How To Appreciate The Healing Process? A Simple Method

Sometimes we are so hard on ourselves that we concentrate more on our illness symptoms and we forget about feeling and appreciating the healing process. Turning our concentration towards healing process makes life all the more enjoyable.

This positive attitude itself will help in relieving the stress, correcting / boosting the immune system and further improves the chances of curing the disease.

This excellent poem from Simone Van Hove – Van Der Gaag from Netherlands will help you in concentrating more on healing, and to stop worrying about your illness. Here is her poem –

healing process

“Here is something I wonder….
There is so much written on the internet and in books and magazines everywhere about symptoms of illness…
Many people do not have a clue anymore about what are good signs and good indications of health and healing.

In my own way of recovery, I found out it is pretty hard to describe to others the many tiny but so special and precious
Steps / vibrations of health coming back to me… sometimes it can be overwhelming.- Grateful, amazed, without words…
Those rich moments of peace in mind/ heart/ body etc… are so hard to describe…
It’s like the beauty of the moon and stars on a bright night…
They make you feel part of it all and also very little..
They make you feel calm and excited together.. !
They give you space to breath… and make you hold your breath in respect…
They make emotions and thoughts that move… and in the same time.. make you stand still..and hold you in the moment
It’s the peace which you ‘ll pledge yourself to hold on… but you know that’s just impossible.
Just make sure you’ll hold the memory…to help you whenever you need it. And be grateful..

To be short: wonderful….!”

Other works of Ms Simone Van Hove – Van Der Gaag
Power Of The Heart Is In Loving Everything Imperfect

Do Not Feel Shy To Use A Walking Stick. My True Story


  • samson aseervatham

    You are doing a great service to popularise Ayur-veda the science of life It is a charity for better health it reaches our home and relieve our sickness and mind as well .It should be popularised all over the world

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Thank you!

  • Prakash

    excellent, nourishing.

  • simone van hove

    Every time you post some of my writings somehow i’m surprised with the kind and honest replies. Since we are all human, we all have to find our way in live, … i m glad i’m able to share these things with you..and you do appreciate it. I have learnt a lot from Ayurveda…

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Thank you 🙂 I look forward to more such wonderful works from you. 🙂


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