśeṣaṃ taccharkarākṣaudra pādikam||22||
ṣaṣṭikānnena saṃyuktamupayojyaṃ yathābalam|
vṛṣyaṃ balyaṃ ca varṇyaṃ ca kaṇṭhyaṃ bṛṃhaṇamuttamam||23||
(iti vṛṣyaghṛtam)|
Vrushya Ghrita: Aphrodisiac ghee:
Jivaka – Malaxis acuminata
Rishabhaka – Manilkara hexandra
Meda – Polygonatum cirrhifolium
Jivanti – Leptadenia reticulata
both the type of Sravani
Kharjura – Phoenix dactylifera
Madhuka – Liquorice
Draksha – Raisin – Vitis vinifera,
Pippali – Long pepper fruit – Piper longum,
Vishvabhesaja – Ginger
Shringataka – Trapa natans
Vidari (Ipomoea paniculata / Pueraria tuberosa),
Freshly collected ghee, milk and water should be boiled together till ghee remains.
To this, 1/4th quantity of sugar and honey should be added.
Dosage: Depending upon the strength of the man
Pathya: Shashtika type of rice.
Benefit: This is an excellent recipe to promote
virility, strength, complexion, Kanta (voice) and nourishment [21-23]
Vrusya Dadhisara
Aphrodisiac curd recipe
दध्नः सरं शरच्चन्द्रसन्निभं दोषवर्जितम्|
शर्करा क्षौद्र मरिचैस्तुगाक्षीर्या च बुद्धिमान्||२४||
युक्त्या युक्तं ससूक्ष्मैलं नवे कुम्भे शुचौ पटे|
मार्जितं प्रक्षिपेच्छीते घृताढ्ये षष्टिकौदने||२५||
पिबेन्मात्रां रसालायास्तं भुक्त्वा षष्टिकौदनम् |
वर्णस्वरबलोपेतः पुमांस्तेन वृषायते||२६||
(वृष्यो दधिसरप्रयोगः)|
dadhnaḥ saraṃ śaraccandrasannibhaṃ doṣavarjitam|
śarkarā kṣaudra maricaistugākṣīryā ca buddhimān||24||
yuktyā yuktaṃ sasūkṣmailaṃ nave kumbhe śucau paṭe|
mārjitaṃ prakṣipecchīte ghṛtāḍhye ṣaṣṭikaudane||25||
pibenmātrāṃ rasālāyāstaṃ bhuktvā ṣaṣṭikaudanam |
varṇasvarabalopetaḥ pumāṃstena vṛṣāyate||26||
(vṛṣyo dadhisaraprayogaḥ)|
Vrusya Dadhisara: Aphrodisiac curd recipe
The cream of curd which is like the moon of autumn and is free from impurities is added with
Maricha – Black pepper fruit – piper nigrum and
Tugaksiri – Bambusa bambos / Maranta arundinaceae
by a wise physician.
To this Sukshma Ela (lesser cardamom) is added in appropriate quantity.
This is properly mixed in a fresh earthen jar or clean rice mixed with liberal quantity of ghee.
Dosage and Pathya: This Rasala is taken in appropriate quantity, and thereafter, the person should eat Shashtika type of rice.
Benefits: it promotes complexion, voice, strength and Virility of the man. [24-26]
Vrushya shashtikaudana
Aprhodisiac rice dish:
चन्द्रांशुकल्पं पयसा घृताढ्यं षष्टिकौदनम्|
शर्करामधुसंयुक्तं प्रयुञ्जानो वृषायते||२७||
(इति वृष्यः षष्टिकौदनप्रयोगः)|
candrāṃśukalpaṃ payasā ghṛtāḍhyaṃ ṣaṣṭikaudanam|
śarkarāmadhusaṃyuktaṃ prayuñjāno vṛṣāyate||27||
(iti vṛṣyaḥ ṣaṣṭikaudanaprayogaḥ)|
Vrushya shashtikaudana: Aprhodisiac rice dish:
By taking the rise of Shashtika which is white like the rays of moon, along with ghee in liberal quantity, sugar and honey, a man become sexually excited. [27]
Vurshya Pupalika
तप्ते सर्पिषि नक्राण्डं ताम्रचूडाण्डमिश्रितम्|
युक्तं षष्टिकचूर्णेन सर्पिषाऽभिनवेन च||२८||
पक्त्वा पूपलिकाः खादेद्वारुणीमण्डपो नरः|
य इच्छेदश्ववद्गन्तुं प्रसेक्तुं गजवच्च यः||२९||
(इति वृष्यपूपलिकाः)|
tapte sarpiṣi nakrāṇḍaṃ tāmracūḍāṇḍamiśritam|
yuktaṃ ṣaṣṭikacūrṇena sarpiṣā’bhinavena ca||28||
paktvā pūpalikāḥ khādedvāruṇīmaṇḍapo naraḥ|
ya icchedaśvavadgantuṃ prasektuṃ gajavacca yaḥ||29||
(iti vṛṣyapūpalikāḥ)|
Vurshya Pupalika: Aphrodisiac cake:
The eggs of Nakra – Crocodile and Tamrachuda – Cock, is fried in ghee.
the powder of Shashtika is added and is boiled in ghee.
Out of this, Pupalikas (cake) should be prepared.
After eating these Pupalikas, the man should drink the Manda (scum or the upper portion) of Varuni (wine), if he wants to indulge in it with the vigour of an elephant.[28-29]
एतैः प्रयोगैर्विधिवद्वपुष्मान् वीर्योपपन्नो बलवर्णयुक्तः|
हर्षान्वितो वाजिवदष्टवर्षो भवेत् समर्थश्च वराङ्गनासु||३०||
यद्यच्च किञ्चिन्मनसः प्रियं स्याद्रम्या वनान्ताः पुलिनानि शैलाः|
इष्टाः स्त्रियो भूषणगन्धमाल्यं प्रिया वयस्याश्च तदत्र योग्यम् ||३१||
etaiḥ prayogairvidhivadvapuṣmān vīryopapanno balavarṇayuktaḥ|
harṣānvito vājivadaṣṭavarṣo bhavet samarthaśca varāṅganāsu||30||
yadyacca kiñcinmanasaḥ priyaṃ syādramyā vanāntāḥ pulināni śailāḥ|
iṣṭāḥ striyo bhūṣaṇagandhamālyaṃ priyā vayasyāśca tadatra yogyam ||31||
Thus it is said:-
By the use of these recipe, according to the prescribed procedure,
The man is endowed with adequate quantity of semen, strength and complexion.
With excitement and stallion vigour, he becomes capable of sexual intercourse with beautiful women for eight years.
The parks in the fringe of the forest, ponds, mountains, pleasing women, ornaments, scents, garlands, friendly companions and such other things which are liked by the man, should be provided for getting the prescribed effects of these rejuvenating recipes. [30-31]
A person who is desirous of manliness (adequate quantity of semen) and children should use these eight recipes described in the quarter called “ Asikta Ksirika” [32]
तत्र श्लोकः-
आसिक्तक्षीरिके पादे ये योगाः परिकीर्तिताः|
अष्टावपत्यकामैस्ते प्रयोज्याः पौरुषार्थिभिः||३२||
tatra ślokaḥ-
āsiktakṣīrike pāde ye yogāḥ parikīrtitāḥ|
aṣṭāvapatyakāmaiste prayojyāḥ pauruṣārthibhiḥ||32||
Thus, ends the second quarter on “Asika Ksheerika” (drugs impregnated with milk) of the chapter on aphrodisiacs of Cikitsa section of Agnivesa’s work, as redacted by Charaka.
sir where to buy vrihani gutika and all the above mentioned products?
In modern times, where to buy sastika rice? Thanks.