Brumhana therapy is aimed to improve the nutrition level of the body. The word Brumhana is derived from the word Brihat – big. So, this treatment aims to make the body big or to improve nourishment and to improve weight and height.
It is also called as nourishing therapy.
![nutrition rich food](
Table of Contents
Brumhana definition
Definition of Brumhana therapy:
बृहत्त्वं यच्छरीरस्य जनयेत्तच्च बृंहणम्|
bṛhattvaṃ yaccharīrasya janayettacca bṛṃhaṇam| – Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana 22/10
The process of increasing the bulk of the body is called as Brumhan.
Effect on Tridosha
Brumhana is associated with bulkiness, heaviness etc, which are Kapha qualities and is opposite to Vata and Pitta qualities. Hence, this treatment is intended to increase Kapha Dosha and decrease Vata and Pitta.
Qualities of Brumhana substances
Qualities of treatments and substances used in Brumhan therapy:
Heavy (Guru) – This therapy is opposite to Langhana treatment. Because the purpose of Brumana is to increase weight, heaviness is a desired quality in herbs and treatments. Oils, fats etc which are heavy in nature, are used for this purpose.
Cold (Sheeta) – Hotness is associated with lightness and coldness is associated with heaviness. Coolant substances like milk, grapes, cucumber etc are used.
Soft (Mrudu), smooth (Shlakshna), sticky (Picchila) – These qualities are associated with heaviness.
Oiliness / unctuous (Snigdha), sluggish (Manda), stable (sthira), thick (Sthoola), bulky (bahala) – oils and fats, and sweets have these qualities.
Brumhana indications
Indication for Brumhana (nourishing therapy) –
Ksheena – debilitated, having muscle wasting
Kshata – injured – who has lost a lot of blood and who is feeling weak
Krusha – emaciated patients
Vrudda – elderly patients
Durbala – weak
Nityam adhwaga – who walk excessively on a daily basis
Stree nitya – who indulge in sexual activity on daily basis
Madya nitya – who take alcohol daily
Greeshma – for all persons, during summer, because the heat of the summer takes away energy from the body. Read more – Ayurvedic summer regimen
Shosha – muscle wasting, as in case of tuberculosis, chronic disorders.
Arsha – bleeding hemorrhoids
Grahani – malabsorption disorder / IBS – which makes the gut difficult to absorb nutrients leading to weight loss in the patient.
Brumhana diet and herbs
Diet and herbs for Brumhana therapy:
Fresh meat of young animals, fishes and bird meat
Milk, Ghee, Sugar, cheese and other dairy products
Raisins, dry fruits, nuts, beans, pomegranate, Aloe vera
Oils, jaggery, sugarcane, jack fruit
Sweet dishes, rice, wheat
Sweet tasting fruits.
Gambhari fruit – Gmelina arborea
Ayurvedic medicines
Bruhmana rasayanas – Ayurvedic medicines useful in improving weight:
Kooshmanda rasayana – Used in bleeding disorders, tuberculosis, in anti aging treatment
Ajamamsa Rasayana – Used in cough, cold, tremors, neurological disorders, Vata imbalance disorders.
Drakshadi Lehyam -used in anemia, liver disorders.
Amruth Jeevan Rasayan – nervine tonic, immunity booster.
Brumhana activities and therapies
Activities and therapies for Brumhana –
Snana – Regular intake of bath, relaxes mind and muscles,
Oil massage – With Bruhmana oils such as Bala Ashwagandhadi taila, Mahamasha taila etc, helps to improve muscle strength and blood circulation.
Svapna – Regular sleep for at least 6 – 7 hours at night.
Madhura Sneha Basti – oil enema with sweet substances
Bruhmana type of Nasya – Nourishing nasal drops
Normal and excessive Brumhana
Symptoms of normal and excessive nourishing therapy –
Strength, improvement in muscle bulk and body size, disappearance of emaciation- these are the symptoms of proper administration of Nourishing Therapy.
Obesity is the result of the excessive administration of Bruhmana treatment.
Treatment – Langhana – lightening therapy
dr maruthi g.n
Sir can u sugest some of the aristas; patent drugs for brihmana
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Arishtas –
Balarishta –
Ashwagandharishta -
Draksharishta –
Proprietary Ayurvedic medicines –
Generally, all medicines purported to increase weight, like Swamala compound are Brihmana in nature.
श्री गणेशदास भक्तमाली प्रभुचरण
Very true sir. I read about brihmana in some books.The books said these tonics are excellent for removing weakness and nervine conditions . By the way sir Do Balarishtha and ashwagandharishtha have effect mainly on vata and pitta. Some books say only vata and some books by old vaidyas say that they work on both vata, pitta ?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
They both mainly act on Vata. They have minimal effects on Pitta and Kapha.
Hi, Dr Hebbar,
Once again thanks for amazing articles. I am from the west and here every dietologist talk about protein intake a day, I would like to know how ayurveda looks at protein daily intake and which food is considerate as a high in protein. Thanks.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, as such Ayurveda does not have a categorization as protein foods, since, the modern tools were not in use, thousands of years ago.
So for the knowledge of protein rich food etc, we have to rely on the modern available data.
However, protein and fat rich foods would fall under diet to cause Brimhana therapy.
You list dry fruits, beans, and pomegranate… aren’t these bad for Vata people? or is there an exception in this regimen?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, dry fruists, beans and pomegranate are good for Vata people.
How important is sukha (happiness) for weightgain?
Is it possible to gain weight despite depression/grief?
Depression can be difficult to treat, and in the mean time one might want to gain weight- so is it still possible?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, depression patients also tend to gain weight if they have sugar craving or food craving.
It is possible to gain weight, despite depression, with herbs such as Ashwagandha, Kooshmanda (ash gourd) etc.
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Can this treatment also increase the size of the cheeks, or the bulk of the face in gerneral?
Sir ,tooth abscess there is no pain ,when pressed above teeth pus pop outs which treatment i should follow
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, better to consult a dentist and get the abscess removed.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
When the digestion strength is low, but Brihmana is required (with usage of heavy foods and medicines), then first, measures are taken to improve digestion strength, with the use of medicines like Trikatu churna, Chitrakadi vati, Pippalyasava etc. Once the digestion strength is restored, Brihmana therapy is taken up. Hope it helps.
Ubergeek F
Is the treatment of Shukra datu compromise of treating all the datus because if Shukra datu is vitiated all the datus will gone undernourished
With thanks