Burning Sensation – Ayurvedic Understanding And Treatment

burning sensation of body

Article by Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu) Ph.D (Ayu) and Dr Hebbar.
Burning sensation of the body is a characteristic feature in many diseases like Alcoholic intoxication, Diabetes mellitus, Cachexia etc. This is termed as ‘Daha’- in Ayurveda, mainly influenced by increase of Pitta Dosha. 


Causes of burning sensation in body: 
1. Intake of pitta provoking food and drinks
2. Excess intake of alcohol
3. Dry and spicy food
4. Suppression of thirst and hunger
5. Severe emaciating disorders
6. Long lasting illnesses
7. Injury
8. Long term medicinal intake
9. Poisoning
10. Stress
11. In all disorder types wherein Pitta is dominant. For example, in Pittaja Jwara (fever due to imbalanced Pitta).

Origin of burning sensation

Regular intake of causative factors like suppression of thirst, spicy food, alcohol etc lead to collective aggravation of Pitta Dosha in Stomach and then in different body parts. This causes warming / hotness in the body and in turn both internal and external burning is complained by the patient. One of the qualities of Pitta is hotness. So when Pitta is increased, hotness is exhibited more in the body.

General features

Cardinal features of burning sensation
1. Burning all over the body or some specific parts of the body based upon the gradation and site of aggravation of Pitta
2. Excessive thirst (pathological in nature), which is not satisfied by common drinks
3. Disorientation
4. Fatigue etc.

Types, features

Types, features and line of management

Pittaja Daha

All the features are similar to Pittaja Fever; Mouth ulcer, headache, burning sensation in chest, eyes and face. The measures prescribed for Pittaja fever are adopted here.

Madyaja Daha

Madya means alcohol. Excessive consumption of alcohol provoke Pitta due to warm and penetrative qualities (Ushna and Teekshna guna of Madya). As a result, Rasa and Rakta dhatus (nutritional juice and blood) dry up. When this enters the related organs like stomach, liver, spleen etc, it causes burning sensation in chest and stomach.
This is also managed similar to Pittaja Daha.

Raktaja Daha

Hot –spicy and penetrative food and beverages aggravate Rakta Dhatu (blood) and in turn burning and reddish discoloration is caused in the dependent body parts like eyes, tongue, axilla and chest. Severe thirst, coppery complexion, redness of the eyes are the other characteristic features. Metallic smell is felt in the body as well as mouth.
This is managed by cooling therapies.

Trishna nirodhaja daha

(burning due to suppression of thirst)
Constant suppression of thirst aggravates Pitta and in turn it dehydrates the tissues.
Thus it causes burning sensation internally and externally, debility, dryness of the throat, palate, lips and tongue, trembling etc.
This is treated by cold infusions and coolant food and drinks.

Shastra Praharaja Daha

(burning due to injury or effusion of blood in visceral organs)
It produces features described as in the condition of fresh wound.
It is managed by the remedies prescribed under the heading of acute ulcers.

Kshayaja Daha

(burning due to emaciation)
Emaciation of the tissue brings about severe burning sensation accompanying with dryness, thirst, feeble voice, retarded activities etc.
It is managed by Rakta and Pitta pacifying measures.

Kshataja and Marma abhighataja Daha

(burning due to injury to vital area)
When a person is inured and vital organs are affected, ingested food gets mixed with blood (in vital organs) or is accompanied by various agonies and hence internal burning is caused. Unconsciousness, severe thirst and fever are the characteristic features of this condition.
Such a condition is managed by all pitta pacifying measures and with pleasant atmosphere which cools both body and mind.

Single drugs for burning sensation

Single drugs used in treatment of burning sensation:
1. Chandana- Sandalwood- Santalum album
2. Usheera – vittiver – Vittivur zizinoides
3. Shatavari – Asparagus racemosus
4. Karpoora – camphor – Cinnamomum camphora
5. Amalaki – goose berry (amala)- Emblica officinalis
6. Kooshmanda – ash gourd – Benincasa hispida
7. Durva – Cynodon dactylon
8. Kamala – lotus- Nymphea nouchali
9. Draksha – raisins – Vitis vinifera
10. Dhanyaka – Coriander – Coriandrum sativum etc

Ayurvedic medicines

Medicines used in treating burning sensation:
1. Mukta pishti – made from pearl
2. Pravala pishti – made from coral
3. Chandrakala rasa – useful in burning sensation while passing urine, originating in urinary tract.
4. Kamadugha rasa – Useful in treating burning sensation of chest and stomach, associated with gastritis, GERD etc.
5. Usheerasava – wherein Usheera (Cus Cus grass / Vetiver is the main ingredient.). it is very useful in Raktaja Daha – burning sensation associated with bleeding.
6. Sarivadyasava – Sariva is Indian sarsaparilla. It is useful in burning sensation in stomach and urinary bladder.
7. Chandanasava – useful in burning micturition.
8. Gulkhand – made from rose petals. Useful in relieving burning sensation associated with excessive thirst and gastritis.
9. Shatavari lehya
10. Shatavaryadi choorna
11. Amalaki rasayana made from amla

Yogas From sahasra Yoga Text Book
Pitta Jvarahara Kashaya
Vatapitta Jvarahara Kashaya
Trishnahara Kashaya
Tiktaka Ghrita
Maha Tiktaka Ghrita
Aranaladi Taila
Candanadi Taila
Sitopaladi Choorna
Chinchadi Lehyam
Brahmi Drakshadi Kashaya
Hriberadi Kashaya
Mudgadi Kashaya
Trayantyadi Kashaya
Amritaprasa Ghrita
Karaskara Ghrita

Unwholesome diet and habits

1. Madya (alcohol)
2. Hingu (asa foetida)
3. Lashuna (garlic)
4. Katu rasa (pungent substances)
5. Lavana rasa (salts)
6. Krodha (anger)
7. Vyayama (heavy exercise)
8. Viruddha hara (incompatible food stuff)
9. Atapa (exertion in sunshine) etc.

According to Yogaratnakara

Exercise, exposure to sunlight, buttermilk, betel chewing, honey, asafetida, sexual intercourse, pungent and bitter foods, foods that are hot in nature etc.

Wholesome diet and habits

1. Purana shali (old rice)
2. Shashtika shali (red rice)
3. Draksha (raisins)
4. Amalaki (amla)
5. Ksheera (cow’s milk)
6. Mudga (green gram)
7. Kadali (banana)
8. Tikta dravya (bitter substance)
9. Sheeta dravya (herbs of cold potency)
10. Cold water bath.
11. Intake of Pitta balancing diet

According to Yogaratnakara

Red rice, rice harvested in sixty days, green gram, red lentil, bengal gram, barley, soup of meat of animals living in desert like land scum of parched rice, roasted barley powder, sugar candy, hundred times washed ghee, milk, butter, pumpkin, snake cucumber, banana, jackfruit, sweet pomegranate, pointed gord, dates, bottle gourd, ivy gourd, grapes, deer grass etc.

Even though Daha (burning) is a common feature in people with Pitta body type and summer seasons, it may be found wherever such a condition is manifested due to the aggravation of Pitta. Careful management of burning sensation in its early stage helps to prevent the major Pitta disorders like Visarpa (herpes), Raktapitta (bleeding disorders), Atyartava (menorrhagia), Raktatisara (bloody diarrhoea) etc.

Addition by
Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay)

Best ‘burning sensation relieving decoctions’ from Sahasrayogam

1. Brahmi Drakshadi Kashayam
Ref – Sahasrayogam, Parishishta Prakaranam, 6
Read moreBrahmi Drakshadi Kashayam – Benefits, Dosage, Ingredients, Side Effects

2. Hriberadi Kashayam
Ref – Sahasrayogam, Parishishta Prakaranam, 15

Ingredients Botanical Name Method of using Indications
Hrivera Pavonia odorata The decoction prepared with these ingredients should be served fresh, mixed with honey and sugar 1. Severe bleeding disorders 2. Thirst 3. Burning sensation 4. Fever
Coriander Coriandrum sativum
Ginger Zingiber oficinale
Sandalwood Santalum album
Madhuyashti Glycyrrhiza glabra
Vasa Adhatoda vasica
Ushira Vetiveria zizanioides

3. Mudgadi Kashayam
Ref – Sahasrayogam, Parishishta Prakaranam, 35

Ingredients Botanical Name Method of using Indications
Fried Green gram Vigna radiata The decoction should be served with parched grains, honey and sugar   1. Vomiting 2. Diarrhea 3. Burning sensation 4. Fever

4. Trayantyadi Kashayam
Ref – Sahasrayogam, Parishishta Prakaranam, 111
Read more Trayantadi Kashayam – Benefits, Dose, Side Effects And Ingredients
Method to Use – Served fresh admixed with ghee

5. Gopanganadi Kashayam (Pittajwarahara Kashayam)
Ref – Sahasrayogam, Kashaya Prakaranam, 3
Read more hereGopanganadi Kashayam Benefits, Dosage, Ingredients, Side Effects
Method of Use – This decotion should be served fresh with honey and sugar

6. Drakshadi Kashayam (Vata-Pitta Jwarahara Kashayam)
Ref – Sahasrayogam, Kashaya Prakaranam, 6
Read – Drakshadi Kashayam – Benefits, Dose, Side Effects And Ingredients
Method to Use – Served fresh with honey, sugar and powder of parched grains

7. Sarivadi Kashayam (Trishnahara Kashayam)
Ref – Sahasrayogam, Kashaya Prakaranam, 33b

Ingredients Botanical Name Method of using Indications
Sariva Hemidesmus indicus The decoction prepared with these ingredients should be served fresh 1.Burning sensation 2.Bleeding disorders 3.Thirst 4.Fever  
Ushira Vetiveria zizanioides
Kashmarya Gmelina arborea
Madhooka Madhuca longifolia
Shishira dwaya/ Chandana dwaya Santalum album & Pterocarpus santalinus – white and red types of sandalwood
Licorice Glyzyrrhiza glabra
Parushaka Grewia asiatica

Click to Consult Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ayu) – Skype


  • Bhargav

    Very helpful and informative article. You have mentioned Draksha (Raisins). Is it black or brown? How should it be consumed? I have read about Black Raisins, it should be kept in water overnight and consumed next morning. Is it so? Can these Raisins be chewed and consumed straight away?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Both versions of raisins can be used to calm Pitta as long as they are sweet to taste.
      The way that you have explained is one of the best ways to consume raisins.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Hi, it seems related. Try giving a murabba or a teaspoon of Gulkand a day for a week time. If the symptoms do not improve, then consult an Ayurveda doctor in person.

  • rrindia8

    thanks for info. i have seen many diabetic patient suffer from burning sensation in feet . any remedy for it?

  • Dr.Nagabhushana

    Very helpful and good guidance to sustain normal health

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Thank you!

  • jayanthi

    My grandmaa always feeling very tiredness and fatigue. Chronic burning sensation in stomach since 2year. Please give any suggestions

  • Pratik

    Hello since 2 years im facing many problems like dry skin burning sensetion in whole body weak digestion, i have consult many doctors but no one gave me a proper treAtment pls suggest something ????????

  • Vishwas Sohoni

    I am having burning sensation in my feet and urine since ,4 months I am diabetic patient .I have gone through your suggestions.My sugar level is under control.pl advice and let me know special doctor in Dharwad.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      sent by email.

  • S k kundu

    Sir PL advice good ayurvedic Dr. In Bhilai DURg area of chhattisgarh.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Total Health Ayurvedic And Panchakarma Centre

      Plot 70/ A – 1, Near Krishna Public School, Vidya Vihar Colony, Nehru Nagar, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh 490020, India


  • Hemant

    Dear sir
    I have burning sole especially during night when i sleep and i wake up with pain in the foot..since 2years …All allopathy tests were negative and medicines failed.
    Which type of pitta dosha do I have and what is the medicine or remedy for this problem.

  • Jason

    Good day I read this article am from the west Indies I’ve been getting this burning for a couple weeks now I can’t sleep because of it as I lay down I feel it burning in my arms stomach and back. I had an anxiety attack last year but each doctor I go by they can’t find anything wrong they say anxiety and just gave me sleeping pills. once I don’t sleep I frequently urinate next day and get the burning pinny feelings. I’ve tried everything now this burning is causing insomnia I can’t sleep I sleep like 1 in 3 days can’t seem to get an answer and my body is getting weak help please. Even sleeping pills don’t work anymore help

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    It is sufficient.

  • Rajesh.S

    for how many months is the recommended use

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      2 months.

  • Krish Chandran

    Hello doctor,
    I’ve been having burning sensation in the stomach sometime after meals. What’s the best remedy for this?



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