11 Tips To A Junior Ayurvedic Doctor

Are you a new Ayurvedic doctor, just finishing an year internship? Here are a few tips to change your student mindset to a responsible medical professional.

Work with extreme concentration: keenness to learn, improvise and utmost dedication. Remember, your work will define you. You work fills in one third of your 24 hours. So make sure to give your best shot at every minute, every second of your work life. Do not settle for the mediocrity. Target excellence and achieve it.

Do not be over-obedient:
While studying, you are expected to be obedient, showing great respect to professors etc. But when you become a doctor, you need lower obedience level a small bit. This will make you more courageous, more self-dependent. This will help you take decisions boldly.
In a hospital environment, you are supposed to show your work, by being self sufficient, bold and confident.
For every small thing, do not ask opinion of your senior doctor. Be a bit more self reliant.


Do not be egoistic: Smile at the patient, greet everyone, before they greet you.

Do not be emotional about your employer:
It is quite natural for a fresher to be very emotional about the first job. But do not be too much thankful to your employer.
If the institution gets a better performer than you, then they will replace you.
If you get a better opportunity than the current one, then you will have to leave this institution to build a better future for yourself.
So, no emotions about it.

Under committing and over-performing is better than the other way around. While attending the interview, commit for hard work, dedication etc but do not go overboard in those commitments. For example, do not commit to work on Sundays. You will need at least one day per week for yourself.

Be punctual in the morning, leave the hospital / office in the evening time at the stipulated time. Do not work in lunch hour. Do not work in recess. Take rest or do something other than your duties. This will give you much needed break from your work. In fact, this break from your work will increase your concentration and performance.
During working hours, perform and excel. But do not work in recess.

Read the appointment letter full, with all calmness, twice. Do not hesitate to get your doubts cleared, before signing it.
If you do not get an appointment letter, then ask for it repeatedly till you get it.
Before joining, make sure to get precise information about the holiday list, working hours, number of leaves etc
Small hospitals might not have rules set about holidays etc. But it is always better to get the list, before joining the institution.

Do not be emotional with the patients. Do not try to be friends with patients. Emotions at work will alter your decision-making power. You are there to serve patients.

If you are a junior doctor, do not tell the diagnosis about it to the patient.
If your job is just limited to case taking, do not waste time in explaining about disease, treatment etc to the patient. When the patient goes to the senior doctor, then he will do that job.
If you tell the diagnosis and if your senior doctor diagnoses it differently, then the patient will be totally confused.

‘Fit in’ to the atmosphere, adjust, be kind to nurses and hospital staff. Do not be rude with them or with patient. Have a smiling face, wear clean cloths.

Invest your free time to reading, travelling, with a learning inclination. Do not limit your interests to the medicine field alone. Invest your free time in learn some other science that interests you. Expand your horizon, expand your knowledge.

Think the hospital as your own and try to figure out what would you do better. Keep on thinking and keep on improving your work.

While at work, make a note of your work and achievements. Sometimes, you yourself or the management may feel that you are not doing any work! At that time, you can show this diary to yourself or to them.

Hope it helps. Cheers!


  • Maah

    If i was a hospital, i would hire this kind of junior doctor in a heart-beat! Thank you.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author




  • d

    very helpful & wise advice! … thank you very much! 🙂

  • Querease

    Nice suggestions not only for doctor any one should follow this for success in life..

  • Ayurvedic Doctor

    Very very interesting post


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