Do Not Feel Shy To Use A Walking Stick. My True Story

“Actually, I felt for a long time that I’m a healthy young lady in an over-aged body. Accidentally on a rainy day out on a city trip with my brother and his wife, I found out how simple improvement can bring a huge change to health. 

walking stick

I took an umbrella with me, and because I did not want to take care of myself alone, I took a big sized one.
We had a wonderful day together and the weather was nice. So without thinking about it, I used the umbrella as a walking stick. I didn’t get cranky nor exhausted. The next day I spoke about it with my physio-therapist. She advised me to buy a real one and see what it does. She already had diagnosed very weak core stability muscles and tensed muscles in my legs.

I had decided to accept the way I am today. I wasn’t sad to have to use a walking stick at this early age of 38.
I was glad and looked forward to use one.
I was a little bit frightened of the reactions of my family, neighbours and friends.
“what would they say…!”
“would they laugh at me..!”
“would they be shocked..!”

Because having some pride is not wrong, I bought a lovely design with flowers painted all over it. So it was not only functional, but
also stylish. And.. what about the other people?!

If I’m fine with it… they will be fine with it…  one day… 😉

This I found out:

  • I could walk relaxed again instead of, as if in a hurry because it kind of hurts.
  • With walking stick I walk straightened up, so I get more oxygen also.
  • I have much more stability while walking or standing.
  • I have more energy.  After a 15 minutes walk with the dog, I had to rest for one hour.  Since I started using  walking stick,  after getting home, I start house-holding, right away!
  • Before using walking stick, there were so many mornings, I got up and had red eyes. I don’t have them anymore!
  • Since staring using walking stick, I got rid of my morning sickness
  • Every day begins grateful and relaxed, instead of ill, exhausted, irritated.
  • Within one week I started to feel the change in the way I walk. I feel I walk ‘up my legs’ instead of ‘hanging through my hips’

I’m writing this since I noticed that many people who are looking for right health, concentrate on:
sport/yoga/ meditation

It’s not wrong to look for ‘support’ when you need it. It gives structure, helps you grow, helps you be.

There is no shame in using a walking stick or a cervical belt or a lumbar belt support. If it helps you, it is good to use. Go for it.

I was always behaving positive and brave, and am rewarded for it. But fact is, without pain or problems or things to bother, there is no need of being brave. So people who seem really brave have great risks of ignoring their true feelings.., risks of getting traumatised.
I Hope you like this information I share with you. Maybe it will result in more happiness for other people also somehow. “
-Ms Simone Van Hove- Van Der Gaag, Netherlands. Read her inspiring poem – Loving Everything Imperfect




    Encouraging, Good motivation.

    Heeralal A Bohra Jain.

    (FMCG distributors of Baba Ramdev’s patanjali Ayurved Ltd. Haridwar, & Wellness Agro Herbal Juices)

  • Priyanka

    True and inspiring story. A walking stick actually helps a person to walk straight and increases the amount of oxygen. There is no shame in using one. People now days have their opinion that if they use a walking stick then they are getting old early. But if its help you then you should not be worried and use it for your own good.


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