We are starting with Chikitsa Sthana section of Charaka Samhita. It has 30 chapters. Chikitsa refers to treatment. Hence, this section deals with the treatment and medicines for diseases.
The first chapter of Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana is Rasayana Chikitsa. Rasayana means – anti ageing treatment. This chapter has four sub-sections.
1.1 Abhaya Amalakeeya Rasayana Pada
1.2 Praana Kameeya Rasayana Pada
1.3 Kara Prachiteeya Rasayana Pada
1.4 Ayurveda Samutthaniya Rasayana Pada
We shall now explore Abhaya Amalakeeya Rasayana Pada – the first sub section of the first Chapter of Charak Samhita Chikitsa Sthan. Thus said Lord Atreya:[1-2]
Table of Contents
Synonyms of Medicine
The synonyms of the term Bheshaja (medicine) are as below. Some refer it to as synonym for treatment:
- Chikitsa – Tool for treatment
- Vyadhihara – Tool to get rid of disease
- Pathya – the wholesome regime (dietary & behavioural) which is beneficial to maintain health or to treat illness
- Sadhana – means or tools of treatment
- Aushadha – drug / medicine
- Prayashchitta – corrective, reconciliation
- Prashamana – pacifier, balancing
- Prakriti-sthapana — Restoration of health.
- Hita – one which is beneficial, wholesome [3-4]
Categories of Medicines
Medicines are of two types.
Swasthasya Urjaskara – To maintain health of the healthy, to improve immunity and quality of health etc.
Arthasya Roganut – To relieve the disease in the patient.[4]
Side effects of medicines
Types of Abheshaja – Side Effects Of Medicines:
Abhesaja(medicines with adverse effects) are of two types viz.,
- Badhana – those which cause miseries immediately after their use, which cause quick side effects
- Sanubadhana – those which produce disease after they are used constantly for a long time [5]
Distinctive features of medicines
The treatment / medicines that enhance quality of health in a healthy person are –
Vrushya – aphrodisiacs
Rasayana – anti ageing treatments
The other type of medicines are useful in the alleviation of diseases.
However, both these types (health maintaining and disease alleviating) are considered medicines as they help to keep diseases at bay.
Sometimes Vrushya (aphrodisiac) and Rasayana medicines are used in treating diseases. Similarly, some medicines meant for treating diseases also act as Vrushya / Rasayana
For example: Agasthya Hareetaki Rasayana – medicine explained for Kasa (cough treatment) is also useful for anti ageing purpose. [5-6]
Rasayana benefits
Benefits of Anti ageing treatment (Rasayana – Rejuvenation therapy):
A person undergoing rejuvenation therapy gains
Deergham Aayu – Longevity
Smruti – good Memory
Medha – Intelligence
Arogya – Good health, free from diseases
Taruna – Youth
Vayaha – Long life
Prabha – Excellent aura, lustre
Varna – Good skin complexion
Swara – good voice
Dehabala – physical strength
Indriya Bala – Strong sense organs
Vak Siddhi – Yaduktam tadbhavati – yat uktam tat bhavati – whatever is spoken by the person, it ebcomes true!
Pranati – Pranatim lokavandyata – the person becomes respected by the world
Kanti – brilliance and radiance
The means by which one gets the maximum utilisation of end product of digestion (Rasa) is known as Rasayana or anti ageing / rejuvenation therapy.[7-8]
Effects of Aphrodisiac therapy
Vrushya – Aphrodisiac therapy yields following benefits –
Apatya, Santaanakara – potentiality for getting offspring’s for the maintenance of the continuity of the lineage,
Sadya Sampraharshana – instantaneous sexual excitation,
Vaaji vati bala – sexual strength of a horse
Apratihata Striyaha – does not get exhausted by sexual act
Atipriyaha streenaam – being liked by women
Aphrodisiac therapy nourishes Dhatu – tissue elements, by which even in old age, one does not get seminal debility or deficiency.
It enables one to remain firm like a Chaitya (a big tree ) with many branches.
It enables the person to earn respect from people by virtue of his having procreated several children, which is conducive to his enjoying happiness and eternity in this world and beyond.
Children bring about success, auspiciousness, strength and immunity. Vajikarana treatment is the reason for all these. [9-13]
Two categories of Medicines
Swasthasya Urjaskara – The treatment that improves the quality of a healthy person is described in this chapter. Those which help in the cure of diseases will be described later, from 3rd chapter onward. the primary aim of medicines is to cure diseases. The method of administration of rejuvenation and aphrodisiac therapies are described first. [13-14]
Abheshaja – Anti-medicine
Things which are opposite in action to those of ‘medicines’ are known as Abhesaja. These should not be used. Only medicines which are required to be used will be described here.[15]
Types of Rejuvenation Therapy
According to the sages, Rasayana (Rejuvenation / anti ageing) therapy is of two types:
- Kuti praveshika – The patient is confined to a cottage throughout the treatment) and
- Vatatapika It is administered even if the individual is exposed to the wind and the sun. He is not confined to a room.
Kutipraveshika Rasayana
Description of Kutipraveshika Rasayana:
- One should get a cottage constructed in a good site inhabited by the king, physician, Brahmins, saints and those who perform virtuous acts,
- The place should be free from alarm, auspicious and where the required appliances can easily be procured.
- This cottage should face towards the east or the north. It should have three concentric courts and should be furnished with narrow ventilators.
- Its walls should be thick and it should be pleasant to reside in all seasons.
- It should be well-lit, and pleasant to the mind and be free from undesirable noise etc.
- It should not be accessible to women. This is because, the person undergoing Rasayana treatment is prohibited from having sex.
- It should be equipped with all the required appliances.
- Physicians, medicines and Brahmanas should be readily available there.
The time and duration :
- During the sun’s northern course, in the light half of the month (Shukla Paksha), on an auspicious day (Tithi) with an auspicious constellation (Nakshatra), and favorable Muhurta (moment) and Karana,
- A person desirous of undergoing rejuvenation therapy should enter into the cottage after shaving, endowed with the perseverance and memory, full of faith, single minded, having removed all mental afflictions, cherishing good will for all living and performed the Pradakshina (going round) of the Gods, Cows and the Brahmanas.
That individual should then be cleansed by Panchakarma – elimination therapy. Thereafter, when he is happy and has regained his strength, the rejuvenation therapy should be administered.[16-24]
Preparation For Elimination therapy
The person after oleation (Snehana) and sweating (Swedana) therapies , should take the following combination of herbal powders with a cup of hot water.
The herbal powder is prepared with equal amounts of each of –
Haritaki – Terminalia chebula with
Saindhava – Rock-salt,
Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
Guda – Jaggery
Vacha – Acorus calamus
Vidanga (Embelia ribes)
Rajani – Turmeric
Pippali (long pepper), and
Vishwa Bheshaja – ginger
After administering the above combination with hot water, the person’s body undergoes natural cleansing. For next 3, 5 or 7 days, the patient is administered with
Yaavaka – barley-gruel with Purana ghrita (old ghee)
Having ascertained that the Koshta (internal organs) is purged of all the impurities, he should be administered anti ageing therapy, suitable for him by a physician who is well versed with
Vaya – age,
Prakruti – Tridosha body constitution and
Satmya – what is congenial and what is not, of the individual.[24-28]
Qualities and functions of Haritaki
Qualities of Haritaki – Terminalia chebula:
Has five tastes viz, sweet, sour, pungent, bitter and astringent
Ushna – It is hot in potency
Alavanam – It is free from saline taste
Shiva – It is good for general health
Dosha Anulomi – It eliminates the Doshas through intestines
Laghvi – light to digest
Deepana – improves digestion strength
Pachana – digestive
Vayasa Sthapani, Ayushya – anti ageing, rejuvenating
Paushtiki – nourishing
Sarva Roga Prashamani – eradicates all diseases and
Buddhi Indriya Balaprada – promotes intellect, sense perception and vitality.
Haritaki is indicated in :
- Kustha (obstinate skin disease, including leprosy)
- Gulma (phantom Tumour)
- Udavarta (upward movement of the wind in abdomen)
- Shosha (consumption)
- Pandu (anaemia)
- Mada (intoxication)
- Arshas (piles)
- Grahani-dosa (sprue syndrome)
- Purana Vishama Jwara – chronic and irregular fever
- Hrudroga (heart diseases)
- Shiroroga – diseases of the head
- Atisara – Diarrhoea
- Arochaka (anorexia)
- Kasa (cough) ,
- Prameha (urinary diseases, including diabetes mellitus),
- Anaha (abdominal distension, bloating),
- recently occurred udara (obstinate diseases of abdomen, including ascites),
- Kapha Praseka – excessive salivation,
- Vaiswaryam (hoarseness of voice),
- Vaivarnayam (impairment of complexion),
- Kamala (jaundice),
- Krimi (intestinal worms),
- Shvayathu – oedema, inflammation
- Tamaka Swasa (bronchial Asthma),
- Chardi(vomiting),
- Klaibya (impotency),
- Anga saada(lassitude in the body) ,
- Sroto Vibandha – various types of obstructions in the channels of circulations,
- Pralepa Hrudayo Raso – collection of adhesive material (like fat) around the heart and chest, and
- Smruti, Buddhi Pramoha – affliction of memory and intellect
Contra indications of Haritaki
- Ajeerni – Those suffering from indigestion
- Rooksha bhuja – Taking dry food
- Stri Karshita – those who are weak due to sexual indulgence
- Madya Karshita – emaciated due to excess of alcohol
- Visha Karshita – emaciated due to poisons
- Kshut – afflicted with excess hunger
- Trushna – afflicted with excess thirst
- Ushnardita – afflicted with excess heat (such as Sun stroke)
Qualities of Amalki
Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis) – Amla possesses similar qualities to that of Haritaki, except in potency, (Amalaki is cold, Haritaki is hot).
In view of these actions, the physician should consider the fruit pulp of Haritaki and Amalaki, like nectar.[29-37]
Method of herb collection
Method of Herb collection – Dravya Sangraha Vidhi:
Method of Herb collection:
Medicinal herbs should be collected from Himalayas
Collection should be done in proper season, when they are rich with fully manifested taste and potency (Aapoorna rasaveerya)
collected in proper season
The medicinal herbs should be-
- mellowed by sun rays, wind, shade and water
- Ajagdha – not eaten by birds and insects
- Apooti – unspoiled, not rotten
- Nir-vrana – without any cuts and wounds,
- Agada – not afflicted with any disease
The method of administration of these fruits and their excellent effects will now be described.[38-40]
Brahma Rasayana (First Type)
Ingredients used :
Pancha Panchamoola – 25 roots – are taken in 10 Pala each – 480 grams each.
a. Vidarigandhi-pancha :
Vidarigandha (Pueraria tuberosa)
Brihati – Solanum indicum
Prishniparni – Uraria picta
Shwadamshtra – Tribulus terrestris
b. Brihat -panchamoola :
Bilva – Aegle marmelos
Shyonaka – Oroxylum indicum
Gambhari – Coomb Teak (root) – Gmelina arborea
Patala – Trumpet (root) – Stereospermum suaveolens
Agnimantha – Premna corymbosa (Burm.f) Merr
c. Punarnavadi-panchamoola:
Punarnava – Boerhavia diffusa
Mudgaparni – Phaseolus trilobus
Mashaparni – Teramnus labialis
Bala – Sida cordifolia
Eranda – castor root
d. Jivaneeya-Panchamoola :
Jeevaka – Malaxis acuminata
Rishabhaka – Manilkara hexandra
Meda – Polygonatum cirrhifolium
Jeevanti – Leptadenia reticulata
Shatavari – Asparagus racemosus
e. Truna Panchamoola
Kusha – Desmostachya bipinnata
Kasha – Saccharum spontaneum
Shara – Saccharum munja
Darbha –Imperata cylindrical
Ikshu – Sugarcanne – Saccharum officinarum
To this, 1000 freshly collected fruits of Haritaki and 3000 freshly collected fruits of Amalaki are added.
Procedure :
- The first 25 root powders of the above herbs drugs should be boiled with ten times of water, and when the water is reduced to one tenth, it is filtered and the decoction should be collected.
- The fruits of Haritaki and Amlaki should be removed of their seeds and made to a paste with a pestle and mortar.
- To this decoction,
- add the paste of Haritaki and Amalaki
- Add 192 gm of each of the powder of
Mandukaparni – Gotu kola
Pippali – long pepper,
Shankhapushpi – Convolvulus pluricaulis
Plava – Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
Musta – Cyperus rotundus
Vidanga – False black pepper
Chandana – Sandalwood
Aguru – Aquilaria agallocha
Madhuka – Madhuca longifolia
Haridra – Turmeric
Vacha – Acorus calamus
Kanaka – Datura metel
Sukshma Ela – Lesser cardamom and
Twak – Cinnamon
52,800 g of sugar (in powder form)+ 6,144 ml of Til oil (sesame oil) + 9,216 ml of ghee
- This whole mixture is boiled in a copper vessel on a low fire till it takes the consistency of a linctus, but not burnt.
- When it is cooled, honey should be mixed. The quantity of honey should be half of the quantity of oil and ghee taken together. This whole mixture should be mixed well and kept in an earthen jar smeared with ghee.
Pathya Apathya : After the medicine is digested the patient should be given shashtika type of rice with milk to eat.
Benefits of this therapy :
- Vaikhanasas, Valakhilyas and such of the types of the hermits, by the intake of this rejuvenation therapy, attained immense longevity; they were free from the ageing effects of the body and became youthful
- they were free from drowsiness, weariness, breathlessness and fear and they became single minded and were endowed with intellect, memory and strength.
- these ascetics became worthy of severe spiritual practices and Vedic recitation and celibacy (Brahmacharya) with exceeding devotion for a long time
Therefore,this therapy which has spiritual value, should be taken by a person who desires longevity. After having undergone this therapy, he is sure to enjoy a long span of life, youthfulness and to attain all his ambitions.[41-57].
Brahma Rasayana ( Second Type)
- 1000 fruits of Amla is steam-boiled with water and made to a paste
- After they are well-cooked it is dried without exposing it to sun and made to a powder by removing the seeds.
- This powder should be impregnated (triturated) with the juice of another 1000 fruits of Amalaki and added with the powder of
Punarnava – Boerhavia diffusa
Jivanti – Leptadenia reticulata
Nagabala – Grewia populifolia
Mandaukaparni – Gotu kola
Shatavari – Indian Asparagus
Shankhapushpi – Convolvulus pluricaulis
Pippali – Long pepper
Vacha – Acorus calamus
Vidanga – Embelia ribes
Swayamgupta – Mucuna pruriens
Amruta – Tinospora cordifolia,
Chandana – Sandalwood
Aguru – Aquilaria agallocha
Madhuka – Liquorice
Madhuka Pushpa – Madhuca longifolia
Utpala – Water lily
Padma – Lotus
Malati – Jasminum grandiflorum
Yuvati – Turmeric
Yuthika -Jasminum auriculatum
All measuring one-eight of the powder of Amalaki .
This compound should then be impregnated (ground) with the juice of 48,000 g of Nagabala (Grewia populifolia) and dried in shade.
To this add double the quantity of ghee or both honey and ghee so as to make it Kshudra guda (a thick syrup like consistency).
It is kept in a clean and strong earthen jar and is placed underground below a heap of ash for a fortnight. During this period, scholars who are well versed in the Atharva Veda should perform rituals for its protection.
After the fortnight, this jar is removed, and the powder of gold, silver, copper, coral, black iron- all one-eighth in quantity is added with the prescribed procedure in a dose of 6 grams and then be gradually increased every day.
When the medicine is digested, the patient is given shashtika type of rice with milk and ghee to take. By doing so, one attains all the benefits already described.
Thus it is said:
Ancient great sages were using this rejuvenation therapy, called Brahma-rasayana. By its use, one becomes free from diseases and gains longevity and vigour. He bears a lovable complexion and is liked by everybody. His ambitions are fulfilled and he wears a lustre like that of the moon and the sun and is capable of retaining memory, all that he hears (Shrutam dharayate), and he possesses the mental faculty like that of seers. His body becomes compact like steel and in strength, he can be liked to wind. Even the poison becomes non-poisonous in his body. [58-61]
Chyavana Prasha
Bilva – Aegle marmelos
Agnimantha – Premna mucronata
Shyonaka – Oroxylum indicum
Kashmarya – Gmelina arborea
Patali – Stereospermum suaveolens
Bala – Country mallow – Sida cordifolia
Shalaparni – Desmodium gangeticum
Prishniparni – Uraria picta
Mashaparni – Teramnus labialis
Mudgaparni – Phaseolus trilobus
Pippali – Long pepper
Shvadamstra – Tribulus terrestris
Brihati – Solanum indicum
Kantakari – Solanum surattense
Shringi – Pistacia chinensis
Tamalaki – Phyllanthus niruri
Draksha – Grapes
Jivanti – Leptadenia reticulata
Pushkara – Inula racemosa
Aguru – Aquilaria agallocha
Abhaya – Harad – Terminalia chebula
Riddhi – Habenaria intermedia
Jivaka – Malaxis acuminata
Rishabhaka – Manilkara hexandra
Shati – Zadoary (root) – Hedychium spicatum / Curcuma zeodaria
Musta – Cyperus rotundus
Punarnava – Boerhavia diffusa
Meda – Polygonatum cirrhifolium
Ela – Cardamom
Chandana – Sandalwood
Utpala – Water Lily
Vidari – Pureria tuberosa
Vrusha – Adhatoda vasica
Kakoli – Fritillaria roylei
Kakanasika – Martynia annua
1 pala – 48 g of each of the above herb is taken in coarse powder form.
It is added with 500 fruits of Amalaki.
All together should be boiled in 1 Drona – 12.288 Liters. of water. When it is fully boiled, the decoction and the fruits of Amalaki should be taken out.
The fruits of Amalaki, after the removal of seeds, be fried in 12 Pala – 567 g, of each of ghee and sesame oil.
This should be added to the decoction. This paste along with 2.400 kg of (half Tula) of sugar (Matsyandika), boiled with the decoction earlier obtained, until it takes the consistency of a linctus (semi solid).
When it has cooled down, the below ingredients are added and stirred well.
6 Pala – 288 g of honey;
4 Pala – 192 g of Tugaksiri;
2 Pala – 96 g of Pippali – Long pepper
1 pala – 48 g of each of –
Twak – Cinnamon
Ela – Cardamom
Patra – Cinnamon leaves
Keshara – Nagakeshara – Mesua ferrea
This is called Cyavana Prasa.
Paramukto Rasayana – best rejuvenators and anti ageing medicine
Indicated in-
Kasa – cold, cough
Shwasa – asthma, respiratory disorders involving difficulty in breathing
Kshataksheena – chest injury
Svarakshaya – voice problems
Uroroga – Chest disorders
Hrudroga – Cardiac disorders
Vatashonita – Gout
Pipasa – excessive thirst
Mutradosha – Urinary tract disorders
Shukra Dosha – semen, sperm anomalies
It is good for tissue growth and development of elderly and children.
The dose should be such that it does not disturb the quantity of meals.
By the use of this medicine, Chyavana sage,who had become very old, became young once again.
Administration of this rejuvenation medicine promotes –
Medha – intelligence
Smruti – memory
Kanti – lustre
Anamayatva – disease-lessness
Ayu – age, life expectancy
Indriya bala – strength of sense organs
Agni – digestion strength
Varna – skin complexion
Pavana Anuloma – Movement of Vata Dosha in its normal direction, easy bowel movement
By using this therapy according to Kuti-Praveshika method (while residing in a cottage), even an old man can shed all his ageing related problems and emerge with fresh youthful complexion.[62-74]
Amalaka Rasayana
Method of preparation:
Amalaki, Haritaki and Bhibhitaki or combination of these, is tied to the bark of Palasha (Butea monosperma). This is covered with a layer of wet mud.
This big ball is fried using cow dung cake fire.
Then the mud and Palasha layers are scraped, pulp is taken in a dose of 48 Kg (1000 Pala = 1 Tula) and crushed properly, in pestle and mortar.
This paste is administered by adding equal quantities of curd, ghee, honey, till paste, oil and sugar.
It is administered according to the procedure laid down and during this period, the patient should be restrained from food.
The patient should return to the normal diet gradually and he must be given massage and unction with ghee and the powder of barley.
Two such courses of rejuvenation therapy should be administered, keeping in view the power of digestion of the individual.
He should thereafter resort to meals containing shashtika type of rice and ghee with soup or milk. Thereafter, he should be left free to resort to regimens liked by him and take food desired by him.
By the administration of this rejuvenation therapy, the sages regained their youth and lived for many hundreds of years free from diseases, and with great devotion, practised penance, endowed with the excellence of the body, the intellect, and normal functioning of the senses.[75]
Recipe of Haritaki
Method of preparation:
A decoction should be prepared of Haritaki, Amalaki, Bibhitaka and
five groups of Pancamulas – Pancha Panchamoola –
Pancha Panchamoola – 25 roots – are taken in 10 Pala each – 480 grams each.
a. Vidarigandhi-pancha :
Vidarigandha (Pueraria tuberosa)
Brihati – Solanum indicum
Prishniparni – Uraria picta
Shwadamshtra – Tribulus terrestris
b. Brihat -panchamoola :
Bilva – Aegle marmelos
Shyonaka – Oroxylum indicum
Gambhari – Coomb Teak (root) – Gmelina arborea
Patala – Trumpet (root) – Stereospermum suaveolens
Agnimantha – Premna corymbosa (Burm.f) Merr
c. Punarnavadi-panchamoola:
Punarnava – Boerhavia diffusa
Mudgaparni – Phaseolus trilobus
Mashaparni – Teramnus labialis
Bala – Sida cordifolia
Eranda – castor root
d. Jivaneeya-Panchamoola :
Jeevaka – Malaxis acuminata
Rishabhaka – Manilkara hexandra
Meda – Polygonatum cirrhifolium
Jeevanti – Leptadenia reticulata
Shatavari – Asparagus racemosus
e. Truna Panchamoola
Kusha – Desmostachya bipinnata
Kasha – Saccharum spontaneum
Shara – Saccharum munja
Darbha –Imperata cylindrical
Ikshu – Sugarcanne – Saccharum officinarum
To this decoction,
The paste of
Pippali – Long pepper
Madhuka (Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra),
Kakoli (Fritillaria roylei),
Ksheerakakoli(Lilium polyphyllum),
Atmagupta – Mucuna pruriens
Jivaka (Malaxis acuminata),
Rishabhaka (Manilkara hexandra) and
Ksheerashukla are added .
the juice of Vidari (Ipomoea paniculata / Pueraria tuberosa),
eight times of milk and
24, 576 g of ghee is added added and boiled.
This recipe is administered in a dose based on the power of digestion, and after it is digested, the individual should be advised to take Shali and Sastika type of rice along with milk and ghee. Hot water should be given to him as post- prandial potion.
By this therapy one becomes free from the consequences of old age, disease, sins and effects of black magic, and he becomes endowed with unrivalled strength of body, senses as well as intelligence. He develops powers to see through the completion of all projection in hand and leads a long life. [76]
Another Rasayana medicine with Haritaki:
Method of preparation
Haritaki, Amalaki, Bibhitaka,
Haridra (turmeric – Curcuma longa),
Sthira (Desmodium gangeticum),
Bala( Country mallow (root) – Sida cordifolia),
Vidanga(Embelia ribes),
Vishvabhesaja – ginger
Madhuka(Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra),
Pippali (Long pepper fruit – Piper longum),
Somavalka- these drugs should be cooked with ghee extracted from milk and added with honey and sugar.
To this, Amalaki which is impregnated with 100 times juice of the same fruit (Amalaka) and the powder of iron one- fourth in quantity, should be added.
Following the prescribed procedure, this recipe should be taken every morning in a dose of 12 g..
In the evening, Shali or Shastika type of rice, mixed with ghee or milk, or the soup of Mudga should be taken.
By the administration of this therapy for three years, the individual becomes free from old age for 100 years. He develops the power to recollect anything he hears. All this diseases are eradicated and even poisons become non-poisonous in his body. His body becomes compact like a stone and he attains invincibility.
As the nectar is to the Gods and the nectar is for serpents, so in ancient times, this rejuvenation therapy become useful to the great sages. It kept them free old age, weakness, diseases and death and they lived for thousands of years by the intake of this rejuvenating drug.
He who makes use of this rejuvenation therapy, according to the prescribed procedure, not merely enjoys long life in this world, but also after death enjoys the auspicious life of the Devas and Rishis and gets submerged in immutable Brahman.[77-80]
In this quarter dealing with Abhaya and Amalaki, six recipes for rejuvenation therapy are described. By the administration of these recipes the life of the great Siddhas (those who have attained perfection) was prolonged.[81]
Thus, ends the first quarter dealing with Abhaya and Amalaki of the Chapter on Rejuvenation Therapy of the Section on Therapeutics of the work of Agnivesha redacted by Charaka.
Very nice article. Love your posts. Very good, Very informative
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Thank you! 🙂
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
1. Triphala heals stomach and esophagus acid brash. The Vranahara – healing wounds and ulcers – quality is attributed to Triphala.
2. It strengthens Lower Esophageal Sphincter as well to some extent.
Thanks Doctor…….The LES laxity creates so many health issues….Given the prevalance of this problems world wide, I would like you to educate the world on how to address the LES laxity from a neuro-motor perspective …..more so from a Ayurvedic perspective..
..I am sure there is some mention in the texts on how to strenthen and close the LES properly……………….I read that the spinal compressions in C and T areas cause signalling issues to the diaphragm and the LES …….Please throw light doctor….
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Dear Anil, if you wish to practice alternative medicine in Europe, it is better to get into an alternative / naturopathic course in Europe itself and get the license to practice. I think, this should be the first step. As per my little knowledge, there are many universities in UK and Germany that offer Ayurveda / naturopathy – Yoga course.
Do a thorough research. Concentrate on eligibility that the course provides you to practice naturopathy in Europe.
Once you have got such a degree, then easily you can learn Ayurveda and further improve your knowledge. Wish you all the success.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, he needs to go further with allopathic treatment. Ayurveda has limited effects in your brother’s case.
Garima Kukreti
very nicelu point wise explained with imp.. slokas
Manas ranjan swain
Thank u sir.its very informative and is very helpful for ouf academics.thank u so much for share with us.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Welcome 🙂
Vaishnavi Mahenderker
Namaste doctor.,
I am dr. Vaishnavi from Hyderabad.
I want to know about kuti pravesh rasayan chikitsa performed nowadays practically.. please can you make a video of it in your you tube channel for us sir..
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Thanks. Will try to make a video about it.