Decrease Of Tissues – Dhatu Kshaya – Reasoning, Symptoms

There are seven types of tissues in our body as per Ayurveda. These are called as Sapta Dhatus. Decrease or depletion of body tissues is termed as Dhatu Kshaya. In learning about disease process, having a clear knowledge of Dhatu and Dhatu kshaya is as important as understanding Tridosha.  

We already have learnt about What are Dhatus and what are its types in detail.

Dhatu - Body tissues

Depletion of body tissues is explained in 17th chapter of Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana

Rasa Dhatu Kshaya

Rasa Dhatu Kshaya – depletion of Rasa
Rasa is the first tissue that is formed as a result of food digestion.  After food is digested, the essence part of the food is called as Rasa dhatu.  Some compare this with blood plasma.
Rasa dhatu and Kapha dosha are directly connected. Increase or decrease of Kapha dosha directly causes the same in Rasa Dhatu.

Decrease of Rasa dhatu indicates dehydration, and lack of nutrients.
The symptoms are –
Ghattate -patient becomes restless,
Sahate Shabdam Na – he does not stand loud sounds, becomes intolerant;
Hrudrava – palpitation,
Hrudayam Tamyati Alpa Cheshtasya Api – cardiac pain, exhaustion even with the slightest exertion.
All these symptoms can be correlated with the symptoms of dehydration / lack of nutrition.

As per Ashtanga Hrudaya, Sutrasthana 11th chapter,
Decrease of Rasa Dhatu produces –
Raukshya – dryness,
Shrama – fatigue,
Shosha – emaciation,
Glani – exhaustion without any work and
Shabda asahishnuta – noise intolerance.

Rakta Dhatu Kshaya

Rakta Dhatu Kshaya – depletion of Rakta (blood) –
Blood tissue gets its nourishment from Rasa Dhatu. Rakta and Pitta are directly related. Increase / decrease of Pitta dosha directly causes the same with blood tissue.
Depletion of blood tissue causes symptoms of anemia, which are explained as –

Parusha – Roughness,
Sphutita – cracks,
Mlana- dullness,
Tvak Rukshata – skin dryness.

As per Ashtanga Hrudaya, Sutrasthana 11th chapter,
Amla Preeti – person with rakta kshaya seeks sour food items
Shishira Preeti – he seeks cold comfort
Shira shaithilya – brittleness of blood vessels
Rookshata – dryness of skin, blood vessels and internal organs.

Mamsa Dhatu kshaya

Mamsa Dhatu Kshaya – depletion of muscle tissue –
Muscle tissue gets its nutrition by Rakta Dhatu.
Depletion of muscle tissue directly causes weakening of limbs and causes  –
Sphik, Greeva Udara Shushkata – emaciation of the buttocks, neck and abdomen.

As per Ashtanga Hrudaya, Sutrasthana 11th chapter,
Decrease of muscle tissue causes
Aksha glani – debility of the sense organs,
Ganda sphik shushkata – emaciation of cheeks, buttocks and
Sandhi vedana – pain in the joints.

Medo Dhatu kshaya

Medo Dhatu Kshaya – depletion of fat tissue –
Fat tissue gets nourishment by Mamsa Dhatu. Depletion of this causes thinness of the body. 
Sandhi sphutana – cracking of the joints,
Glani – Lassitude,
Akshno Ayasa – tired eyes,
Udara tanutva – thinness of the abdomen.

As per Ashtanga Hrudaya, Sutrasthana 11th chapter,
Svapanam katyah – loss of sensation in the waist,
Pleehno vriddhi – enlargement of spleen and
Krishangata – emaciation of the body.

Asthi Dhatu kshaya

Asthi Dhatu Kshaya – depletion of bone tissue –
As per Ayurveda, bone tissue gets nourishment by fat tissue. This is why, oral administration of oil, ghee etc are advised during osteoporosis, osteo arthritis etc.
Bone tissue is inversely related with Vata Dosha. This means that, increase of Vata dosha causes depletion of bone tissue and vice versa.
Ayurveda explains that teeth, nail, mustache are also related with bone tissue. Hence, depletion of bone tissue exhibits the following symptoms. –
Kesha, Loma, Nakha, Shmashru, Dvija prapatana – falling of hair, nails hair of the beard including mustaches and teeth,
Shrama – tiredness,
Sandhi shaithilya – looseness of joints.

As per Ashtanga Hrudaya, Sutrasthana 11th chapter,
Asthi toda – pain in the joints,
Shadanam danta kesha nakhadishu – falling off of the teeth, hairs, nails etc.

Majja Dhatu Kshaya

Majja Dhatu Kshaya – depletion of bone marrow –
As per Ayurveda, marrow gets its nourishment by Asthi dhatu. 
depletion of Majja dhatu causes –
Asthi Sheeryata – emptiness of bones,
Durbala, Laghu Asthi – thinness,weakness, and lightness of the bones,
Vata Roga – frequent affliction with Vata imbalance disorders.

As per Ashtanga Hrudaya, Sutrasthana 11th chapter,
Decrease of Majja causes
Saushiryam – hollowness (of the bones inside),
Bhrama – giddiness and
Timira darshanam – darkness in front of the eyes.

Shukra Dhatu Kshaya

Shukra Dhatu Kshaya – depletion of semen / female reproductive tissues –
As per Ayurveda, Shukra dhatu comprises of male and female reproductive system. It gets its nourishment by Majja Dhatu.
Its depletion causes –
Daurbalya – weakness,
Mukha Shosha – dryness of mouth,
Pandutva – pallor,
Sadana – lassitude,
Shrama – tiredness,
Klaibya – impotency and
Shukra Avisarga – non-ejaculation of semen, non-ovulation.
Understanding body depletion symptoms helps  in better understanding of disease process and this article is a small step in that direction.

As per Ashtanga Hrudaya, Sutrasthana 11th chapter,
Decrease of Shukra results in
Chirat prasichyate – delay in ejaculation,
Shukram shonitameva va – ejaculation accompanied with bleeding,
Todo atyartham vrsanayo – severe pain in the testicles and
Medhram dhumayativa ca – a feeling of hot fumes coming out of the penis (urethra).


  • chinmaya

    1) What about Ojas?
    2) Does depletion of female reproductive tissues mean decrease of ovum during menstrual cycle?

  • Piroja

    Sir, what is the treatment of Mamsa Dhatu Kshaya?

  • Mahesh

    This is again excellent. Simple language and very useful education/knowledge. Many thanks.

  • Sriharsha Aswathanarayana

    Dr.Hebbar, How does Jaundice associated with liver infection correlate with Dhatu Kshaya?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, this is a broad topic, probably would take up during discussion about Jaundice.
      One angle to look at it is, if jaundice / liver infection causes low hemoglobin levels, it can be correlated with Mandagni (low digestion, metabolism), with Rasa and Rakta Dhatu Kshaya.

      • Sriharsha Aswathanarayana

        Thank you for the response, Doctor.

        Looking forward to your article on Liver infection.

  • megha

    Thank you Sir for this nice article !

    I have a question : How to improve on rasa dhatu ?


    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      As per Ayurveda, Kapha Dosha increase leads to increase in Rasa Dhatu. In short, taking nutrition rich food, avoiding excess spices, avoiding fasting, having food rich in sweet, salt and sour tastes are a few ways to increase Rasa Dhatu.

  • Django

    What is the treatment for medha kshaya?

  • Django

    Actually i meant medo dhatu, as in fat tissue.
    Could you tell hof often you eat a day, on a typical day?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, meals time as per Ayurveda is twice or thrice per day.
      One should take food when one is fully hungry.
      For improving Meda dhatu, regular consumption of a teaspoon of ghee per day, with meals, is the best remedy.


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