Terminalia arjuna Benefits, How To Use, Research, Side Effects

Can you imagine an herb which is antioxidant, reduces cholesterol, reduces BP and useful in diabetes, all at the same time? – Terminalia arjuna it is. 
Botanical Name-Terminalia arjuna (Roxb) W&A
Family- COMBRETACEAE (Haritaki kula)

Vernacular names

Names in different languages:
English Name- Arjun Tree, Arjunolic Myrobalan
Hindi & Bengali Name-Arjun –  अर्जुन
Manipuri name – Maiyokpha – মাঈযোকফা
Telugu Name – Tella Maddi
Marathi- Sadaru,
Gujarati Name – Sadado
Tamil Name -Poomarudhu, Neermarudhu / Belma/Marudam patti / Marutu – மருது
Malayalam name – Adamboe, Chola venmaruthu, Poomaruthu, Manimaruthu, Neermaruthu
Kannada Name – Neer matti, Holemaththi, Holedaasaala

Arjuna bark and dried fruit

Sanskrit synonyms

Dhavala – the external layer of bark is white in colour
Indradru – Tree is a very potent medicine
Nadisarja – Usually found in the river banks
Kakubha – A large tree covers large area
Partha,, Veeravruksha – A potent tee
Svetavaha – Bark is white in colour
Sarpana – Large tree with spreading branches
Madhugandiprasoonaka – Flowers are sweet scented
Devasala – Tree with strong action
Hrudrogavairi – Very useful for cardiac problem
Svasaneshvara – Relieves swasa
Veeravriksha – A potent tree
Dhoorta Bhuruha,
Nadi Sarja – Commonly grows on river banks
Dhananjaya, Veerantaka, Kireeti, Pandava

Classical categorisation

Udarda prashamana – group of herbs that are used in allergic skin conditions and ring worm infestation
Kashaya Skandha – astringent tasting group of herbs
Susruta- Nyagrodhadi, Salasaradi
Vagbhata- Viratarvadi, Salasaradi
Bh. Pr. Ni – Haritaki kula

Terminala arjuna bark and fruit

Medicinal properties

Terminalia arjuna medicinal properties
Rasa (taste) – Kashaya (astringent)
Guna (qualities) – Rooksha (dryness), Laghu (lightness)
Vipaka- Katu – Undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion.
Veerya – Sheeta – cold potency
Prabhava – special effect – Hridya – cardiac tonic
Effect on Tridosha – Balances Kapha Pitta Dosha.
Karma – Hridya, vranahara, Bhagna sandhanakara, Raktapittahara

Pharmacological action

Anti Hypertensive

Part used, dosage

Part used – bark
Though stem bark is the most used part in traditional practices, fresh leaves as well as fruits are also used for treatment.
Dosage- Powder 3-6 g; water decoction 50-100 ml, in divided dose per day.
Kshira paka ( Decoction with milk) – 20- 30 ml


Terminalia arjuna is a famous Ayurvedic herb for heart care. It is also used for the treatment of aconitum poisoning.  It is a good source of calcium. Acharya Chakrapanidutta  emphasized its utility in healing fractures in 10th  century AD itself. 

Terminalia arjuna benefits:
Because of its Kashaya rasa – astringent taste, it acts as Stambhana, useful in bleeding disorders, it heals fractures and wounds quickly.
Because of its astringent and styptic properties, it is also used in pus in urine, UTI and dysentery.
PittaKapha Vrana – useful to relieve ulcers and wounds due to Pitta and Kapha imbalance
Medohara – reduces fat and cholesterol levels
Mehahara – useful in urinary tract disorders and diabetes
Hrudroga – useful in cardiac disorder
Bhagna – quickly heals fracture
Kshata – Useful in chest injuries
Kshayahara – Useful in chronic respiratory disorders, tuberculosis
Shramahara – Relieves tiredness, fatigue
Trushnahara – Relieves thirst
Asrajit – Useful in bleeding disorders

Because of its astringent properties, it is used as an ingredient in tooth powders. It helps to treat bleeding gums

For heart, cholesterol

Terminalia arjuna for heart, cholesterol and cardiovascular health –
Arjuna decreases LDL levels, and is also an excellent antioxidant. ( Study on anti oxidant and hypocholesterolaemic activity). Hence, useful in high cholesterol.
Arjun is a cardiac tonic. It strengthens the heart, useful in angina and high blood pressure. The bark is rich in Co­enzyme Q­10, which reduces BP.

Home remedies

Some of the simple and effective remedies of Arjuna are mentioned here below-

Osteoporosis, geriatric fatigue

1. Arjuna bark decoction in osteoporosis and geriatric fatigue:
10 grams of arjuna bark powder is taken, added to 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to half a cup. Filtered. This decoction is consumed along with half a teaspoon of jaggery and a teaspoon of honey. This is useful for the treatment of osteoporosis and fatigue caused during old age.
Read related: Low Bone Density Causes, Ayurvedic Treatment, Diet

For hair wash

2. Arjuna leaf cold infusion/shampoo for hair wash:
Mature, green leaves of Arjuna are soaked in water and macerated well with hands. It yields a mucilaginous mix. It is used for washing hair. It is applied over wet hairs and washed after 10 minutes. This improves the shine and quality of hair.
Read related: Oral Ayurvedic Medicines For Hair Loss And Hair Growth

Finger web infection

3. Arjuna fruit decoction in dhobi itch and finger web infections:
Mature, ,dark brown fruits/seeds are collected and decoction is prepared. This is used to wash the wounds, especially in Dhobi itch as well as other kinds of finger web infections. Soligas-tribal folk healers of Karnataka practice this remedy.
They dust the arjuna bark powder over such wounds/ulcers if oozing (secretion) is present.

Diabetes, athralgia

4. Arjuna remedy for diabetes, arthralgia:
Asana – Pterocarpus marsupium  and
Bilva – bael tree barks are collected in equal quantity and fine powder is made.

3-4 pinch (say approximately 2-3 grams) of this powder is given in an empty stomach along with a cup of water for the treatment of Type II DM associated with peripheral neuritis or numbness.

Hridaya (heart) is the site of manas(mind) according to Ayurveda.Whenever the mind is disturbed whole body is agitated and the mental pleasure is ruined away.Arjuna  was disturbed by the conditions of the war field in Kukshetra. Probably with the symbolic representation how Arjuna was strengthened well by Lord Krishna, similarly this tree Arjuna is useful to regularize the cardiac functions and hence to attain peace, pleasure, satisfaction and happiness.
Great thought processes are hidden even in simple matters……excavation is our job!
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD


There are two types with similar effects.
Arjuna – Terminalia arjuna – white variety
Kakubha – Terminalia alata (Terminalia tomentosa) – black variety

Terminalia arjuna being taken as the source of Arjuna. But some take T.panniculata & even T.tomentosa as Arjuna.

Even Sterculia urens is considered as Arjuna in Rajasthan & in parts of Pakistan.
K.C.Chunekar ji in the commentary of Bhavaprakasha Nighantu states that some Physicians in India consider L. flos-reginae to be the source of ARJUNA, In Spite of the fact that the common source of ARJUNA being Terminalia arjuna, Combretaceae.

Terminalia arjuna leaves


Cardio-depressant activity
Use in chronic stable angina
Anti bacterial and antifungal activity

Side effects

Terminalia arjuna Side effects:
Because it can lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels, people on medication for BP and diabetes need to take precautions to avoid overdosing. 
It is safe to use in children and during lactation. Consult your doctor for advice to use in pregnancy.

Interaction with medicines, supplements

Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.

Can this medicine be continued while taking supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.

With western medicines
Seek your doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western (allopathic / modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern medicine.
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is best to take Allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then take the Ayurvedic medicine.

Ayurvedic home remedies

Home remedy using Arjuna –
Bark of Arjuna is processed with milk to prepare a heart tonic. It is also beneficial in healing fractures quickly. Learn more about Arjuna milk remedy

How to consume?

How to consume Terminalia arjuna?
Arjun Ki Chaal – Bark 
Its bark powder, made into Kashayam (water decoction) and consumed in a dose of 50 ml, once or twice a day, before food. A tablespoon of bark powder is added to 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to half a cup, filtered and consumed when hot.
It can be consumed in the form of milk remedy, as explained above.
Its extracts in the form of a capsule are available in the market. With doctor’s advise, it is usually administered in a dose of 1 capsule once or twice a day, based on BP and sugar levels.

Can this be continued forever?
Long term usage of herbs or Ayurveda products need approval from your Ayurveda doctor. Any herb or medicine, which can be good for the short term, might not be ideal to continue forever. Your doctor will be the right person to decide.

Ayurvedic medicines

Ayurvedic medicines with Arjuna ingredient –
Arjunarishta –
a cardiac tonic, useful in the treatment of chest injury, weakness, feeling tired all the time, chronic respiratory diseases, cough, throat related diseases.
Prabhakar Vati – used in cardiac disorders
Ayaskritia fermented preparation, used in anaemia, weight loss therapy, skin diseases etc.
Pushyanuga Churna – used in menorrhagia, diarrhea etc.

Arjuna Heart Tonic remedy

Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) is the most widely used for treatment of heart ailments in Ayurveda. Take any Ayurvedic medicine for the heart, you will see Arjuna as an ingredient. There are many traditional Ayurvedic home remedies for heart care made with Arjuna. Let us learn about a simple Arjuna – milk heart tonic. 

Home remedy video

Watch the video here


Arjuna (Bark of the plant – Terminalia arjuna) – coarse powder – 10 grams
Boiled and cooled milk – 80 ml
Water – 320 ml.

Method of preparation

How to prepare? 
Take milk and the coarse powder of Arjuna bark in a wide mouthed vessel.
Note down the height of the milk in the container, with the help of a spoon or a measuring scale.
Add 320 ml water to it.
Start boiling this liquid over mild heat.
Stir it continuously.
You have to boil and evaporate all the water content from the vessel and the level of the liquid should reduce back to 80 ml. (80 ml of milk, that you have taken).
Once after the boiling is done and 80 ml only remains in the vessel, filter it across a cloth and collect the milk – arjuna heart care remedy.

Time required: 15 – 20 minutes

Process involved:

  • In Ayurvedic terms, this process is called as Ksheerapaka. We had previously prepared a garlic milk remedy using the same technique.
  • Here the water soluble and fat soluble phytochemicals of Arjuna herb is transferred into the medium of milk.

Dosage, Precautions

Dose: 10 – 20 ml – two times a day, before food.
Curna – 3-6 g
Ksirapaka – 20- 30 ml

Precaution: Consult your doctor and ask for advice before trying this home remedy.

Rules to follow

  • Once prepared, this can be stored only for 8-12 hours. So if you prepare it in the morning, it can be taken till evening.
  • It should not be re-heated, once after it cools down.
  • Hygiene is to be maintained while preparing and storing this remedy.


  • Strengthens heart function
  • Natural cardiac tonic
  • Can be used as a home remedy during post surgical cardiac care along with other medications.
  • It is useful to decrease BP to some extent but consult your doctor before using it as a natural medicine for hypertension.
  • This remedy also helps to treat Vertigo.


Common on the river banks, found almost throughout India.


Terminalia alata
Terminalia tomentosa


A large tree with huge buttressed trunk and horizontally spreading branches.
Bark – Smooth, Grey, Sap wood is reddish whit and heart wood is brown
Leaves – Sub opposite, 10- 15 cm long, oblong or elliptic oblong.
Inflorescence – Short axillary spikes or terminal panicle
Flowers – Sessile
Fruits – Drupe

Major chemical constituents

Terminalia  arjuna- Arachidic stearate, cerasidin, cerasidin, Arjunic Acid, tannins, Arjunone, Arjunetin, Arjunglucosisdes, I & II; Arjunoside I, II&IV; Arjunolic acid & etc.
Bark:  calcium and magnesium salts, flavonoids.
Terminalia alata- Gum, Arjunic, & Arjunolic acids, Arjunetin, Betulinic and ellagic acid, tannins etc.
(Reference: Illustrated Dravyaguna VIjnana, Vol. II, by Dr JLN Shastry)

Systemic Action (Sthanika Karma)

External –Astringent in taste. Has Styptic action, promote wound healing. Powder or juice can be applied on wounds to prevent bleeding. Bark paste is indicated in fracture.

Digestive System – Indicated in bloody diarrhea, and in Hemorrhoid’s

Circulatory System – Healthiest medication for the heart. strengthen the cardiac muscles. elevate blood pressure and constrict tiny blood arteries. Stimulates the heart and circulatory system and lessens swelling brought on by circulation problems.

Respiratory System – Indicated in cough due to emaciation, reduces thirst. Its bark powder is triturated with Vasa juice and can be administered along with honey and milk is good to prevent Kshayaja kasa.

Excretory System – Reduce urine production indicated in diabetes, burning micturition and pus in urine.

Reproductive System – Act as sukra sthambaka. Indicated in Menorrhagia, and in Leukorrhea. decoction prepared out of its bark and sandal wood is indicated in sukrameha.

Skin –Indicated in itching
Satmikarana – It has fracture healing action so indicated in bone fracture. Beneficial in obesity and also have anti poisonous action
Tapakrama – Indicated in fever (Jirna jvara). Promote body strength


  • R Gopalan

    Excellent article. At the end a himalaya product “Arjuna” is exhibited. Does this contain the ingredient mentioned in your article and is it qualitatively good ?

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Because it can lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels, people on medication for BP and diabetes need to take precaution to avoid over-dosing. There are no other downsides with this wonder herb.
    If someone is not diabetic or hypertensive, then he can take Arjuna for a short period of one month.

    • Sai Hari

      Thanks doctor…

  • ssg334


  • rajendar menen

    Been reading your columns religiously. Very impressed by your astounding knowledge of the subject. More power to you!

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Thank you 🙂

  • Dhanesh Gupta

    very nice and helpfull

  • Tilak

    Thank you very much sir.


    WHAT is NISHA KATAKADI KASHYAM ? where isit available? When One Medicine is good for DIABETES and BP both, cannot I take ARJUNA (HIMALAYA). I want your guidence. I am 81. and am dependent on allopathic medicines. Still both BP and Diabetes are not within limits. Please help.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Considering your age, please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.

  • ssg334ssg334


    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      There is no relation. They are different medicines.


    very informative and useful article. Being an indian, we must proud that nature has given all sort of medicine for all diseases in Indian sub continent. Even though we are looking towards west, Actually, a mafia has encouraged the allopathic way of treatment for their own benefits and neglected the indian herbs. Now it is the responsibility of Government to encourage/introduce officially these type of treatments like Yoga. Jai Hind

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      So True! Thanks for your views sir.

  • S.Swayam

    My mother is a diabetic & she’s also having hypothyroidism, she’s on siddha medication for 1 month. Is arjuna good for her or is there any other medicine for this…

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      It is good for her. But do not include it without consulting your Siddha Doctor.

  • Susan

    Helo doc, v hav got sum arjuna bark and v Thot to take that jus lik pathimukham water. Is dt fine? Say a lil of de bark in a pot of water everyday! Is dt advisable on a daily basis? Pls advise.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, it looks fine. Please go ahead.

  • Sudhangshu Shekhar Sinha

    Thank you very much for very info stove article. I am very fond of Ayurvedic treatment . I wish there will hospitals and research centres in every town and village as people will be benefitted with natural treatment.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      I also wish and hope so! 🙂

  • Kumari

    My blood pressure is high my use in Stamelo beta tablet lam use in Arjuna

  • Dr Malini Bhat

    Sir, Please do avoid over the counter medication. As it is blood pressure frequent monitoring is needed. Do consult a ayurvedic physician and then take the medication.

  • dr priti wanjari

    good knowladge bt no any referrence given abt

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Dr Dipti, In the research section above, if you click on each of the topics, it will open up the research papers.


    Is Arjuna good for arrhythmia and why in some other websites (like WebMd) state that it can only be used up to 3 months ?

  • sasi

    Is it helpful to reduce fat ??

  • Hemant

    Dr J V Hebbar , What are the side effects if Arjuna is consumed for more than 3 month or above, Regards

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      There are no side effects with that. BP and pulse rate need to be monitored regularly. That is the only precaution required for long term usage of Arjuna.

      • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

        Hi, thanks.
        Himalaya one looks better.

  • Y.Srikanth

    hi sir, my name is srikanth. i am from andhrapradesh. i have 230 arjuna trees in my land. we have planted 20 years back. i want to sell all these trees. but i don’t know the buyers. please let me know if you have any information. Email – srichow.2008@gmail.com

  • kanti

    Respected sir
    I try to take Arjuna power.after taking arjuna I feel nausea.i request how I consume the arjuna.Thanking you.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly. Probably, Arjuna in the form of tablet / capsule is more suited for you.

  • monir

    hi,i am collect bark from trunk and also from branch,is it ok? then sun dry them and make powder with grinder.and taking half tea spoon of powder with cream of milk.but sometimes i feel digestion problem.i have no hypertension or diabetes but have palpitation. please clarify me if needed. thank you.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Your collection method looks fine. Just boil the dried bark pieces (1 tablespoon) in a cup of milk, filter it and drink it, once a day. It should help in palpitation. If there are no improvements, please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.

  • monir

    hi,i’m taking arjuna bark powder with cream of milk but i feel slightly irritation in my throat,is it a risk?

  • monir

    Dr. J V Hebbar thank you for your reply.now i haven’t feel any prblem.i hope I’ll get your help in future.thanks again.

  • Dhruv Patel

    Can Arjuna is good for kidney and liver

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    It is best for you to consult an Ayurveda doctor directly. Generally speaking, with that BP reading, arjuna capsule – 1 in the morning can be taken.

  • Deven Zatakiya

    Hallo Doctor, i have high cholesterol 273 last month’s (2 previous months were 203 and 286 ) blood sugar fastening 105 and triglycerides 122 i am on medication ecosprin last 3 months and torvason 10 for the last 15 days but now side effects of both medicine worsening like headache muscles cramping acidity and more i have just started decoction of Arjuna bark but empty stomach it’s felt vomiting and nausea i have tablets of 350 mg powder and Arjuna rust too please can u help me to arrange proper dosage ? Thanks in advance

  • NICK

    HI Dr. I just heard about Arjuna today and bought Himalaya Arjuna. I take Bp Medicine one after breakfast. Please advise Arjuna dosage. Also are there any side effects?

  • Naresh kumar pal

    Hello Doctor how useful in the coronary blockese i m having upto 90% blockese in three places.from last two month i m using arjuna bark. My question is this is 100% treatment for blockese,because i m taking only this bark from arjuna. Please reply

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Just Arjuna might not be that effective. You would need other herbs like garlic, guggulu etc. Please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author


  • Shipra

    Hello sir ..!!
    My cholesterol level is 235 and triglycerides are 516 .. can this Arjun ki chal be useful to me and in how much days it start showing it’s results n pls let me know how to take ?
    Ur help will be appreciated
    Thanks – regards
    Shipra gupta

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, Arjun ki chal – 10 grams, added to 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to 1 cup. Filtered. This is consumed once a day, before food for 2 months time. This is useful in reducing cholesterol.

  • Nagaraj

    Hi..thanks for all the posts.. I was diagnosed with bicuspid aortic valve 2 years back and started taking metoprolol. Sometimes I used to take ramipril as well and those English medicines caused too much of anxiety, depression, and used to make me very tiered. I suffered a lot and lost all hopes..I used to go to cardiologist many times but my dizziness used to continue during evening times. Thanks to google. Bought a bottle of arjunarishta from Dabur and started taking mild dosage.. It started working.. Since 4 days of the treatment, my dizziness during evenings has reduced a lot and I am able to concentrate more with my usual work. I am greatful to almighty Dhanvantri, lord of ayurveda. I am still taking mild dosage of metoprolol.. Some how I want to stop the junk metoprolol. If anybody can assist, I will be very greatful.

  • Iqbal

    Hello Doctor,
    Can a healthy person takes Arjuna Cap and Ashwagandha Tab and How long should he/she take

  • DK

    Hi doctor, My parents are heart patients. Mother has jus gone through angioplasty. Father only taking medicines. They both have started taking Sri Sri Arjuna 1 capsule twice a day. I just want to know how long they need to take this medicine? Is it advisable for both?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      As a general heart supplement, they both can take it – just 1 capsule per day, in the morning, after food for 3 months time and then stop it.

  • Yogesh

    My dad hav diabetes an heart blockage can he take patanjali arjun ki chaal

    An wat dosage should he tak

  • Raghvendra tripathi

    Sir…Plz guide ..arjuna powder +amala powder+mishri powder, can be taken after food in the ratio of 1:2:2..with plain water Or..Arjunarishta and amla juice (1:2) after food which combination is better .i have been advised for an anxiety and headache related problem to take any one of them.I just wanted to confirm with you. Plz reply me ..thank you..

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      .arjuna powder +amala powder+mishri powder, can be taken after food in the ratio of 1:2:2.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    As a general supplement, he can take it, while continuing metoprolol.

  • Harsh o joshi

    Sir how much water and arjun powder to make arjun kada plz reply me

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      1 tablespoon of arjun powder (7 – 10 grams) – added to 1 cup of water, boil and reduce to half a cup. Filter and drink when it is still hot.

  • Lisa Manzer

    Is Arjuna effective as a cardiotonic if I just mix the powder with milk or water without boiling it and also if I don’t strain it? I find it very hard to strain due to the powder being so fine. It plugs up the cheese cloth. Is there a better solution? I have even just added a tsp to a smoothie. is this ok to obtain the benefits? Thank you so much for your assistance.

  • Dilip Kataruka

    I have the Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension will arjun kwath will work

  • Younus

    Sir, i m having high cholesterol problem how to take arjun chal powder to treat this problem

  • Vansh jain

    Hello sir
    I am having a problem of low ejection fraction that is below 28% now
    I have faced alcoholic cardiomayopathy
    I have stopped drinking and i am using nicotine gums
    As i have also quit smokin
    Should i consult my doctor before having arjuna ki chaal as i am on medications
    And i have purchased it from a local shop that is the small pieces of bark of the tree as claimed by shop keeper
    So what is the proper way and dosage of consuming it

  • Vansh jain

    I want some not all but some for usage if u can sell

  • Binu Kuruvilla

    Can my family of 2 adults and 2 minors ageing 14-18 consume it daily with milk. Is there any problems if we consume it?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      No problem in consuming it for 2 months period.

  • Prasad


    My age is 29 and I’ve been having BP of 140/90 since last 3 months. Doctors advised me having a healthy diet and exercise routine everyday. My relatives suggested me to take Arjuna powder in either water or milk daily, soon after waking up at the morning. Which one do you think is more effective to control BP. Arjuna powder or Abana tablet from Himalaya?

  • handsomeratnesh1@gmail.com

    Sir….arjuna of which is better…..patanjali or of Himalayan ??

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Both are good.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Better to consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.

  • Vijay

    Sir my father had a heart attack 7 days ago , doctors told us that there is 80 to 90% blockage in arteries , can arjun ki chhaal remove these blockages ? can arjun ki chhaal take with allopathic medicines?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, Arjun alone might not help in your father’s case.

  • Amit Mahajan

    doctor i hve made the liquid after boiling the arjun chal in it at home.for how long i can store it

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      For only up to 6 – 8 hours.

  • Moni Sandilya Thakur

    Dr. Sb. Can th concoction of Arjuna be taken minus milk. Why is it required to be booked with milk

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      It can be taken just made with water. Milk acts as a source of calcium and helps in better absorption.

  • Utkarsh

    Hello doctor ….my heart rates are always 100 to 120 bpm after normal movements ..echo and ecg is normal….what should i do….should i take arjun ki chhaal…..thank you

  • Kiran

    Will arjuna himalaya capsules will induce arrythmia in normal person if he takes the capsules daily. Please reply

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author


  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    No. It might not be useful.

  • Pradip Kumar Chaudhary

    my mother is having high BP and fatty liver. She is taking medicine for both Bp and liver. Its fine to add arjun chaal boiled water in diet every alternate day


    I’m not diabetic but BP is too high. Arjuna Tablets are safe to use?


    HI sir, I have high BP and consuming Tablet Temsan H and Crevast 10 so its useful for me to take arjun ki chal Powder and much qty to consume with in a day.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Yes. 1 gram per day. For detailed advice, please consult a doctor directly.

  • Dan Patel

    while I was not taking Arjun , My heart ejection was 28, took Arjun for 1.5 years everyday morning empty stomach, 4 hour after taking prescribed Losartan and Metoprolol, now my ejection is 38.
    Also i am taking Ashwangadha an hour after Arjun.
    can I combine both churn take as a single doze?

  • Rita Barker

    If it is in a tablet form – as in compressed powder – is it as good as in capsules or pure powder form? Thank you! I really enjoy your articles and lessons online.

  • Guruprasad Panamalai

    Like all his other articles, excellent article by Dr Hebbar.

  • Ayla Cevik

    Namaste, I have little pain in my heart. So I bought Arjuna powder. I cannot digest milk. May I take it with honey before going to bed? (I am a 69 year old woman.)
    I look forward to your reply.
    Thank you.
    All the best


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