Opium poppy – Papaver somniferum has two useful parts – Opium – the fruit latex exudate – which is used as a narcotic and poppy seeds are commonly used in preparing many food items.
Table of Contents
Botanical name – Papaver somniferum
Family – Papaveraceae (Ahiphena kula)
Taxonomical Classification
Family – Papavaraceae
Genus – Papaver
Species – somnifera
Poppy Seed Remedies (Khas Khas)
By Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD
Poppy seeds (Khas Khas) are added to bread, cakes, rolls, biscuits, puddings, sweets, cookies etc. They are used in the treatment of mental fatigue, abdominal pain, etc.
How to use khas khas?
Khas khas has ability to
Enhance beauty,
Induce natural sleep,
Improve digestion and
Supplement natural nutrients.
The poppy seeds are often sprinkled on top of the dishes. They are also used to garnish or as an adjuvant to farm cheese, cheese, eggs, pie crust, salad, cookies, cakes, bread, pastries, salads, sauce, chickies, chocolates, sandwiches, curries, sliced vegetables, sauces for meat and fish, and noodles as well.
Poppy seeds are effective in pacifying the general complaints like thirst, fever, inflammation, constipation, abdominal colic, irritation of the abdomen etc. As the seeds contain the minerals like iodine, manganese, zinc, magnesium, copper etc they serve as the natural elemental supplements too.
Recent studies have pointed out that the seeds contain Linoleic acid in significant amounts; this is beneficial in preventing heart disorders as well as chronic abdominal discomforts.
For chemotherapy recovery
1. Quicker chemotherapy recovery:
Poppy seeds 1/2 spoon plus 2 badam soaked in milk. Then badam is deskinned. Poppy seeds, deskinned badam and flakes of dried coconut kernel (kopra) 10 grams are blended and crushed in a mixer. This is an excellent remedy to drink once a day for all cancer patients undergoing Chemotherapy and suffering from burning sensation from tongue to intestines.
For mouth ulcers
2. Khas khas fine paste in mouth ulcers –
5-10 grams of Khus khus seeds are taken and soaked in a cup of water or curd. This is made into fine paste and applied to the lesions of mouth ulcers. Or this can be used for mouth gargling.
As instant energiser
3. Khas khas milkshake as instant energizer–
10-15 grams of khas khas seeds are taken and added to 2-3 cups of milk. This is macerated or churned well. According to the need, sugar or jaggery can also be added. This gives instant energy and pacifies tiredness.
For insomnia, headache
4. Khas khas khee / payasam in loss of sleep and in headache:
Khas khas kheer prepared by cooking with coconut milk, sugar/jaggery and a little amount of Rava/wheat pieces is very effective in cases like insomnia, heaviness of the head, headache etc.
As moisturizer
5. Poppy seeds with milk as moisturizers:
10-20 grams of poppy seeds are taken and soaked in milk. This is ground well to make fine paste. This paste is applied over the face. This serves as a natural moisturizer.
For acne scars
6. Poppy Seed Scrub for comedones and acne scars:
1 spoon of poppy seeds is taken and soaked in curd. This is made into fine paste and applied over the scars, acne marks or over the dark circles. This helps to vanish these lesions.
Read related: 4 Remedies For Blackheads, Pimple Scars Using Saffron, Turmeric
Apart from the above said health benefits and simple remedies poppy seeds stand as unique ingredient in the traditional sweets, chutneys,
Bengali side dishes (eg: Aloo posto, Chachuri,Postor Bora etc),
Maharashtra sweets (Anarsa),
Karnataka sweets (Kanajikai/ Karjige) etc.
Tradition and medicine too have inseparable relations with respect to seasonal festivals and seasonal sweets and side dishes as well.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD
During Pregnancy
Some research states that poppy seeds are safe during pregnancy. But consult your doctor before taking it, if you are pregnant.
Chemical constituents
Papaver somniferum chemical constituents:
Crude opium contains about 25 alkaloids. Some of them are – Morphine (10%), Codeine (0.05 %), Papaverene, Narcotine, Meconic acid, Apomorphine.
Phenanthres: Morphine, Codeine, Baine
Isoquinolines – Papararines (1%) and narcotine (6%)
(Reference: Illustrated Dravyaguna VIjnana, Vol. II, by Dr JLN Shastry)
Opium – purified resin – 30 – 125 mg. (quarter to one Gunja)
Curna (Powder) – 1- 2 g
Bija (Seeds) – 2-5 g
Poppy seeds are used in preparing foods, usually used in a dose of 1 – 5 grams in divided doses per day.
Fatal dose
Crude opium – 1- 2 g
Tincture opium- 3- 4 ml
Morphine – 60 – 180 mg
Heroin – 20 – 30 mg
Fatal Period: 45 min – 12 hrs.
Poppy medicinal qualities
Guna (qualities) – Laghu (lightness), Rooksha (dryness), Sookshma (minuteness), Vyavayi (spreads to all parts of the body swiftly),
Rasa (taste) – Tikta (bitter), Kashaya (Astringent)
Vipaka – Katu – Undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion
Veerya – Ushna – Hot potency
Effects on Tridosha
Opium – latex is Kaphahara – balances Kapha Dosha and increases Vata and Pitta Dosha.
Poppy seeds increase Kapha Dosha and decrease Vata Dosha
Sanskrit verse
Poppy seed, oil benefits
Balya – improves strength and immunity
Vrushya – aphrodisiac
Guru – heavy
Useful in gastritis
Increases Kapha Dosha and decreases Vata Dosha.
Used in neurological disorders, depression, anxiety, neuropathy, neuralgia, muscle pain, spasms etc.
Its kheer (sweet liquid dish) is prepared and administered to treat insomnia.
Poppy seed oil possesses most of the therapeutic benefits similar to seeds.
Opium latex benefits
Opium benefits (latex – exudate)
Shodhana – cleansing
Grahi – absorbent, bowel binding, useful in IBS, diarrhoea
Shleshmaghna – balances Kapha
Increases Vata and Pitta Dosha
Atisara – useful in diarrhea
Sannipata – used in chronic fever
Poppy based drug Morphine is used to treat cancer related severe pains.
Codeine, another extract from Opium, is used in treating cough. It is used in the form of linctus. But, because of its addictive nature, many cases of abuse of linctus codeine cough syrup are commonly noted in India.
Papaverine is used as a muscle relaxant.
Use for sleep
Poppy seeds – for good sleep –
1 gram of poppy seed is boiled in half a cup of milk for 1 minute. It is consumed at night. This remedy can be continued for a period of 1 month.
Poppy seeds recipe
A tablespoon of the recipe is ground by adding a little water and a teaspoon of grated dry coconut. This mix paste is added with a tablespoon of jaggery (unrefined sugar) and heated to just below boiling.
This is administered as it is, in a teaspoon dose or along with milk at night, to induce sleep and also for aphrodisiac effect.
Purification method
Ahiphena Shodhana: purification of opium –
It is dissolved in water, filtered, heated in mild heat till total water evaporates. This paste is ground with ginger juice 21 times, dried under shade and preserved. (Rasa Tarangini 24 / 237-239)
Sthanika karma (Action on different system)
External application- Being hot in potency it has Anti inflammatory And Analgesic action. External application of this along with other herbal ingredients Indicated in joint inflammation, pleurisy etc. It can be used as eye drops in painful inflammatory conditions of the eye and ear. Liniment prepared out of it is useful in Hemorrhoids
Nervous System – Induce sleep, reduce pain and seizures. Indicated in Epilepsy, Tremor, strychnos poisoning, disease called Apatanraka, Dhanusthamba etc.
Digestive system – It is dry and astringent in taste so it reduces saliva, digestive fire, all body secretions, and blood glucose level. It constricts muscles of the digestive tract and causes constipation. Indicated in Abdominal cramps, diarrhea, Inflammation of abdominal cavity, gastroenteritis, fever due to digestive issues.
Respiratory System – It calms down the respiratory system. Being ushna it acts as kapha samaka, and relieves dyspnea. It is indicated in pulmonary oedema, vata kapha swasa, rhinitis etc.
Excretory system – No particular action in the urinary system, may cause mutraghata. Indicated in Ikshumeha
Reproductive System –Being ruksha, kashaya, vyavayi, it diminish semen production, cause dhatukshaya, and act as shukrasthambaka. Indicated in premature ejaculation, Postpartum pain.
Especially indicated in Vishama jwara and filarial fever.
Eyes – Cause pupillary constriction
In Thailand Gotu Kola is used in detoxification of Opium poisoning. For this purpose, Gotu Kola paste or water decoction in higher doses is administered for a period of a few months.
Gastric lavage
The analgesic activity of this compound was studied in the mouse by GOMEZ-SERRANILLOS M. P. Madrid 1998
Studies on protein in seeds
Alkaloid profile
Ahiphena is contraindicated in
Bala ( Young)
Vriddha ( Aged)
Madhumeha (Diabetic)
Visuchika ( Patients suffering from Visuchika with cold limbs)
Slaismika kasa (Cough because of Kapha dosa)
Vrkka sotha (Inflammatory kidney)
Side effects
Opium (fruit extract) should be used only under medical supervision in very low dose, only if necessary. It is a highly addictive narcotic and is best avoided during pregnancy, lactation, aged and in children.
It is best avoided in chronic urinary tract disorders, gastroenteritis and nephritis.
Poppy seeds are generally used in food and are quite safe to use.
Interaction with medicines, supplements
Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.
Can this medicine be continued while taking supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc.?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.
With western
Seek your
doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western
(allopathic / modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is
best to take Allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then take the
Ayurvedic medicine.
Vernacular names
Names in different languages:
Hindi name – Postha, Khas Khas
English name – Opium Poppy seed, Khas Khas seeds
Kannada name – Gasagase
Bengali name – Postodheri
Telugu name- Nalla Mandu, Gasagasalu
Hindi name – khus khus
Tamil name – Kasa Kasa
Malayalam name – Kas Kas
Gujarathi name – Khush Kush
Marathi name – Khas Khas
Bengali name – Post
Punjabi name – Khush Kush
Sanskrit synonyms
General synonyms – Phaniphena, Nagaphena, Ahiphenak, Aphayuna, Aphim
Apooka, Aphenaka, Aphooka – are the synonyms of fruit latex exudate (opium)
Khasa Tila, Tila bheda, Khakhasa, Khakhasa Tila – are synonyms for opium poppy seeds (khas khas)
Kshira ( Latex)
Phaniphena – Latex is as strong as Snake venom
Nagaphena – Latex is as strong as Snake venom
Aaphooka – A source of opium
Khasaphalakshira – Injury done to fruit yields latex
Bija (Seed)
Sukshma bija – Seeds are very small
Sukshma tandula – Small seeds
Classical categorization
Ahiphen is categorized as Upa Visha dravya (sub toxic group) by Dhanvantari Nighantu, and Rasa Tarangini
Bhavaprakasa – Haritakyadi varga 236- 238
- According to colour of flowers ( Raja Nighantu and Nighantu Ratnakara)
1. Sweta – white flower
2. Pita – Yellow flower
3. Krisna – Black flower
4. Citra – Multi coloured - According to Action
1 Jarana – Digests food
2 Marana – Fatal
3. Dharana – Maintains Health
4. Sarana – Evacuates wastes
According to Arabic Pandits
1. White flowered
2. Red flowered
3. Black flowered
4. Blue flowered
Ayurvedic medicines
Ayurvedic medicines with Papaver somniferum as ingredient:
Nidroday Ras – used in treatment of lack of sleep
Ashtakshari Gulika – Ayurvedic tablet used in indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery and abdominal colic pain.
Trivang Bhasm – used in treatment of diabetes, etc.
How to procure opium for manufacturing Ayurvedic medicines?
Here are basic guidelines. First up, you need to have a GMP certified Ayurveda medicine manufacturing unit.
Meet the narcotics department, locally.
They will give a form to fill up along with a few formalities.
You will have to prove that you are procuring it for the sole purpose of preparing Ayurveda medicine, the quantity required, which medicine you are preparing, your license documents etc.
There are legal opium and alkaloid factories from where you can procure opium.
For more details – visit this website – http://goaf.gov.in/index.html
Contact details of officials http://goaf.gov.in/feedback.html#contact
Habit – Annual Herb with latex
Root – Tap root, Branched
Stem – Erect, green, Cylindrical hairy with latex
Fruit – Small white or black-leaf – Simple, sessile, lobed
Part Used
1 Raw opium ( The inspissated juice)It is the dried latex obtained by the incision from the unripe fruit capsules of Papaver somniferum.
2. Poppy Seeds – Seeds are collected from the poppy capsules
3. Poppy straw – Dried opium poppies are referred as ‘ Poppy Straw’
Found in west Asia and North Africa. Now grown in UP, Hoshiarpur of Punjab, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, UP, Bihar, Bangal regions of India.
Dear Dr.Hebbar ,Nice work .Will you please write each & every Schlok with Sandhi Vigraha ? It will be benefited to average Sanskrit learner .Thanks .Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande ,Pune
Pt. Deepak Shandilya
Mr. Prof. Deshpande! You need to understand that the intention here is not to educate someone about the Sanskrit language. It is not a Sanskrit Class. And above mentioned Shlokas are taken from the books as they are.
Is it ok to take daily for sleep.it helps a lot
Can u suggest me is it good to give poopy seeds for 2.5yrs old baby, she is very active
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author